One Day

One Day

A Poem by Solis-Lopez



If there was one day where the world ended

I keep thinking that you would be the first person

That I'd want to go looking for


If I survived the apocalypse

or something even worse than that

If no one else was around

I fee that you'd be the first person I'd think of

The first person I'd hope was still alive


I realize that sounds selfish

Of course I do

I just wish that there would be a situation

That would put me and you in the same place

Because I know that no matter what

Unless there's a reason that you and I are to be together

We will never really get to be together


Such is the fate of two people such as us

The fate of us because we live apart

We will wander for each other

For eternty


Just let me see your face for



© 2008 Solis-Lopez

Author's Note

eh heh heh...felt a bit lonely earlier so i wrote this about a friend of mine...someone i miss and hold dear to my heart

My Review

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This is very heart felt and relitively well written. As I read my mind wandered to the few, special findividuals that I myself hold near and to my heart. Fate is funny thing. It is always present, lingering in the winds that blow in and out of our lives. Often we believe we know when it strikes, yet just when it warms us in its security blanket, the winds change leaving us exposed to lifes dangerous elements. Nicely written. This peice really made me think beyond the monotany of everyday life. Thanks.

Posted 16 Years Ago

Beautifully written, so very poignant

Posted 16 Years Ago

its pretty.... i don't have anybody like that for me, so its like experiencing a new emotion

Posted 16 Years Ago

wow that was just beautiful............i am crying as i write this

Posted 16 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on March 24, 2008
Last Updated on June 20, 2008



Houston, TX

Well it looks like I'm in college, writing and drawing in my spare time. I'm not much of a writer but it gets me going and I like to just sprawl ideas out wherever I am. more..

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A Chapter by Solis-Lopez