great poem. raw and to the point. full of emotion. i liked it. i don't understand what comes from insulting others with such rude words. and whoever calls you a *insert swear word here cuz it feel weird to type it* couldn't be more wrong. you're a great person. just one little note. i didn't quite understand the second to last line
"Like all these things of life"
That didn't quite make sense to me. did you mean "in life" perchance? but great poem nonetheless
I whole heartidly agree with you on this poem. I try live by the gentleman's code mainly for people that I don't know especially well until I get extremely comfortable around them. The fact that people call others a femal dog is dissapointing. Even if it isn't me that's being called the name I personally feel insulted as well, especially if it is a female being called the name. People don't need to use these words and unfortunately they do anyway. Good poem! It got me thinking.
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