What Happened to EricaA Chapter by jessednorman3 The next morning Lisa heard distinct talking from downstairs so she went to go see what it was about. “There she is, Lisa come down here please”. Lisa came downstairs all confused and wondering why the police was at her house. “Lisa, I am detective Simmons, and I was wondering if you knew anything about Erica Peterson”? Mrs. Johnson looked at her daughter with tears in her eyes and sat down, “Honey Erica never came home last night and her mother said that you and Monica were the last ones to have seen her”. Lisa looked startled Freak Show said she had already left the show. Did he lie? What secrets is he hiding? “Monica and I can help you look for her cause I know where we were when we saw her”. Detective Simmons looked at her and said; “okay meet me down at the station and you tell me everything”. Monica came into the house and hugged Lisa. “Why are’t we going to school today why did our parents call the school and said that we need a day off from school”? Lisa looked at Monica with tears in her eyes; “Erica never made it home and this detective came to my house and I told him we would take him to where we were last with Erica”. Monica looked at Lisa and scoffed; “There is no way I am going back to that place I mean that ringleader dude was creepy.Besides how do we know he did’t abduct Erica”? “That’s what we’re going to figure out why he said she went home when she did’t”. Detective Simmons and the girl pulled up to the carnival grounds. “This is where we were last night with Erica I don’t know what happened”. The grounds keeper walked up and looked at them. “You are doomed you should’t be here he does’t like people on his grounds. You will suffer just like your friend”. The Detective went up to the grounds keeper and shook his hand. “I am Detective Simmons and I’m here to find out where a young lady by the name of Erica Peterson disappeared to”. “My name is Mr. Paulsen and I am the grounds keeper here. Every night the carnival opens to pull victims into his trap”. “Who is he that you are referring to”? Freak Show came on the seen and then Mr. Paulsen walked away. “May I help you, wait you’re the girls from last night did you’re friend ever make it home alright”? “No sir that’s what we’re here for we were wondering if you seen her”? Freak Show looked at the detective. “No I’m afraid I haven’t but these girls told me that they were worried about getting home so I pointed them to the nearest bus stop last night”. “You are lying”, screamed Lisa as she tried going towards Freak Show. “Lisa calm down. Are you alright”? “Come on girls we better get back to the station and file a report”. Freak Show looked at them as they left then went into the tent where Erica was held hostage. “Hello Erica, feeling comfortable”? Erica let out a muffled screamed and tears were rolling down her face. “Don’t worry your little friends will be joining you soon my dear, in the mean time Carlotta, I need you to take care of a pest for me. Mr. Paulsen was busy sweeping his porch when a flock of evil crows came and attacked him. They pecked out his eyes and ate him. There was nothing but a decayed corpse of Mr. Paulsen. Later back at the s’.tation Lisa sat there in a daze. “Lisa, are you okay”, asked Monica. “Lisa it will be alright we will find Erica”. Chris came up to Lisa; “Lisa I heard what happen to Erica. I’m so sorry, are you alright”? Lisa looked at him, “I’m fine I’m just tired can you take me home”? That night Mr. Johnson turned the TV and there was the report about Erica’s disappearance:”PARDON THIS INTERUPTION WE BRING YOU SPECIAL REPORT OF A DISAPPEARANCE OF A 18 YEAR OLD FEMALE BY THE NAME OF ERICA PETERSON. SHE WAS LAST SEEN WITH HER FRIENDS AT A CIRCUS. IF YOU SEE THIS GIRL PLEASE CALL OUR HOTLINE THANK YOU”. “I hope they find her soon”, said Mrs. Johnson as she was making dinner. Lisa just sat there in a daze thinking about Freak Show. Later that evening in Freak Show’s big tent he was sitting at his table looking at his tarot cards. The tall man on stilts walked up to Freak Show, “Master, they made reports of the missing girl. What are we going to do”? Freak Show got up from his table and went to the tall man. “Let me deal with it, those kids are on to me and I got to make sure they don’t find the girl. I predict those kids would come for help from Mr. Paulsen but, I left a little surprise for them”, he said with an evil chuckle. “I’ll give you the signal when those kids get to the house, but in the mean time take me to the girl”. Freak Show came into the tent where Erica was tied to a chair. “Keep screaming no one will be able to hear you my dear. Your friends just won’t give up will they? That’s okay though because they will be joining you if they keep snooping around here”. The next morning Lisa barely ate her breakfast all she kept thinking about was if Erica was still alive. Her mother came into the kitchen,”Honey you got to eat something or you’ll starve to death, and quit worrying about Erica I’m sure she’ll show up”. Lisa met up with Chris and Monica. “Have you heard they canceled school today because everybody’s freaked out over the news of Erica’s absence”,said Monica. “I want to go back, I want to talk to this Mr. Paulsen guy because he seems to know what’s going on”. Monica and Chris looked at each other then to Lisa. “Lisa are you sure, I mean the guy seemed like a total psycho the way he kept mumbling how we were doomed for being on the carnival grounds”. Lisa looked at them both; “Yeah, but he seemed like he was nervous that he shouldn’t be saying anything when Freak show showed up so that proves that Freak Show must be hiding something”. © 2012 jessednorman |
Added on October 11, 2012 Last Updated on October 11, 2012 Author