I had an idea to do this but now that I'm tring it just all stopped my thoughts have cleared quickly, maybe if I was a faster typer i could keep up with the speed of my thoughts frozen that's what this is i really have ost insperation sometimes i wonder if insperation is like a frozen river it never thaws just siting there undesturbed by anything growing in a little pool that we call our head rivers are pretty right people wright about them being still and beutifull i've always wanted to break there silence by thrusting myself into them yes this would kill me but so would trusting myself off of a building i would be on the side walk some kid comes by and pokes me with a stick F off kid i'm dead i don't have to deal with people like you why do you people bother to deal with dead people like me anyway when i was soaring down from this building i realised that the sky is cruel it looks down on us we can't go above it space isn't a different area it's still the sky we ar below it people are around me i can't be myself the clicking of this keyboard makes the room feel more crowded rivers keyboards valcanos my mind makes conection between all of them why my mind works at such rapid pace i have no clue thoughts blink forever they never die being calm is imposible rapid motion is intoxicating the speed it grabs you and you are to slow to escape it goes on and on and on and on till boom one day my head will explode and all these thoughts will leak out and be splatered out with my body i just jumped off a building again that's not a good sign it's not a bad sign either for i have always wanted to fall into darkness darkness isn't death just solidtude for those of us who have had shaky lifes we need something to grasp that won't let anything in.