![]() Dowsing for and with QI or CHI.A Chapter by Bryan. J. C. Courtney![]() Dowsing for and with QI. Normally spelled CHI.![]() Dowsing for and with QI or CHI. Dowsing for and with QI. Normally spelled CHI. is basically a form of dowsing that uses basic Taoism and the naturally energy flow of all living and flowing things! QI. or CHI. Is a both a Spiritual and natural Life Force, given that in Taoisim the flow of the universe, or the force behind all natural order! Taoism is believed to be the influence that keeps the universe balanced and brings order to all forms of Life and Harmony, thus the the essential energy of action and existence, or cause and given effect that allows both Negativity and Postivity to work together like pair of natural weighing scales, thus balanced in harmony and natrual alignment and flow of energy! Given that Dowsing and Feng Shui are both forms of natrual Envioromental Earth Science that brings both the universe and the Worlds some total of Historical past, from the moment of original conception the Big Bang! From that moment when the Molacula structure that forms the natural construction and fabric of the Planet we call the Earth was originally formed, from the Electrical structure of natural energy to the actual building blocks of all solid and Organic matter to the Air and Sea, evan the Rocks and structure that lies beneath us all! All living Life is made up from the Atoms and molicules that formed our World, the Sum total of all mass and actual nucular Weight and structure of our Universe is still the same as when the moment of the Explosion Anti matter and Matter collided to form every thing we see, eat and breath, all that naturaly happens over and over again is the natural absorption and reconstruction of all that was to all that will be! The Earth and everything on it is made up of a large amount of electrical energy that leaves track after track of electrical flow that acts like a giant Recording Studio placeing and laying down the sum total of the Historical and actual passing of a moment of soon forgotten passing of Time and Motion! Given that a Dowser and the basic tools they may use, once put in harmony and flow and aloud to interact as one with the dowsers own Mind Body and Spirit, will be able to receive and transmite both the electrical impuses and energy flow, even the dowsers thoughts and hidden desire to seek out and perhaps search for a given chosen target or object, evan perhaps the positive and negativity found around us, that as time goes by will be added to the sum total of both the Earths and perhaps our own Historical past! From every action there must be a opposite action, from cause and efect to Positive and Negative, sadly such action will dramaticly effect the Natrual QI or ChI. And the natrual flow of all living things, perhaps also in a more abstract form and way, the Ground, Air, Sea and Sky will also be put out of Harmony and the natural flow of Balance that basicaly all Mankind seek to find! Over the last 20 years Spirit and perhaps Fate has forced me to explore all aspects of the Positive and also Negative flow that daily surrounds us all, but in my case my normality is more a form of Extremes of Postive and Negative Harmony, from Pain and Life threating Illhealth that has been my way of natrual living since my Birth in 1952. To the actual moment of the thought behind this text Written some 23. Hours after the 20th. Year since my Kidney Transplant that I was given on the 14th. July 1987. For me a portal of thought has opened like a blinding flash of Lighting bringing both new clarity and understanding that has acted as a key that has self enableing me to look at the World and everything around it in a more abstract positive way! Life for all is a natural journey of self transformation, both a past and preset lessons that will give as many questions as there are answers! It is also a Preset test that has No Winners or Losers, for if you seem to fail, Fate will at a time and place allow you the means to take the test again and again, untill you gain the understand that will selfenable you to explore and hopefuly learn even more! A more Human form of Geomancy is QI or ChI. That at times will bring forth the Human need to find both Spiritual and Enviromental Harmony, thus bring about a formation of both action and posotive (-). Thought that will allow you to put in place to a new foundation of both Spiritual thought and Emotional Strength and understanding! Everything has a beginning and an ending but in QI or ChI. There is a actual formation of a beginning never ending natrual chain of events, for like a Giant Dragon that is for ever chasing His or Hers tail, a form of Ying and Yang takes place that allows aposing and conflicting elements of energy, even Cosmic flow to take place, thus producing a never ending cycle called the sum total of the Earths Historical Past to a Present and the formation of all new foundation! With the above in mind the Dowser can interact with sum total of all our past in a way that allows them to dowse and search to find a means to help or heal and evan alter a hidden invisable energy flows that souround our World, by using the basic foundation of original construction of Taoist formula of Inner Spiritual and Enviromental Harmony that controls and interacts with the natrual energy flow of all living and flowing things, the dowser can more and will interact with principles that govern the natural evolution of all that we take daily take for granted ? Dowsing and QI or ChI. Must be seen as a Earth Healing tool of both Social interaction and the Natrual Evolution of Cause and effect, the Dowser thus if they feel able and more than willing to self atune themselves to the many Harmonic Colours and even Electrical Waves and flows of the Earths natural ebb and Flow! Given that for me this a new Cycle of my never ending lives journey I personally call my Karmic Life, and the natural nature of Dowsing and Feng Shui and even Modern Geomancy, it feels for me extremely hard to think about or even share with you today the many kind of things you might Dowse and using the principles behind the original perception of QI. spelt CHI. The possibilities are boundless thus it that the choice is totally yours to make? From the Dowsing Tools you wish to use or if you feel able Evan make, to the aspect of Life or hidden environment, both past to present you wish to explore! Given that the use and understanding of both Taoist thought and the Spirtual the actual use of QI. or CHI. In my daily life is more than some what new, all I can say for now is that my Journey or calling, a Karmic pathway awaiting me to self explore has perhaps only just begun! For it is not what I can do or how I personally interact with all the given principles of Geomancy and Dowsing, Feng Shui and Evan Taoism and QI. spelt CHI. The hidden truth and my personal Interaction will for me totally be all the same! The form of understanding about Life and how it interacts with a Dowser will be extremely different for all, Your understanding and not mine is all that matters, it is thus my wish to share with all an abstract form of Dowsing, I do not wish to actually teach others how to Dowse, for we of Human kind are all naturally Born too Dowse and interact with the World around, I try to act as a guide that if asked and self enabled will help others find the means to see what has been placed before them to explore and dowse for? Dowsing is both a tool and a natural Divination and interaction of the Dowsers Mind Body and Spirit, Dowsing tools in truth can be made from just about anything that can be made to naturally swing, from to and throw, backwards and forwards, perhaps around and around in Circles, all that is needed is for a Dowser to learn how to command and control the Tools they wish to interact and dowse with, but before you can do this, it best you learn and accept that Dowsing comes naturally from within us all, a natural expression of actual Electrical interaction and energy that interacts with both the Dowsing tools used and the Dowser, and all that can be perceived and seen around them! Getting back to the kind of things you could or can dowse for using both Taoism and QI. spelt CHI. As a personal foundation of both thought and action, from the natural positive and even negativity that basically makes up the fabric of everything you can perhaps hear, see and breathe, given that both Taoism and QI. or CHI. Are a natural way of personal thought and inner harmony, you could use both the understanding of the above and the actual act of dowsing to heal hidden aspects of the Earth that we some times find when we dowse and search around and a about for! From Healing of the Human Mind and Spirit and perhaps the inner action of someone daily health, the ground bellow some times needs our help, for Mankind can and does use and abuse the trust Mother Earth placed and given us all, a Gift of Love and never ending chance to change, From the damaged natural flow of energy lines, perhaps Ley lines and other forms natural Earthly flow, to the negative action of others who daily leave a trail of soon long forgotten recorded track of Historical fact, laid deep within our Earth awaiting a time and place for someone, perhaps you to dowse and explore for, awaiting you to find! I personally feel that dowsing for QI. spelt CHI. Is a natural progression of all actual dowsing understand, and both the needs of the perhaps also of Mother Earth, so to all you budding dowsers and of course the souls who for many a year or two have explored with dowsing as a key of both Spiritual understanding and a method to totally interact with the natural World around them! I must now close my some what artistic and extremely artistic and dyslexic thoughts and words, but before I do I feel it best perhaps to say to you both thank you and also a word or two about personal the interaction of a Spiritual kind, that if absorbed will I think flow so naturally within your blood that like breathing will I hope become just something your body and minds automatically with out a direct thought or desire, become a daily reality and not just a unreachable task or dream, for allowing it to happen can make a difference to your daily lives and in doing so play your part in saving our Home and our Planet we call Mother Earth our World! For it not just turning off or on the power switch that controls your life, or the Elictricty that we daily use and find so usfull, nor the Water we Drink and use, the hidden powerthat comes from within us all, and all the useful things that control our homes and perhaps also daily run our home, to the amount of waste and rubbish and garbbage we daily throw away, think big and long about the future of the Souls that will follow us when we each of us pass through the portals and doorways that lead to the devine guiding light some call Heaven and others who clearly can not tell, perhaps call Hell! You are only a part time visitor and your stay upon this Planet will be as long or as short an fate will allow or decrea, so do not just destroy or damage the land you call your home, make a difference and look again I say and become one of Spirits natural magical helpers. Follow the guideing light and join the fellowship Mankind and just accept that we all Born as one, from one soul to multitude of ever growing living humanity, live proud, live clean and in a natural ballanced harmony. make the World a better place for all that has yet to become, and all that has yet to walk the World around, live in Peace with the World around, but remember to be kind to your self and be more personally self forgiveing, for we all make silly errors if not great big mistakes, and that my friend is all that your life is truly about, a self learning lesson and acceptance of forgiveness and Love! All I now can say to you and also to everyone who have taken time to read my words my some what dsylexic thoughts and written text, is just thank you! Go with the Flow and learn as you explore and grow, Go with the Flow and let the World around you share a thought, perhaps much much more with all that ask! © 2008 Bryan. J. C. Courtney |
Added on April 1, 2008 Author![]() Bryan. J. C. CourtneyUnited KingdomAboutMiracles do happen! On the 1987. At around 3-00 Pm I found myself recovering from a Kidney Transplant Operation that had used a Epidural Anastasia, Given that I was conscious through out this experien.. more..Writing