![]() Pendulum Dowsing!A Chapter by Bryan. J. C. Courtney![]() Dowsing with Pendulum & Dowsing Question & Answer Mat!![]()
Dowsing with Pendulum & Dowsing Question & Answer Mat!
Before you can actively use a Question and Answer Dowsing Mat it is best that a Dowser learns the basic commands and controls function of interaction and control that will self enable the dowser to interact with both the tools they have decided to use and the aspect of dowsing they wish to search and explore but before this can begin I would advice that the budding dowser learns how to interact with a dowsing pendulum before exploring other forms of dowsing. I have written bellow some of the basic commands and understanding that self enable me to interact and dowse, the rules that I have learned to use are basically the same for all kinds and styles of dowsing, but before you can start you must learn the basic rules of self belief in that you are able to dowse, for without this you will never be able to dowse, remember to always ask for permission before you start to dowse, and never dowse someone else without first asking them for permission, for not to do so will brake the ethical bond that all True Dowsers cherish and hold so dear. ________________________________________________ Dowsing Pendulum can be found in many forms; simply pendulums in general are any object that when suspended by a cord or chain can be made to swing freely back and forth. It does not matter what form of pendulum you use to dowse with as the rules that govern the control and usage are one of the same. Pendulum Dowsing is thus the interaction of the Human mind and Body with the swinging Pendulum. When a Dowser uses a Pendulum, they self empower themselves to command then channel the pendulum to interact with all that can be found around them? From the surrounding Earth magnetic energy field, to all solid and soft tissue material in a way that directs and guides the user to explore whatever task they have set the pendulum to perform. Command and access. Firstly, you need to be either sitting or standing in a comfortable and upright fashion, feeling relaxed and free of all thoughts other than the pendulum you are about to with and use to access and command. When you feel happy and able please take the pendulum in the hand you desire to use, this will depend on which hand you would normally write with or what hand you would feel most comfortable to use. When you have the pendulum lightly cushioned in the palm of your open hand please take the end of the cord or chain the pendulum is attached to between the fore finger and thumb of the hand you desire to dowse with, now when you feel you have a firm grasp of the cord or chain let the pendulum freely swing till its finds its own natural neutral level of static motion. You now have the pendulum in the first command mode, what you will need to do next is to load the pendulum not unlike downloading information to a modern day computer, you must load the pendulum with direct commands and actions you wish it to perform each time you pendulum dowse. You now need to direct your pendulum to form four aspects of the command mode, to form a counter clockwise and then clockwise circle motion, to the back words and forward and left to right motion (See image of all possible aspects of swing and motion). The next aspect you need to explore is to load and command your pendulum to enable, and then lock into Preloaded modes of command. You must assign the pendulum to perform agreed aspects of motion and swing, when you view the above image you can personally assign the direction of YES and NO. Once you have decided in what direction you wish the pendulum to form the Yes and No answer you can form such an image in your minds eye and ask the pendulum to lock on to each aspect of swing and command, now if and when you feel able to think of a Yes and No question you already know the answer too, ask the pendulum to lock into and form a positive command and load circle then ask it to scan the yes and no cross and flow and answer to your question! If you find the answer to your question was not as desired do not feel down hearted as even though I have been dowsing using pendulums for over 17 years, I still at times get it wrong so do try again using a different question and with practice and time you will find the pendulum will flow in such a way as to direct you to explore and hopefully find the answers you may desire! ___________________________________________________ What comes next! Well that is up to you alone to decide, but it is best to accept that Dowsing as a whole must be used as a tool of directional understanding and not as an excepted rule of common law, it is a tool of Divination to use and explore with perhaps to confirm aspects of understanding that may be hidden from direct view, Dowsing thus is the access to the great wide web of Geomagnetic energy that flows all around, from every form of living thing past and present to the actual compassion of matter, given that the some total of the Worlds actual energy is exactly the same as when it was first formed, all that is different is how that cell of cosmic Earth matter changes as it is absorbed and flows to become something completely different, thus from living tissues to the actual rock and earth we see around us holds within itself a hidden secret, this secret can at times be explored and examined in such a way as to be even seen, thus in the actual action of dowsing what happens is that the set of Rods or Pendulum, Wand or Dowsing forks or what ever other form of dowsing you wish to use can act like a visual meter that signals and guides the user to understand in part what has been placed before them to explore. Yes and No Pendulum Practice Dowsing Sheet. Try practicing and loading your pendulum using this sheet, once you have programmed your pendulum to interact with the Yes and No Question and Answer format you can if you wish program other aspects and commands, assigning perhaps aspect of answer like Unable to answer, Try again or Rephrase the Question in a form that will allow an answer. ___________________________________________________ How to Dows and search for Numerical Alphabetical Day Month by using a Yes and No Dowsing mat. Once you gave mastered the control of the given aspects of basic Yes and No Dowsing for Question and answers it is then possible to use the free flowing action of the Dowsing Pendulum to interact with other aspects of Dowsing for hidden answers, it is thus possible to directly Dows and searches for other hidden aspects such Time Day Month and Year of a Persons Birth; perhaps also build up a direct picture of a persons birth name by dowsing for Alphabetical and Month and time day and year listings. To do this all you need to use is the basic Dowsing for Yes and No Motions using a Dowsing pendulum to find the answer to each given Question. Example I was born on 27/09/1952. Given that my day date of Birth was 27 day of the month So to find the actual date of a persons birth you first must dowse for a Numerical set of numbers, firstly locking on to the actual Day of the month by dowsing for the first set of numbers in the range of numbers 0 to 10 to find the fist part of the day number you must dowse each separate number and ask the basic Yes and No Question, then once the pendulum locks on to and gives a positive number write this number down, next you must dowse and ask the next aspect question of is there more than one set of day date numbers if so you must repeat and search for a second number in the scale of 1 to 10. Hopefully if you have dowsed for your own day of the Month of Birth you will by following the above dowsed and been given the correct answer, in my case it was the 27 day of the month. To find the actual month you have two separate ways to dowse and chose from, firstly you could write a list of the actual named 12 Months or you can dowse in a scale of numbers 1 to 12. To dowse for the actually Month all you need to do is basically dowse what ever form our month list may take and ask the question yes or No to each named Month or named Month number, given I was born in the 09 Month of the Year September, Hopefully if you have dowsed to find your own Birth day date and month you will have been given the correct answer, my own day date and month of birth being 27th. September. To find the actual year of birth you will need to conduct 4 separate year number searches the first to find out if the date of birth is before the date prefix AD and BC. (BC. Before Christ and AD. After Death). Given we are now in the years of 2005 and beyond you will need to conduct 3 separate dowsing searches the first to find the first date prefix, thus dowsing within the numbers 0 to 20 then once you have found that you must dowse within the set numbers of 0 to 10 again and hopefully you will have if were dowsing with the years 1900 and 2000 have ether found the year prefix number of 19 or 20. Given I was born on 27th. September and within the year dates 0 to 1900. Thus 27th.09.19. To find the actual last aspect of date you need to dowse twice more within the set numbers 0 and 9 and given I was born in the year 1952 with a total Date of my actual being 27th. 09. 1952. Hopefully you will have found the exact date of Birth if not I personally would not worry as I still find at times that I can not actually get it right 100% of the time and with any newfound ability or skill I can take time to actually tune into and gain the full use and understanding of actually usage! Time of an event or actual Birth time. To find the actual time of a event or someone time of Birth you will need to complete 5 separate searches the first to find if the event times happened either Am. meaning early Morning to 12 midday or Pm. meaning midday to midnight, you thus just need to dowse the Yes and No question. To find the actual time in hours and minutes you will need to make 5 separate dowsing searches the first to find an actual hour of time, given that you will have already dowsed and found if the time is Am or Pm this will narrow the exact time range thus you first dowse within the rage of set time number 01 to 12 Am or 01 to 12 Pm. Given that an actual time unit of a minute is broken up into 60 minutes to each set hour you will need first to dowse within the Minute number 0 to 6. Then again to find the second unit of minute time within set units of 0 to 10 to find the actual minute time of hour. It is also if you wish to dowse and search for the actual time of a given second of a hour of time give or take perhaps plus or minus a few given seconds, to do this all you would need to dowse for is two separate second numbers within the number range of to 60 given seconds of actual time. Thus my actual known Birth time is 08-00. Plus or minus 60. Seconds on the 27th. September 1952. I hope you have found the above information for dowsing of use and of good merit, I have personally designed a set of Dowsing for question and answer mats, my latest version being a Alphabetical Numerical Directional Time Day, Date and Month Directional Question and direct answer mat that allows the user to search and find many interesting aspects, from perhaps a Persons Birth name to the time day and month of perhaps someone actual date of birth. If you have already bought one of my Dowsing mats the above instruction on aspects of dowsing with Pendulum and dowsing mat should bring to you a greater and broader understanding of aspects and basic using of pendulum dowsing, given that in all forms of dowsing the basic rules are to be found the same, from self empowerment of the dowser and the dowsing tool, to the use of basic commands and control of self Empowerment of Yes and No. It is my wish that in learning how to use the agreed rules of basic pendulum dowsing you will find many new doors to open and explore, many new uncharted roads to find and map! © 2008 Bryan. J. C. CourtneyAuthor's Note
Added on April 1, 2008 Author![]() Bryan. J. C. CourtneyUnited KingdomAboutMiracles do happen! On the 1987. At around 3-00 Pm I found myself recovering from a Kidney Transplant Operation that had used a Epidural Anastasia, Given that I was conscious through out this experien.. more..Writing