Hi,first of all have you ever thought of what they mean by "True Love",do you even beleive that it exist?I usually hear these words "He is handsome and Hot"/"She is beautiful and Hot".
What?you think hot is made with love?no dear that is just a physical appearence,It is not written that the inside is rotten as 3days food left-overs.It comes to mind that 60% of people get in a relationship either for looks or money.
Two evil things you need to be careful of,looks and money.Yeah only those mentally challenged people couldn't feel love because they don't know what it is.Do you beleive in fate?Cause I used to beleive in it Until two seconds ago when I realised that fate is just a story meant to be told.
How amused would you be if you find out that there is no love in your relationship,not from you nor your patner.It is to be told with a meaning that love is hard to find when you are going the wrong direction.
So you say you've been hurt over and over again,would you ask yourself why?Well maybe you should tell your fate as it is and stop fantacy.Prince Charming,ever wondered what he looked/looks like?
There is love right infront of your doorstep,you are just too blind or looking for someone who does not exist.when your heart feels it,there is no reason to deny it no matter the situation.You are beatiful and you have everything you wanted but you still feel like everyone is using you.
Right now I'm knocking on your door but you do not open because I'm not what you were expecting.It is only a matter of time until you realise that I'm you last chance to beat your loneliness.Now you open the door and realise that I left long ago.
Not only did I leave but I left because I heard a fleet along the road and recognised it from somewhere,it was not just a fleet but a fleet of love,something I need to hear for a long time.
Are you with him/her because of your desire or your heart's desire.You know you have to follow your heart because it is in control of your feelings.
Impressions,who are you really impressing,your friends or colleagues or family.Have you thought of impressing yourself or atleast your heart.
Type,not your type,like really?What are you some top class who owns a heart requiring many security checks.Love is everyone's desire so "Not your type" won't really give you love.Anyway who is your type and is there love in your type?
Dating someone who is not desired by your heart is double-crossing your heart and that means trouble cause your heart is gonna hurt you real bad.The next thing you are crying of heart-broken while the heart is perfectly fine but you are hurt real bad.
What?did you see love in her/him or you were just giving someone a reason to say "I told you so" which makes the matter worse.
I love you and you love me but we can't be together because there are people you want to laugh with,not being laugh at.What if you could laugh at me or I could laugh at you or we could share the laughter with everyone who knows what happiness is.
We could be happy together if we stopped and started focusing on what we want but by the time you realise that it will be too late you will be stuck with lonelines.
You made a reservation of the special table on his/her heart but couldn't get there in time someone came and took that special table and now it will be reserved forever when it was meant for you.
You think you are hurting me but you not cause I'm dodging your target and you only realise that they are reverting back to you.You are only hurting yourself.