

A Poem by thatemogirl16

These are just my thoughts on family

Trying to impress you,
not so easy.
Whether it be my grades, my choices, my life,
you're always disappointed.
The role as a parent is to LOVE the child or children that you have.
Do you follow the rules?

School is a struggle
and you know that.
I tell you everyday something that I have accomplished,
like I got a B on my test
or I got a hundred on my project,
but what do you ask?
"Do you have a A in that class yet?"
"No, but I'm really close."
"Then get an A."

Very supportive, aren't you, Father.
Father's protect their children,
very protective of their daughters at the very least.
You've acted that way toward your first two daughters,
but what about me?
I may still be in high school and not in college like the others.
I may be on the verge of failing a class.
They might be in the best college in the state.
They might be getting all A's.
Well f**k them and pay attention to me for once.

I miss the times when we would all play a game as a family.
We're not a family anymore,
with the other two gone for college, 
you always in the yard focusing on the greeness of the earth's floor,
and Mother always working not getting a break from work.
You've never once wondered where I am.
I'm usually in my room listening to music to kill the pain
or i'm in the basement playing othello, battleship, and checkers by myself.

That may sound hard, but it's not anymore.
I've been doing this for years.
No one seems to care for my well being in this f*****g family.
People always ask
"Why don't you like your family?"
"Why don't you talk about your family?"
"How come you don't listen to your parents?"
Do you guys want to know why?

I don't like my family because they're b*****s.
One gives me attitude every single time she's home and that's rare.
Another is always working or is fooling around with her boyfriend.
My Father only gives me lectures on my grades, my life, and my choices.
My mother barely talks to be because she's a workaholic.

I don't talk to my family because I slowly built a brick wall.
I first didn't build it with cement.
I built it with my heart,
hoping someone would punch through and fix the broken.
This wall can't be broken down by anyone,
not even if I want to open up,
i can't.
You can only reach me by being my Romeo and climb over the wall
to tell me that you love me and care for me.

Why don't I listen to my parents?
Simple, they never listen to me.
Every time I tell them something happy,
they blow me off like I'm a homeless guy looking for a dollar from a stranger.
Every time I try to blow them off,
they get mad.
Family is fucked up,
at least mine is.

The definition of family,
a social unit consisting of one or more adults together with the children they care for.
This is how the dictionary defines it.
They obviously didn't think about the families life mine that are broken and fucked up.
Just like mine.
I'm done.

Do you want to know the reason why i'm done?
It's because I've tried and I've tried and I've tried,
but no one seems to care about me under this roof.
This roof of a teenage girl with all of her heart
and no one can find them
because the others,
they are stepping on them as we speak,
without even realizing
that their sister or daughter
is lying in her room,
with the music turned all the way up,
screaming her voice away,
her problems away,
letting her brain go numb,
so that she can continue her life
without feeling any pain,
so that when she gets older,
she won't care if she gets told
"Your mother passed away."
"You father has cancer."
"Your oldest sister is getting married."
"Your older sister is having a baby."

I honestly don't give a f**k anymore.

© 2015 thatemogirl16

Author's Note

This was just on the top of my head
sorry if it's bad, i just write these to get all of my thoughts out of my head and on to paper instead

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I can relate to this poem 100%. I can guarantee you I like my own family no more than you like yours, but its that pain that helped you put out this piece. Keep it up, regardless. :)

Posted 10 Years Ago

I think this is an excellent poem! It makes me feel fortunate to have the family I do, but I can relate to this poem because my best friend is going through something like this.

Posted 10 Years Ago

This isn't bad at all. It's splendid, to be honest with you. It's scary of how much I am able to relate to this one. I feel my parents care more about both of m younger sisters more than they could ever care about me (one is 4 and the other sister is 22, my age). Anyway, all my siblings are adopted (I also have an older brother who's 27). My mom is also a workshlic and always seems to come home to b***h at me or just ignore me. My dad and I get along pretty well. The sister who's my age is stuck up, high maintinence and basically thinks she has a right to act like the boss and treats nearly everyone around her like the dirt under her feet. She just recently went off to graduate school and my mom has been calling all our relatives and telling them how proud she is of my sister and all that stuff. As for me, my mom doesn't seem to care. She wishes I was smart like my sister and made good choices, but there's no way. So I don't even try to impress her anymore. I try to focus on me and keeping myself at a steady, okay level. I'm just me trying to make it through each day. I really loved this though!

Posted 10 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on May 21, 2014
Last Updated on August 4, 2015
Tags: family, family life is fucked up, screaming the pain away



Louisville, KY

~Don't give a f**k about reality ~17 years old ~Love music and drawing ~play piano and viola ~BvB, PTV, AA, SS, BMTH, Framing Hanley, Three Days Grace ~Otaku more..
