Chapter 6 PART 2

Chapter 6 PART 2

A Chapter by werejustcountrygirls

Chapter 6 Part 2
Matt's POV
I climbed out of the truck and slammed the door closed.  "Matt?" my mother called from the house, "are you alright?"  I nodded.  "Yeah mom, why?"  "You slammed the door."  I winced, forgetting that sometimes I could be a little forceful on things.  My mom smiled and took the bag from me.  "Is Mrs Miller gone?" I asked, walking into the house and pulling off my boots and jacket.  "Yes, she left so she coEuld go check on things at her house... Have you and Tessa been hanging out together?"  I chuckled slightly.  "Well, if you can call it that.  She seems to like me one minute and resent me another.  I think it's just PMS."  My mom whacked me lightly with a dishtowel, sendig both of us into small laughing fits.   "Now Matthew Strauss, she is a teenage girl who maybe just isn't interested in a boyfriend."  "I don't want her as my girlfriend, mom, I want to figure her out."  My mom shook her head and gave me a curious look.  "Now how do you plan on doing that?"  "I don't know... But I'm gonna find out."  That's exactly what I planned on doing.

Tessa's POV
I drove past a blur of stores, not really paying attention to anything on the road.  I will not think about it.  I will not think about it.  Maybe if I keep telling myself that, it'll be true._______________________________________________                                                I decided that I needed a friends night.  Normally this consists of me asking my mom if I can invite Meghan and Bryon over.  Then she'll tell me that her and I can havebjust as much fun baking cookies.  My mother is an angel.  But I'm going to ask her anyway.   I stomped in the front door, pulling my boots off and taking off my jacket.     "Mom! " I yelled through the house.  She waltzed in, wearing her PSU sweatshirt and black leggings.  I sighed.   "Mother, why can't you dress like a normal forty-year-old?" I asked her.  She gasped, thoroughly disgusted at the thought.   "And lose this chic clothing? I don't think so, chiquita."   "Mom," I groaned, letting the o echo, "please no Spanglish! That's for Meghan and I."   My mom laughed and said, "what did you need?"   "Can Meghan and Bryon come over please?"   My mother gave me the look.  Not that "I Love You" look or the "Oh Tessie you brighten my day" look, the look.  The one that says overmydeadbodywillyoueverhaveaboyinyourroom look.  It's also quite often used to respond to anything as um no.   I gave her a pleading look.  "Please! You've known Bruon since we went to pre-k together!"  My dad came in at this exact moment, obviously overhearing the conversation at hand.   "She's growing up, Michelle," he told mom, "I think she is mature enough to have a boy in her room.  And, I think we should be more trusting."   A flash went off in my head and my mom's eyes.  She turned and faced dad with the look.  I turned and faced him ILoveYouDaddy!  He chuckled at both of our expressions.   Sensing that the conversation was no longer between my mom and I, I grabbed my cell phone to make the calls._______________________________________________________________________________"The holidays are so hectic!" Bryon exclaimed, throwing himself on my butterfly chair.     I laughed and said, "well, I see someone enjoyed shopping with their mom and sister."  He shot me a dirty look.   "My mom said it would be 'good for the family' if we all got out and spent some 'quality time' together.  I didn't know that meant shopping at chick stores.  And what do ya know? Dad bailed on us again."   I threw a pillow at him.  "First of all, Target is not a chick store.  Second, our 'quality family time' consists of us all sitting down to watch a Browns game and eat wings."  I skillfully slid over the topic of Bryon's dad.   "Ugh, wings! Heaven!"   I giggled and dodged my pillow being thrown back at me.  Bryon slid off the chair to the floor and I landed next to him.  Resting his feet on my stomache, he said, "so how is lil Tessie doin'?"   I groaned and pushed his feet off of me.  "Lil Tessie no longer responds to that name.  That has been gone since fourth grade."   A goofy grin spread across Bryon's face.  "I figured tenth grade is tough enough; why not add some fun to it?"   "By bringing back my old nickname? Don't bet on it."   He sighed.  "Worth a shot."   These are rare moments that holding on to seemed impossible.  Never wanting this to end between you and your best friend; that was something I rarely felt between us.  A smile spread across my face as I lie on my stomache and face him.  Sensing something mischevious, he reached up and pinched my cheek.  Soon, a flicking and pinching war erupted, not at all canceling the mood.  These were the moments that I never wanted to end.

© 2012 werejustcountrygirls

Author's Note

Hey, sorry about the wait! I hope you enjoy this chapter! As always, I enjoy your reviews and opinions.
- What do you think about the relationship between Tessa and Matt?
- What do you think about the relationship between Tessa and Bryon?

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Okay guys, I realize the format is kinda messed up. My computer broke and I typed this on my nook tablet. Enough said, I think.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on January 20, 2012
Last Updated on January 20, 2012
Tags: a, little, more, country, chapter, 6, part, 2




So you wanna know about me? Well, where do I start?... My name is Ashley! If you love me, I love you too. If you hate me, can't please everyone. I've been playing the guitar for six or seven y.. more..
