Upon a night sky, I chose you for being the brightest star. Wherever you can be seen, I travel in your direction. When you disappear behind the reign of the sun, I stop and rest until the day becomes night again.Even beyond the heavens, your glow radiates so brightly, it could be seen from the furthest corner of the earth. So many miles I followed your light until one night, you were gone. What happened? Why did you go away? I had no answer to my questions. No direction to go. Enough time passed until I accepted my own reasonable truth. Your light shined so bright, for so long, you eventually burnt out. Now you are gone, lost among the other stars. I become disillusioned of what my purpose was all along.Alone,in an unfamiliar place, I am stranded. Every night, i look at all the indistinguishable stars in the sky. Now I have a new purpose...Waiting for your return.