Your head to mine
hammer away
four inches
to your day
four inches
remains your say
smudge of silver
puddle shimmering
oasis glimmering
echoed flat
labor done
Where will you go
What will you do
for birds fly
and fish swim
so I ask of you
where will you go
and what will you do
To the hammer
all a nail
mistaking what is one
for two
for what one makes
is what one takes
look at your hands
look within your head
what will you build
what will you heal
what will you steal
what will you kill
here is your hammer
here is your head
Can I change what I am
and the eyes that sit in my head
Can I think the thoughts routed
by routes not dead
Can I flow up stream
against a fairy current
Neither nay nor yea
I beg of you
but quiet
just quiet
a hammer quiet
a nail undone
chaos in a riot
new day begun
tell me dear sir
what do you see
things as they were
or things as they be