![]() Chapter 8A Chapter by Tess
"Laurent, I don't know about this. I don't think I'm ready to stay with you," Seline said, her head was bowed as she sat with him in his suite. It was gorgeous, there was a full sized kitchen, sitting room, bathroom, and two bedrooms. Her face flamed when he showed her the last room, which was a room she had to herself. It had all of her supplies for witchcraft, as well as her personal effects.
"Sel, that's why you have your own room. It won't be so strange to share a bathroom, and that's all we'd need to share until you're ready. Well that and the kitchen and sitting room. Other than that, I'll just be like a room.. buddy?, okay?," he was sitting next to her, and he was stumbling over his words. Not wanting to say the wrong thing. "I- okay. I'll try," Seline looked up and took a deep breath, she stood up and walked to what would become her bedroom. "I'm going to organize all my stuff, and then I might do some rituals, or maybe I'll come back out and watch a little television." She quickly supplied when she saw a slight pang of hurt cross his face. "Thank you," Laurent said to her, so quietly she almost missed it. ~~~~~ "Hope, he's evil! Why do you care what happens to him?," Mel was standing on the opposite side of the room, and the rest of the females were there too. Jaz, Keller, Seline, Mist, Calla... they were all convinced that Caspian was totally evil. They were all wrong and Hope knew it. "He's not completely evil, otherwise he would have killed me when I first entered his room to heal the wrist that YOU broke," she said, directed towards Jaz. "D****t Hope!, I did it to get answers. He's her second in command. He knows all her secrets and all her plans. He knows how she plans to kill you and all the others, how she plans to start the apocalypse," Jaz snapped. "He might know all that, but that doesn't mean you have to torture him. Ask him about it. Better yet, let me ask him," Hope was talking with her hands as she rambled. "We can't let you do that, you're not trained to spot a lie. That and he could attack when you're questioning him. You are too valuable Hope. We need you to help stop the apocalypse, you're not expendable. I am," Jaz whispered the last few words, her head bowed. "Jazlyn! You are no more expendable than I, you have a mate and a brother, both of whom need you very much right now," Calla walked around to where Jaz was sitting and she looked her straight in the eyes. It was still strange to see her in jeans and a tee shirt, especially since she was usually wearing skirts or dresses. "Calla, I'm the most expendable here. My mate isn't one of the nine, neither am I. Your mate is. If you die, he'll probably kill himself. Either that or go back to killing and creating vampires." "Kaleo can take care of himself. He did so for over a hundred years, and I'm sure that if I die he could wait to see me again." "Wait, you mean you two aren't bonded?," Mist asked. "No, we are not. I am not yet accustomed to this new world. Much has changed since I died. I won't let him tie himself to me when he is so greatly needed and the risk of my death is too plausible," she smiled, her disinterested eyes shining. "Wise words for a dead girl walking," Keller smirked, for some reason she didn't really like Calla. "I suggest you hold your tongue, wolf, lest I cut it out for you." Apparently Calla didn't like her either. "I suggest you buy a grammar book, dead girl. Learn some new insults." Keller spoke as though she was talking to a toddler. "I will not hesitate to hurt you, half breed. I do not care how strong your mate is. If you insult me or mine again, be warned that you will not speak again. Understand, Cujo?," Calla grinned, she had proven Keller wrong. "Okay, vamp. Last warning, first off, I'M A BLOODY WOLF!!" she screeched "Secondly, I'm a whole helluva lot more dangerous than you. I've got claws, fangs, and magic. I'm not afraid to use them," the others had been watching them like a tennis match, until Hope got in the way. "Cut it out, both of you! You're both important, and we need you to stop arguing," she yelled," we're not here for you, we're here to talk about Caspian." "You're right. We are here to talk about Caspian, and why you feel the need to protect him," Jaz enforced.. "And I told you, I don't know why. I think its just a part of who I am, because of the fact that I'm half angel?" "That doesn't explain it, and it seems like," Mel started, she was making a realization and didn't want to share it with the group, "never mind," she mumbled. "No, not never mind. What were you going to say Mel?" Hope asked, slightly confused. Mel often kept quiet, but when she started to say something she always finished. "She wasn't saying anything, Hope. Don't worry about it." Mist said, and Hope knew there was no use arguing with her. Once Mist set her mind on something there was no changing it. God forbid that the seer say anything straight. Hope was getting tired of her speaking in riddles and never saying what she truly meant. They went on like this for about another half hour, before the meeting was adjourned. They disbanded and Hope went back to her room, she didn't care what Mist said. She didn't believe that Caspian could hurt her, at least no more than any human male could. Mist knew she was wrong, she'd done everything in her power to prove the vision wrong. Tarot cards, Ouija board, Star charts, Scrying bowls and just plain yelling at the gods to change her fate. Nothing changed, If Hope continued on this path, she would end up dead before christmas. That was only two months away. This was bad. Very, very Bad.
© 2013 Tess |
Added on November 6, 2013 Last Updated on November 6, 2013 Author