![]() Chapter 28A Chapter by Tess
Seline was on her third lesson with Keller, They were working very hard and moving very quickly when Ash knocked on the door and walked in. "A new half-blood was found, we've got him here. His name Is Laurent Regiscor, Empath/Shifter, I think. Want to go introduce yourself Kel?" Keller looked to Seline and she shrugged, getting to her feet as Ash pulled his mate off the floor.
~~~~ Laurent was in the cafeteria getting all the attention as usual, and he thought that was how it should be, because he was the prince of the Shifters. He was bored with all the idle talk from the people surrounding him, when he looked to his left he saw a woman with dark red hair and said "Get me a soda will you, sweetheart?" The flames on the side of her face shot sky high when the jackass started ordering her around, "Sure," she said as sickly sweet as she could. Using her powers she popped in a glass of hawaiian punch and dumped it on his head. "Still thirsty, sweetheart?" Everyone but Laurent was gawking at her. He however was growling, she could see him twitching with the need to shift. "Go ahead, shift. 'Cause Darling I'll hand you your a*s on a silver platter." He took the bait and shifted into a lion, the lion's fur was the same golden as Laurent's hair. She summoned her power and as soon as he charged, she used her powers to summon the wind and pick him up and started swirling the lion in the air, with only the movement of her wrist. Too easy, she thought to herself. After a few minutes of tossing him around she yawned dramatically and dropped him. She left with Keller pulling Ash by the ear, all the while she heard laughter aimed at lion-boy. ~~~ "Seline! Why did you do that? How did you do that?" Keller demanded as they walked into the training room, Seline plopped down on the couch. "He needed to know I wasn't some swooning idiot that would fall at his feet and beg him to take me. And as for how I did it, well You'll learn how to do that soon enough." Seline had a certain way of saying whatever the hell she wanted to and not caring who heard or what they thought. ~~~~ The girl was a witch, he figured that out when she dumped the drink on his head. She was also the first woman not to fall for his charms the second she met him. And she was the only woman he ever really wanted. He realized as she sauntered out of the room. He followed her in the form of a mouse. Scurrying around after her he found that she was teaching the girl who followed her to use her witch powers, and that she liked to use the indoor pool after her class. And then walk in the garden before having dinner brought to her room, and that was all the information he needed. He shifted back to human form and knocked on the witch-girls door. ~~~~ Seline heard the knock as she was in the middle of her evening ritual. What does a witch have to do to get some privacy? She thought to herself. "Go Away!" she yelled after the second knock. "It's Laurent," he yelled through the door. Seline sighed and replied "One minute," She stood up and wrapped her bleeding arm in a piece of cloth, and after dismantling her salt circle, walked to the door, opening it she said "Come back for another a*s whooping?" He shook his head and said "No, I came to apologize and-" his nostrils flared his pupils dilated "You're bleeding." "You interrupted me in the middle of my evening ritual." "God, I'm sorry," he realized how important rituals were to some witches. "That's twice you've apologized to me, and you've only known me a few hours. That's not really a good thing." "Yeah. i've got a feeling that i'll a lot more of that when it comes to you." "Yep. If that's all It's getting late and I still have to finish my ritual and do a healing spell," she indicated her arm and started to close the door. He put his hand on the door and bit the bullet. "Actually, I was kind of hoping that you'd go on a date with me sometime?," he flashed a smile. She narrowed her eyes "What's your angle?" "No angle, you're different from the rest, and I like that about you." "B.s. I just humiliated you a few hours ago." "Don't believe me? Fine. Cast a truth spell." "Fine. Come inside and shut the door behind you." "What?," he looked panicked. She instantly picked up on his thoughts "Get your mind out of the gutter, Idiot," Seline rolled her eyes "I work here, they just don't know I'm a blood-witch. I'm trying to change but it's really hard and I don't want to turn you into something that can't speak...Yet," The whole time she was speaking she was moving around the room gathering supplies, then she stopped "Sit," she said. He looked around, almost every surface was covered in clothes and witch stuff, except for the bed. S**t. He thought to himself. He sighed and moved towards the bed, after he sat down she put the tools on the bed next to him. A silver knife, a box of salt, and four gemstones. An emerald, a moonstone, a cat's eye, and a crystal. First she picked up the box of salt and drew an almost complete circle leaving a 'doorway'. "You sure about this?" she asked, he nodded and she stepped inside the circle, closing the 'doorway' as she entered. standing right in front of him now, she picked up the Emerald and the Moonstone, cut her finger and placed a dot of blood on both stones. Then placed the Moonstone at polar north and the Emerald at Polar south. She wiped the blade on her bandage. "Your turn," she smiled, he could tell she was enjoying this just a little too much. He held out his hand, palm up. She ran the tip of the blade across his palm and the blood blossomed from the wound. She put the knife down and picked up the cat's eye and the crystal. after putting his blood on the stones she placed them at east and west. Then said the words to the spell "This man I do not believe, make him speak the truth, lest his voice leave." He froze as the spell took hold, then relaxed as the effects began. "Now, lets get right to it, shall we?" Seline clapped her hands together and sat down next to Laurent, looking him in the eye she asked "Do you have an ulterior motive for asking me on a date?," He looked at her, "No." "Why did you ask me out?," Laurent shook his head and bit his lip. He didn't want her to know. "Why won't you tell me?" This time he spoke, "Because I don't want to scare you away before i even know your name." She nodded, but she didn't understand. She put her hand on his chest and released him from the spell. He gasped like a drowning victim taking air into their lungs after being revived. "Seline," she said "Seline Grey." "What?," he asked. "My name is Seline Grey," she smiled, dismantling the circle. When she led him to the door "And you can pick me up at 7 tomorrow night," she closed the door in his face, and went back to her witchcraft. ~~~ She'd said yes. He couldn't believe it. He smiled as he walked down the hall, his chest felt like a million butterflies were trying to take off. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Seline woke up around noon, She knew Keller would be at her room to continue her training soon. So Seline went to go get dressed. As she walked to the bathroom she thought of how she would be humoring Laurent tonight, she was going out with him that night to show him that she really didn't care who or what he was. She reached the bathroom and closed the door behind her, and began to get changed. Something in the mirror caught her eye and made her look down. "No," she wondered "No, no, no!" she started to yell as she tried to scrub it off. ~~~ Ash was walking Keller to Seline's room like he did every day when they heard Seline yelling through the door. The bedroom door was open so Keller could enter, she ran inside. "Seline!" Keller yelled but Seline couldn't hear over her own screaming. Keller Ran to the bathroom and opened the door, before closing the door and whirling to face Ash. "You can't go in there!" "Why not?" "Because, if you must know, she's half naked and trying to scrub her mate mark off." "Oh. I'll stay here then." "Good choice," and then Keller back into the bathroom. "Seline, stop," She kept scrubbing at it. "Freezo!" Keller used the spell Seline had taught her, Seline stopped moving, Keller took the washcloth from her hand, "So I take it you don't like the idea of being mated to Laurent." Keller released her from the spell. Seline stumbled forward and and Keller caught her before she could fall down. "Keller?" "I've got you." "How? He's a Jerk, totally wrong for me in every way." "I know, That's the way I felt too. Just give him a chance. In the meantime get dressed. We have a lesson to skip," Keller smiled an Seline quietly laughed. ~~~~ " So he just showed up asked you out and left?," Keller asked. "No. I thought he was setting me up, so I cast a truth spell." "Well, that's your problem since you cast that spell all things that are true between you were revealed." "S**t. I don't think this was the way it was meant to happen. Doesn't it normally happen after the first kiss?" "Yes, normally. But normally witches stay as far away as possible from empaths." "Empath?" Her head shot up. "Yeah, don't you remember Ash introduced him as the Shifter/Empath?" "S**t!" "What?" "I thought I was playing it so cool, last night. I was Ice cold, but that doesn't mean a damn thing, because he could tell I liked him, just a little," She shook her head "Damn Empath," but she was smiling.......Then the smoke alarm rang out. ~~~~~~ Ash burst in the room grabbed Keller and Seline and blinked them out of the safehouse and to a safe distance incase the safehouse was actually on fire, the people he knew were already filling out The vampires blinked out around him. And then Kaleo showed up and started looking around wildly. "Calla!" He started yelling "Calla! Where are you!" 'Dude, she's not here. Probably still inside." Someone said from the crowd. "CALLA!," He yelled once more before blinking back into the Building. The flames were licking the sides of the building, and started to burn higher and higher..... TO BE CONTINUED © 2013 Tess |
Added on August 6, 2013 Last Updated on August 7, 2013 Attacked ( formerly Uncanny) (Starla this book two)
Chapter 10
By Tess
Chapter 11
By Tess
chapter 12
By Tess
Chapter 13
By Tess
Chapter 14
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Chapter 15
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Chapter 16
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Chapter 17
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chapter 18
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Chapter 19
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Chapter 20
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Chapter 21
By Tess
Chapter 22
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Chapter 23
By Tess
Chapter 24
By Tess
Chapter 25
By Tess
Chapter 26
By Tess
Chapter 27
By Tess
Chapter 28
By TessAuthor