![]() Chapter 26A Chapter by Tess![]() ....![]()
Seline Grey pulled up to the fake tree that led the way to safehouse 13. Getting out of her cherry red mustang convertible, she pushed the button and heard the operator say "Please state your name, species, and business."
"Seline Grey, I'm a witch, and I'm here as a trainer. I'm here to train your wolf/witch half breed in witchcraft. Can you please let me in now?" "Of course Miss Grey, if you'd be so kind as to go back to your car we'll lower you down." "Thanks." Seline pushed her dark red hair behind her ear and climbed back into her car. ~~~~~~ "Knock, Knock." Dr. Gracie Phillips walked into Keller's room in the hospital ward. Keller smiled up at Dr. Phillips and said "Hey, Doc. Whats up?" "Well, I have great news. First, you've been cleared and are moving from the hospital ward. Second, you have a tutor from one of the witch covens to help you with all the witch things, seen as how you seem to know how to tap into the power but not shut the connection without draining yourself. Now, I need you to make a decision," She looked around and when she saw that Ash wasn't in the room she shut the door. "I need you to decide whether you're going to share a room with Ash or have a room to yourself." Kellers' smile faded into nothingness and you could see her pull back into her own thoughts ,she was at war with herself. You don't really Know him. I love him. You think you love him. Stay with him. Don't do it. He's your mate. He's stronger, older, and smarter. You can take care of yourself. But what if he surprises you? Then you'll move out. You live in the same complex now! do you honestly think moving a few doors away could protect you, or him ? He can't hurt you any more than you could hurt him . Not on purpose, but what if he does something stupid? He won't! He could! He's a male and a Vampire, do you honestly expect him to let you keep him safe forever? Not forever, just until I learn my way around my powers. And what happens when you're stronger than him? Do you think he will still want to be around you, when you could break him into little tiny pieces? Don't move in with him, it could do more harm than good. Take a leap of faith, no pain no gain, he can't hurt you without hurting himself. At this rate she was never going to figure this out on her own. She needed help. As soon as she found Mist she'd bring up the whole dilemma and hopefully her naturally intuitive friend would be able to help her. Keller looked to the doctor and said "Can I get back to you on that?" Dr. Phillips nodded her head and left the room. ~~~~~~ Keller spotted Mist walking down the hall, Finally. "Mist! wait up! I need to talk to you!" Mist turned around. "Sure, what's up Kel?" She smiled. "Can we go somewhere private?" Keller looked around nervously, wringing her hands. Mist nodded and led Keller back to her room, where the few things that her dad had sent up were packed into a grand total of three boxes. Which included her laptop, charger, notebooks, pencils, pens, clothes, and a few personal pictures of her and Keller, her and her dad, and other assorted pictures with and without frames. "You changing rooms?" Keller asked. "Yeah, moving in with Gallen. He wants to stop by and pick up the boxes but he keeps getting lost." She smiled. "What did you want to talk about?" "The staff let me out of the hospital ward today, as you probably noticed, but they need to know if I'm moving in with Ash or not." "Oh, well. That's a big decision. Why are you asking me about it?" "You always seem to know the right thing to do. I wanted your opinion." Keller sat down on the bed . "What's your reason for not wanting to move in with him?" Mist sat down next to her. "I Don't really know him," Keller put her head in her hands. "But you love him," Mist replied. "I Think I love him." "He's your mate" "But he's stronger, faster, older, and smarter than me." "You can take care of yourself, Have you seen your fangs?" "That's exactly what I'm afraid of! What if he surprises me and I hurt him, by biting him or even calling up the witch fire?" "Then you can move out, Ash is a big bad vampire. He'd survive, you didn't kill Lilly with the fire did you?" "No, but we live in the same complex. I don't think that I'd be far enough away not to hurt him." "Stop listening to your head and listen to your heart!" Mist stood up, nearly yelling. "Mist, I don't think I'm ready to move in with him." "Think! That's your problem, you're thinking. You need to Feel." Keller shook her head, "'Don't fight it or else you'll both suffer.' A great person once said that." Finally Keller looked up and Mist said "Take a leap of faith." Mist smiled, picked up the lightest box, and left. ~~~~~~ Keller stood outside of Dr. phillips door, about to go in and tell her that she'd decided to stay with Ash, on a trial basis. When she realized she hadn't seen or heard from Ash all day. That's odd. She took a deep breath and walked into Dr. Phillips office. "Dr. Phillips I-" And that's when she saw Ash. He was tense, like he sensed that she really needed to say something. "It's alright Keller, I already told Dr. Phillips that you don't want to stay with me." Ash stood up from the chair in front of Dr. Phillips desk, ready to leave. Keller Stood in front of the door, not moving, not allowing him to leave. "Move aside, Keller." "No. I didn't come here to tell her that I wanted a separate room. How did you even know that I was asked whether or not I was going to move in with you?" He tapped his forehead to indicate the mate bond. Keller guffawed and shaking her head she said " This'll teach you to listen to half a conversation." Ash tried to stare Keller down, but she held his gaze. "Awkward," Dr. Phillips sing-songed, and that broke their concentration. Keller looked back to Dr. Phillips "I'd like to share a room with my mate, at least on a trial basis." Dr. Phillips smiled, nodded, and said "I'll arrange it."
© 2013 Tess |
Added on June 17, 2013 Last Updated on June 17, 2013 Attacked ( formerly Uncanny) (Starla this book two)
Chapter 10
By Tess
Chapter 11
By Tess
chapter 12
By Tess
Chapter 13
By Tess
Chapter 14
By Tess
Chapter 15
By Tess
Chapter 16
By Tess
Chapter 17
By Tess
chapter 18
By Tess
Chapter 19
By Tess
Chapter 20
By Tess
Chapter 21
By Tess
Chapter 22
By Tess
Chapter 23
By Tess
Chapter 24
By Tess
Chapter 25
By Tess
Chapter 26
By Tess
Chapter 27
By Tess
Chapter 28
By TessAuthor