![]() Chapter 25A Chapter by Tess![]() ........ sorry it's a little short.![]()
"Verra Mist LaFey, please report to Dr. Ross's office. Thank you." Mist drifted down the hallway towards an unseen danger, that even she didn't see coming. She reached the door and raised her hand and knocked.
"Come in, Mist," Doctor Ross yelled. Mist opened the door and a shot rang out. ~~~~~~~~~~~ She woke up screaming. Gallen was staring at her, holding her around the shoulders. He was trying to calm her down, seeing as how she was in pain, tears were streaming down her face. "Verra, relax. It was just a dream. It's okay. You're okay," she took in deep gasping breaths. Her hand was over her heart, it was beating rapidly, but at least it's beating. She thought to herself. "I'm sorry," She whispered, looking around to find they were,again ,in the garden. "Don't be. But you could tell me why one second you were sleeping peacefully, then the next you were screaming like a banshee. " He gently moved the hair out of her face. She shivered before answering, "She shot me." Knowing that her dream could be a vision of the future and her life could be in danger he pulled her closer and asked, "Who shot you? Lilly?" Expecting the devil herself or her henchmen to come out of the woodwork, he looked around to find that everything was fine. Mist shook her head, "No. Elizabeth. I thought she was my friend," and she started to weep again. Gallen realized that this was one of the few times his infallible mate would need someone to protect her. Normally she could get by just fine. Never shed a single tear. This, however, was one of the few times he'd seen her cry in fear. The only other time being when Keller was still in a coma. Now she was fearing for her own life because of someone she had trusted. For this, Dr. Ross would pay. That is if she really was planning a murder. ~~~~~~~~~ Jazlyn had found Mel with Tom, where else would she be? She hid behind a corner and when Mel finally spotted her she smiled and got up, promising to be back soon. Jaz walked briskly down the hallway out of earshot so Tom wouldn't hear. "You figured out?" Mel asked. "It's not that hard when you use a code you drilled into my brain," Jaz huffed " Dex, right?" "Yes. Ex-" "Did Lilly get to him?" "No," Jaz looked quite confused " Dex, isn't really Dex. He's a shifter on Lilly's side of the war. Not very powerful. The has to be only 9 or 10 forms available to him. " Mel explained, and went on about how the mor forms available to a shifter the more powerful they are yada yada. Jaz knew this stuff and had lost interest after she had explained who Dex really was. When Mel finally stopped talking after realizing that Jaz had stopped listening, Jaz finally said "Can we go kick his a*s or what?" Mel nodded and they went to go turn in the spy.
© 2013 Tess |
Added on May 17, 2013 Last Updated on May 17, 2013 Attacked ( formerly Uncanny) (Starla this book two)
Chapter 10
By Tess
Chapter 11
By Tess
chapter 12
By Tess
Chapter 13
By Tess
Chapter 14
By Tess
Chapter 15
By Tess
Chapter 16
By Tess
Chapter 17
By Tess
chapter 18
By Tess
Chapter 19
By Tess
Chapter 20
By Tess
Chapter 21
By Tess
Chapter 22
By Tess
Chapter 23
By Tess
Chapter 24
By Tess
Chapter 25
By Tess
Chapter 26
By Tess
Chapter 27
By Tess
Chapter 28
By TessAuthor