What Awaits WithinA Chapter by Tesa
When I
turn my awareness inward,
I sometimes feel ‘blind’ for a moment, unable to notice or sense anything. It’s a bit like stepping out of the bright sun and into the shade… the eyes need a little while to adjust to the dimmer light. As my perception adjusts to inner focus, I often notice a feeling or sensation inside that is already there, awaiting my arrival, eager to be noticed. It can be a twang of anxiety in my belly about something I have been avoiding, a sensation of thirst I have been ignoring, lingering excitement about a recent conversation, some general tiredness or tightness that retrospectively comes to awareness as I begin relaxing, or a sudden knowing deep inside about the obvious answer to a question I have been afraid to ask. However banal, surprising or challenging my inner discovery may be I usually feel an immediate sense of relief and comfort about reconnecting to my body. I am opening to what life has to say to me. I'm listening and connecting to more of me. © 2011 Tesa
Added on July 12, 2011 Last Updated on August 2, 2011 Author