No one to listen
A Story by
My biggest fear is universally experienced, but feels personal.

All of the nouns in the world don't make me lose sleep at night. No person, place, or thing leaves me tossing and turning in the quietest hours. The thing that creeps into my mind and leaves me staring at the ceiling is what my Sophmore English teacher would categorize as an abstract noun, loneliness. I spend my days filling journals with my deepest thoughts that are groundbreaking to only myself. I spend hours scouring the internet to find new music only to replay the songs alone in my bathroom. When I was little, being told I was pretty and smart translated into my brain as I would never have to walk to the park and sit on the swings alone. It is hard not to feel scared of being swallowed by all of the blank space in your life. My mother and my two best friends say that boys aren't interested because I have a smart mouth and an intimidating complexity about me, but does that really mean I deserve to be deprived of the universal experience that is teenage romance?