*Get Smart Act 8*

*Get Smart Act 8*

A Story by Tearflow

Continuation of Act 7

*6:16 P.M.

'Walking towards Leah's house might save me a bit of cash but that's clearly out 

of the window' Thought Zack as he hailed a taxi.
In response a yellow cabby quickly stopped in front of him.
"where to young man?" asked the operator.
"Irving way" Replied Zack then quickly snuck inside counting the minutes passing 
as he stares at post skipping in the vision of his eyes.

His thought are focused in keeping his self calm, 'Is she safe?' this phrase 

single handedly dominated his head.
How can I forget it! how stupid of me, countless self loathing appeared and 
followed the car he's traveling towards Irving way.

The noticeable bumb on the road shook the car repeatedly sends Zack back and 
forth to reality and dreams as he formulated the possible events that occur once 
he reached Leah's house. Skipping his waiting period by tapping on the glass 
window he stared outside.

The sky begins to darken like an ill omen is about to unfold.
"Oh great just another problem appearing" he sighed.
Just how many problems are blooming today? Did he opened a can of soda of 
misfortune somewhere? He doesn't remember drinking any soda today either.

Soon they arrived in Irving way. 
"Thanks sir! here's the payment!" he shoved his hand upfront and gave the man his 
hard work salary and waved good bye.

Bolting out of the car he rushed the pavements looking like an out of place 
athlete, maybe he should join the track and field in his school if he's this fast.
Just a random passerby reminded him of how fast he's going so he stopped his feet.
Just how far did he go then he winced.

His foot are screaming at him like people overworked by a cruel tyrant.
he took a deep breath and looked ahead only a sharp turn is keeping him away from 
Leah's home and so he decided to play things cool.

Luckily he did, since just around the corner there's seems to be a strange group 
of people hanging out the street.
He looked at Leah's house.
Everything seems to be fine for now, noting else happened.

Zack titled his head for this weird event, then he realized just how dangerous his 
enemy was, if he was running just like he came here they would see their target 
sitting like a duck..

Me and Leah shooting  getting caught two birds
with one stone a really cunning plan
Since the man originally didn't know me by face only by voice. 
Some random kid running towards their target's house would mean 'This is the kid 
that he's talking about!' 

Zack released a nervous breath and counted the men, there's about five and seems 
to be watching.
'Allright we'll play this by your game' thought Zack.
He Dialed Jason


Said the speaker.
It obtain a quick pick "Yeah hello Zack?!" A ragged voice saind in the other line, 
it seems Jason is rushing too.
"Where are you?" Asked Zack
"Just a corner away from her house you?"

"I'm in front of Leah's house but it's not safe to approach it" Answered Zack 
still keeping his eyes still on the group of 5 men.
"Why?" Asked Jason regaining his breath.
"There seems to be five men waiting in the shadows to put it more precisely, 
waiting for us two to arrive"

"Us? what about Leah?" Asked Jason.
"Leah is still fine for now, they're expecting us to arrive then capture us three 
Leah's parents included."
"Those b******s! what are we gonna do, Should we call the police?!" Jason began to 

"hmmmm... You're right" Zack smiled.
He looked around, there seems to be some pedestrians walking by but only few not 
enough to distract the five men so he decided to make up.
"Call the police here at Leah's house" He looked at the five men.

"You serious? you got a plan or something?"Jason seems baffled.
"Yup and you're taking part on it" Answered Zack
Jason scoffed on the other line "Don't blame me if I ruined it then"

*6:31 P.M.
*Outside Leah's house

'Once you see a suspicious kid on that street rushing towards that house get him 
but be careful he's not just a normal kid' Sebasto chuckled, with his gang behind 
'Just what can a single kid do? call the police? Hah!' He despised Zack inside his 
head while resting his back on a post.

"Yo Sebasto do you think that kid will arrive I think he's scared out of his 
pants" Said one of his henchmen 
He spat on the ground "Ha! he better if he's still sane" 
He looked around and smile, all the descriptions from his boss matched the kid.
Acting weird and looking out of place.

He elbowed one of his henchmen to remind them "Time for work" he joyfully stepped 
out of the shadows and greeted the boy with a wave.
Brown curly hair, almond colored eyes, what a nice specimen to have He wonder on 
what could have this kid done to merit their wrath probably some stupid crack 
dealer but he don't look like wasted enough to be one.

"Hey kid!" called out Sebasto"
the kid turned around and widened his eyes.
This stimulated Sebasto sick sadistic side and smiled wider than ever.
"W-who are you guys what do you want from me?!" Asked th kid.

"Nothing just wondering how great a day is this" indeed it is a good day thought 
Sebasto as his henchmen surrounded the kid.
Then they linked their arms to the kid's shoulder like some old pals meeting up.
"how's it going roberto?" Said Sebasto feigning his true intentions to loosen the 
crowd suspicion surrounding them.

Then pulled him slowly away from the crowd into a deserted area.
He smiled he'll violate this boy first before returning to his boss
'I'm sure he won't mind a ripped butt or two' he thought.

*6:39 P.M.
*Outside Leah's house

'Looks like Zack's plan worked, they really did left' Jason quickly trotted 
towards Leah's gate and called out hoping the thugs didn't hear.
It was quickly answered by a reply "Jason?" 
Jason sigh as he saw Leah appeared from her doorway with a pick tank top and 
striped skirt reaching down her knee.

"What's up? you don't look good?" Leah asked.
"Are you're parents inside?" Jason looked behind 
"N-no why are you asking?" Leah became a bit flustered
"That's good" Jason released another sigh of relief.

"U-mmm why are you saying that? you're creeping me out now" Leah seems quite 
annoyed at Jason's comments.
"k-k-ka ahahahah!!!" Jason can't help but released a laugh looking at Leah's 

"What's funny?!" now she's really mad.
"Nothing you just got the wrong Idea of me coming inside of your house" He replied
"Of- of course I would! just look at the questions your're asking me!" Exclaimed 
Leah, as she turned her back towards Jason she twist her head a little bit to see 
Jason in her vision.

"S-so what are you doing here? if it's another confession don't bother" she said 
in a cute one, her hands crossed on her chest.
Jason sighed 'I'm pretty sure she'd feel more relax if Zack the one in my place, 
heck she'll even invite him into her home without realizing it'
Jason shook his head for the unneeded thoughts.

"Listen we must leave here now" 
"what? why?" Asked Leah
"The thugs came for your safety" Jason looked behind him once more, he's worrying 

now only to be disturbed by Leah's gasp
"Is-is that so? But how did they know where I live?" 
"duh you're phone idiot" Jason chuckled can he really laugh like this in this kind 
of situation?
"I-i see then we must be on our way now" She quickly locked her door 
and skipped out of her gate, then as if remembering something she looked around.

"Where's Zack" she asked
"Keeping the thugs busy" He replied cheery
"What? where?"
"Let's just go now to be safe"

Leah looked hesitant

Jason gave her a pat on the head 
"Don't worry he'll be fine" He said in a gentle voice
Leah's eyes stared up looking like a puppy and nodded obediently.
"All right then let's go" he smiled 'it worked huh? I guess that act really left a 
huge impression on her thanks to you Zack' He smiled bitterly with a pang of 
jealousy in his heart.

© 2016 Tearflow

Author's Note

Okay another intense moment when will this end?!

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Added on May 25, 2016
Last Updated on June 9, 2016



New York, United States Minor Outlying Islands

An everyday guy who one day thought to write a story and share it on some online site for fun and expirience. more..
