*Get Smart Act 7*

*Get Smart Act 7*

A Story by Tearflow

Continuation of Act 6

*5:36 P.M.

Zack lashed out on the table, leaving his food unfinished.
Heart beating fast and headache appearing behind him, he quickly pushed the glass 
door apart while ignoring the overwhelming cheerful crowd and pushing keypads on 
his ugly black cellular phone.

Apparently the fact that the criminals got ahold Leah's phone missed his 
attention, this could mean life and death to her since it can be used to track her 
given that they were intelligent enough that is.

But Zack won't leave things to luck like waht happened at the apartment earlier 
since pushing your luck might get you in a bad position.

He dialed Jason's number while traversing the noisy and busy road of Greenford.
He quickly evaded the pedestrians, crossed the sidewalk and cross overs like an 

athlete and moved from place to place, passing alleys and streets like the whole 

city is in the back of his head.

He's current destination is Leah's house of course then he remembered Maureen
his sister, 'All right I'll warn Jason then move to Maureen' He thought

*brrr brrr* 

Gave his speaker a cold sound not knowing that every second count as he trots on 
the cold street, the sun seems to be setting down a perfect time for night 
stalkers to appear and rip out your guts.
Finally Jason picked up, "Hehehey! mah men!" contrary to Zack's insane panic,
Jason seems to be in a good mood.

"Sorry Jason but would you mind getting your a*s together and head to Leah's house 
as fast as you can?" Zack's voice is cold as ice but has a calm tone to it.
Jason of course thought that something must be up so he quickly responded with a 

'Okay' then brought the receiver down.
At the same time Zack Dialled Maureen's Number 

*brrr brrr*
Said the cold ring still not knowing the importance of time
obviously it took a while for her sister to pick up since she's currently sulking
so Zack readied his apologies and waited for her to answer.

"Hello! Zack?!" her sister's voice is panicked on the other side
this of course sent another shot of worry in his head as the adrenaline suddenly 
increased in his veins.

"Maureen!? Where are you now?" he asked without any hint of affection
"I'm near at our house but somethings seems to be wrong" She said 
in a worried voice.
"What's wrong?" asked Zack.

"There's a group of people in front of our house! 
It looks like they are trying to break in!" Whispered Maureen.
It didn't took Zack a second to realize who's behind it.

"It's them" he mumbled
"Who's them? are they the one who took our parents?" 
asked Maureen on the other line
"I'll tell you later, for now get outta there and come to the Mcdafe okay?"
"But our house-" Maureen mumbled but didn't finished since Zack lashed.

"Forget about the house! come to the Mcdafe now!!" Zack seems to be full on 
shouting while running through the streets.
"O-Okay" Maureen meekly said who seems to be in a state of crying
"Good see you later" then Zack cut the line, in a matter of seconds another
call arrived, he looked at the number, It's Leah's number.

Zack's blood froze and stopped on his tracks
*brrrr brrrr brrrr* 
The cold ringing surrounded his ears, apparently the insensitive ring is now 

threatening, Leah's number kept mocking Zack as it rings
He stilled himself and decided to answer

"Ah it's you the pizza guy eh? You kabbushkin snapper!" Said a deep voice on the 
other line, is this the man Leah talked about since his
voice matched a gentlemen like tone.

"Yes sir how may I help you?" Zack decided to play 
his role since he needs time to cool off his mind.

"You shmuck! stop fooling around! I know you're not a pizza guy!!" The man snapped
"I'm sorry sir but we are a legit pizza joint just beside the corner Brooke street 
it's Called Dorios Pizza!" Zack looked around and combined a group of 
advertisement surrounding him to make up silly words.

"If Pizza doesn't delight you we also have smoke sausages, Chili hot dog and 
chicken run noodles!" Zack hated the truck that ran past him as it contains 
chicken blocking his view from the noodle shop's sign board.

"Chicken what?" asked the man
"Chicken pasta sir! chicken pasta!" He exclaimed energetically earning him some 

stares as he stood in the center of the side walk chatting away happily.
"All right smart a*s that's enough, I know you're not a Pizza guy since your 

number leads to a local fast food Restaurant" the man's voice seems calm now.
'Damn' thought Zack, then he started to move, apparently he calmed down enough and 
continued to make strides as he look around.

"So I looked into the data of your workplace and saw where you live you Muchos! 
Zack Fisher huh? what a nice name" said the man in a grim voice.
"Allright you got me" Said Zack in a dejected voice.

"So what are you doing on my private property?!" said the man in a loud voice
"Well... I'm just walking around and suddenly ended up there" Zack replied
"So you really want to play smartass huh? let's see how you'll end up" Said the 
man then spoke in a language not familiar to him.

"My boys came to your house as we speak and surprisingly you're not stupid at all 
to stay asleep and rest there good for you" Zack heard the man clapping his hands
Zack tensed since he seems to know what's coming next
"but what about your friend Leah Winscoln? heh? ring any bells?" A sadistic tone 
came from the man expecting Zack to despair and it worked but of course he must not show it

 or else he'll lose since a battle of wits is taking place,
 he must get all the information he can get with 
this short intermission between them two so he can utilize a plan of action.

"Please sir we're not doing anything wrong" He changed his voice into a panic like 
teenager having a bad time in a police precinct, not that he didn't experience it.
"Oh you should have thought of that before you broke in meddling kids" The man 
seems to be a calm and thinking individual, tricking him won't be easy.

'But what about the other one, the man with a dead toe?' he thought.
"It's not like we we're doing anything sir, we just got 
interested on a man with good looking sandals!" he exclaimed
"Oh you mean Julio? that stupid bald head lead you into there?" 
'Bingo' Zack smiled.

"Not really sir we just saw him walking inside and then we followed" he continued
"Is that so? then why is a phone of your friend is left in one of the room? also 
If the time on this phone is right, then you and you're friends" he spoke in a deep tone

heard something not to be known Am I wrong?" 
The man said in a low tone.
'This is it!' Zack thought, A chance to get some information about the boy has arrived when
 he is about to speak the line got cut.

"what the?!" Zack Looked at the screen.
Looks like the man noticed his scheme and ended the call.
Truly a smart man, he sighed then continued his journey towards Leah's house.

Act ends

© 2016 Tearflow

Author's Note

Look's like we're in for a trouble, how will old Zackaboy remediy this sitution hmmm?

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Added on May 22, 2016
Last Updated on June 9, 2016



New York, United States Minor Outlying Islands

An everyday guy who one day thought to write a story and share it on some online site for fun and expirience. more..
