*Get Smart Act 5.2 Intermission*

*Get Smart Act 5.2 Intermission*

A Story by Tearflow

Continuation of Act 5.1

*12:56 P.M.
10 minutes have passed and they still haven't called I'm sure they're doing well 
if that's the case. but what is this uneasy feeling that I feel?
Still standing like a bodyguard beside the door, I started to tap my left foot out of impatience.
Then I heard a loud voice, like a scream, I turned my head to the source.
"The second floor?" I mumbled and congratulated them for their progress.
still the noise was too loud that even the noise of this street is not enough to cover it. 
"Just what happened there?" I'm starting to get worried now maybe I should call?
No I mustn't if they are currently hiding due to that noise I might give them 
away, I gave myself a pat on the back for realizing this.
also since the wall is starting to strain my back maybe a patting massage is
needed ha! see that two birds in one stone: Pride and massage.
As I make up stupid jokes inside my mind the door opened, I sighed my relief only 
to stop and look in shock.
It's the boy with the bloodshot eyes, he look like he's about to cry and also 
younger maybe he's an underclassman?
His muddied leather shoes scratches the pavement as he walks like a zombie.
His ruffled uniform attracts unwanted attention I'm sure of that since I myself is 
glued to this boy but what about the two?
Sweat started to fall on my forehead profusely in a matter of seconds
It might be enough to win a world record for the fastest sweater.
I picked up my phone at started to dial Leah and Jason.
*1:01 P.M.
[Inside the apartment]
The boy came outside of the room his eyes hallowed as it stairs at me sending a 
chill on my spine only to be returned by Jason's pull as I hear the door quietly 
shut and my vision changing into a room with a red carpet flooring and golden 
walls, I shook my head and lifted my body up.
"You okay?" Said Jason as he stands beside the door with his ears glued on the 
door, I can feel his tension while listening on what's behind that door.
"Yeah thanks" It seems I Passed out for one second, ahh... how nerve wrecking is 
this, standing back up I regained my composure and aligned my skirt once more.
"Where are we?" I asked Jason.
"Shhh!" He lifted his hand up 
I froze as footsteps came traveling on the other side.
I don't know how much time passed but It felt like hours as those footsteps 
disappear, I just notice that I'm starting to get a headache due to the rapid beating of my heart.
"We're inside a room from one of the doors on the hallway." 
replied Jason a small grin on his stupid face.
"Aren't you scared?" I asked
"I am of course but I just watched way too much movies that it's strating to feel 
like one to me ahahah sorry" he laughed it off like an old man.
I wished that I was brave as him but just about as we are about to relax another 
set of footsteps came, Jason tensed and so did I.
It sounded like two man walking together talking about something:
"Ha the idiot! he looked like he's about to kill himself!" said a voice with a 
haughty tone
"Hmm... let him be then we'll take his sister and make him repay their debts with 
her body" then he released a grim laugh.
'Sister? Debt?' I thought then everything became clear.
I stared at Jason, he nodded with a smile looks like we did a great job.
I release a sigh as the footsteps dissapates when suddenly
Shouted my phone.
I froze as Jason looked at me frowning.
With my freezing hands I picked it up and saw Zack's name on the screen
Oh nice timing Idiot!
"Eh what's that is it yours?!" said the voices outside.
"Este puerta puta? where is that coming from?!" said the other
I gulped dropping the phone from pure fear, my legs turning like jelly
huh I can't stand properly? I fell to the floor with my butt hitting the red 
carpet, Jason quickly shuffled towards me and grabbed my torso and stuffed me 
under the King size bed inside the room.
The feeling to my legs returned as the hot feeling presides under the bed.
"It's hot in here" I mumbled 
"Don't be so picky now!" Jason seems panicked, Oh so he can get scared huh.
I just remembered how I felt powerless as my phone rang, fear of being caught and 
being harmed, all this ran into my mind then cold chill ran down my whole body, I 
left my phone on the carpet.
"No!" I squealed but Jason covered my mouth with his hands
"There's nothing you can do about it now!" Jason whispered
"But!"I struggled to no avail as he's arms gripped me like vice, the only thing I 
can think of is Zack's safety, Are they going to lure him in here!? 
if so it'll all be my fault! this thought flow like a water fall inside my head sending me a 
dulling pain in my head, I keep swallowing my spit almost choking from it as their 
voice came closer until it's directly in front of us.
Oxygen ran out of my lungs as they bashed the door opened, they seem to be saying 
something but I can't understand any, the only thing that's running on my mind now 
is that I hope they don't look under the bed.
The first pair of feet wore a sandal and has a dead finger on his left foot.
While the other seems to be wearing a brown leather shoe.
They keep pacing around speaking audible voices that comes as high notes or low 
notes in my ears it seems my brain can't register sound vibration at this point 
Only the hard beating of my heart seems understandable to me.
Jason seems to be in the same boat as I, sweat flowing on his forehead since it's 
hot under the king size bed also add the possibility of being caught it's like a sauna under here.
*Tap tap tap* 
sang their horrendous steps as they search for us it looks like they we're about 
to give up as they didn't find anything except the phone
My eyes froze on the phone as one man bends to pick it up
'Oh no! he's gonna see us if he bend!" I prayed to all the saints that he doesn't 
notice us as his torso began to show in my vision.
His face appeared slowly, mouth,nose and now the eye-
*Pipipi Pipipi Pipipi*
Rang my phone,huh? I tilted my head, is Zack really stupid?
The man's eyes appeared
it's over I thought
I stared at the impending doom when I suddenly notice the man's eyes we're staring 
intently on the phone ignoring us both who's face is covered in god knows what.
I quickly memorize his face out of panic since it's the only thing I'm at focused 
now, "Hello?" said the man slowly standing up.
I released a sighed and so is Jason.
I thanked God for bringing me luck when I need it
Jason hit poked me with his elbow, I stared at him, his face is covered in sweat 
but his stupid smile is still plastered on his face,I returned the favor too of course.
"What Pizza? no one ordered pizza here!" Exclaimed the man
'Pizza? really Zack?' I thanked Zack for understanding the situation in a short matter of time.
"Amigo? is Pizza guy that? let me order one" said one wearing a sandal
"Oh is that so?" They went to the door and left
"Ahhh...." we both sighed
"man I'm drenched" said Jason still smiling
"Ewww let's get out of here!" I exclaimed
"After you then" he said jokingly.
 *1:10 P.M.
We got out and saw Zack rushed towards us, he seems to be hiding.
"You made it out?" he said
"Don't jinx it you b*****d!" Jason gave Zack a weak punch to the shoulder.
"Yeah sorry about that well how did it go" he asked
I sighed "Uhh at least let me go take a bath" I Pleaded
"Huh?" Zack seems confused, of course he is ahhh.... men I'm beat
intermission end

© 2016 Tearflow

Author's Note

Sorry guys i think this will be the final one ahaha, It's not getting that much of a reaction maybe I wrote it badly? eh well there goes my career, anyways
Thanks guys for hanging by! I hope to have another motivation to write another, sorry for troubling you with this bad story

Thanks and goodbye!

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Added on May 18, 2016
Last Updated on June 9, 2016



New York, United States Minor Outlying Islands

An everyday guy who one day thought to write a story and share it on some online site for fun and expirience. more..
