

A Poem by Richard Williams

A nature sonnet


There is a park not far from my sweet home

where many precious bird will build a nest;

and even though I visit there alone

I stay aware that I am nature's guest.
She kindly welcomes me in verdant gown
and speaks to me with path or rapid stream;
the kindness of her table shall abound--
like brunch with eggs and coffee cooled with cream.
A welcome mat on which to wipe a shoe,
the room within her house to feel at ease,
a fine front yard with borrowed mountain dew,
that legend with an extra set of keys.
    Her gracious hospitality complete:
    an ottoman so I can rest my feet.

© 2010 Richard Williams

My Review

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Sonnets have become rare these days. But I can always use reading a good, metric sonnet. This is different for me, however. It's got the Shakespearean rhyme scheme, but it's seems like inspired from Robert Frost. On the whole, it provides a great experience. I normally don't write sonnets for "casual" stuff... After reading this, I sure will try and write one.

Keep writing.

Posted 13 Years Ago

I love this sonnet. Great to see how well it works when sticking to the rules. 'though as I have found very difficult to do. I love the imagery and humour too.

Posted 13 Years Ago

To be a guest of nature, to listen to the stream, to follow the pathways...this is a relaxing poem spoken from the point of view of a visitor. I feel strongly that you are a guest in this place, and sense the feeling of not belonging to nature. Thank you for sharing your poem

Posted 14 Years Ago

There's not a lot to say about this poem other than it's perfect. The rhyme, the meter, and the content are all exquisite. To quote my favorite lines would be to quote the entire poem.

Well done!

Linda Marie

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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5 Reviews
Added on July 18, 2010
Last Updated on August 8, 2010
Tags: park, home, bird, guest, gown, stream, brunch, eggs, coffee, shoe, legend, ottoman