Diner on Main Street

Diner on Main Street

A Poem by Richard Williams

A visit to a quaint, small-town diner.


Parking the car near the walk of clean concrete,

we step onto the country street

and fish for coins; finding a nickel and dime

to feed the parking meter, we climb

steep steps and enter the "Steel Trolley Diner."

Inside, the Norman Rockwell scene is complete:

customers in colorful shirts cap silver counter

stools, blue curtains cool window sills, and a red

Coca Cola clock ticks above a busy grill.

Spatulas scrape amid conversation as eggs spill

and speak with a language of their own.

White uniformed, wearing a Stetson and sneakers,

the waitress takes our order, her blond

ponytail hanging like a satin rivulet

across her shoulders and streaming down her back.

On the table, paper place mats display

a local map.  I find the county seat

and a covered bridge beyond the railroad track.

We smear homemade rolls with grape jelly,

drink coffee, and consume a pacific hour

of Americana.

© 2010 Richard Williams

My Review

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This poem perfectly conveys the atmosphere of the place it describes in such colorful and vibrant detail. You have brought the whole scene to life here with a clear poetic voice - and through these words i can also feel the 'togetherness' of the 'we' just gently alluded to at the beginning and the end of the poem. Excellent!

Posted 13 Years Ago

Wow! Richard, I can't believe that there has only been onn review of this, I shouldn't say much, mine has been missing from it to..
But not now, now that I see it, I need to tell you that it is very good, a glimpse of Americana..Garrison Kielor would like this, and maybe put it in "Pretty Good Poems", part two. I am glad it placed in Poeticadias contest, maybe more will read.

Posted 13 Years Ago

Reminds me so much of the Eddie Rockets diners we have in Ireland with the 1950's Americana decor theme... they do damn good food, amkes me hungry thinking of them!

Posted 14 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on June 15, 2010
Last Updated on June 28, 2010
Tags: diner, concrete, coins, parking_meter, Norman_Rockwell, stools, Coca_Cola, grill, spatulas, eggs, Stetson, ponytail, rolls, jelly, coffee, Americana

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