Lie, Deny, DelayA Poem by Bob BLie, deny, delay. These are Three methods that Trump employs To con his way through life. And, yes, He's good at making lots of noise.
What comes easy for him, of course, Without a doubt is all the lying. He is also very adept At method number two: denying.
Delaying is a bit of a challenge. To accomplish that, his team resorts To throwing spaghetti at the wall To see what sticks in cases in courts.
How ironic: he claims to be The candidate of law and order But makes up lies about what is Occurring on our southern border.
Law and order? What a joke! The first thing that he'll do, says he, If he's back in the White House to serve One more term in office will be
To pardon the thugs who've been convicted Of crimes involving their connection With the January 6 Shocking Capitol insurrection.
What a cruel, insensitive, Vicious, heartless slap in the face To law enforcement officers Who were attacked while guarding the place!
If Trump agrees that democracy And Law and Order are major concerns, Why then are the ones who protect Democracy the ones he spurns?
Will Donald Trump once again Lie and deny his way to the top? Or will his cold, uncaring campaign Turn out to be a giant flop?
-by Bob B (4-8-24) © 2024 Bob B |
Added on April 8, 2024 Last Updated on April 8, 2024 |