I love how they remind the ones who want religion and government as one. They must be reminded about the 14th Amendment daily. It is scary Bob. I am glad I live in Michigan. So far, I am safe. Thank you for sharing the amazing poetry and your thoughts.
So... which Bible verse is that again? Hahaha okay, I'm sorry, couldn't resist it.
I agree with you on pretty much all of it, though I do believe there's a creator somewhere, even if it's all just in our minds...
The figure of God and the devil have been used and abused under one name or another, in one form or another for.... well ever since they exist in our minds.
For some, it's actually comforting to think that there's some higher power 'up there' that will mete out punishment for the wicked, and give the faithful their 'deserved' (in reality mostly undeserved) rewards. Simply because they don't think themselves capable enough to do it on their own... or just want everything for free, no effort etc.. Some just need an excuse to do whatever it is they want, or take what they want yadadada... Above, I wrote "punishment" for the wicked... But there's the first problem... Who decides who's wicked, and by what right do they decide that? Since apparently no amount of asking and shouting at the God figure ever got him to do it for us... that leaves his emissaries, naturally... And of course they can just blame whatever they do on "It's God's will" and the like.
Then again, the thought of there not being anyone who knows better than our pathetic species does... Well, quiet frankly that is just as if not more disturbing.
All in all, I've seen a few who actually abuse their supposed religion... And history is full of them, even one's that are just as rotten and evil as any other criminal, mass murderer etc etc..