My Vow for the New Year--2022A Poem by Bob BTwenty twenty-one is now Behind us and we're moving on. But sadly we are starting out This brand new year with Omicron.
Concerned individuals Observe the facts and then implore us To put our heads together to deal With challenges that lie before us:
Catastrophes from climate change, Threats to our democracy, COVID variants running rampant, Distrust and religious hypocrisy….
Also, wherever you look these days, You'll notice many a trend-setter-- The toxic, obstreperous type who feels The more obnoxious you are the better.
Lies spread like wildfire. Far too many people pursue them And let them color their fantasies Instead of trying to see right through them.
And so we have a giant task: To spread the truth and let it guide us-- To put more faith into checking facts And not let fallacies divide us.
So that's my VOW if I may have A vow for 2022-- Mainly because relying on reason Is surely the proper thing to do.
-by Bob B (1-1-22) © 2022 Bob BReviews
1 Review Added on January 1, 2022 Last Updated on January 1, 2022 |