continue to be
Water wise, or water
We can save our
precious commodity
If all of us will do
our part.
"But what do
you mean?" some people ask.
tell--are you talking about?"
Certainly, you've
noticed that
We're in the midst
of a multi-year drought.
Water, water
Not right now;
levels are low.
Many places are
desperate for
Much more rain and
winter snow.
"But I've been
saving water," you say.
If that's the case,
then good for you.
But ask yourself,
"Now, is there
Anything else that I
can do?"
Even shorter showers
Make that part of
your routine.
Low-flush toilets
also help,
And fewer loads in
the washing machine.
When brushing your
teeth, washing dishes,
Or shaving don't let
the water run
And run. Only use
what you need.
That, dear friends,
is rule number one.
Droughts have always
occurred, of course.
And too much water
can be a curse.
But weather extremes
are happening,
For climate change
is making things worse.
We MUST explore more
ways to capture
And save the water
that we get.
Would we benefit
from having
Greater water
storage? You bet!
Just be aware of
water usage;
Unnecessary usage
must stop.
Bear in mind that we
Afford to waste a
single drop.
-by Bob B (7-10-21)