![]() Deadly Lives: A Gothic Love StoryA Stage Play by tbone78flag![]() Victoria Haven has a miserable life. But when she she attempts suicide and falls in love with death, only to be resuscitated. Will she find a way to live life with death?![]() Deadly Lives: A Gothic Love Story Scene 1: Open on a sunny midday. Victoria walks down suburban neighborhood street, with three girls following her. Heather and the other two girls pick up and throw rocks at Victoria, while laughing. HEATHER Oh come on Vicky. Why so down? VICTORIA Stop calling me that. My name’s Victoria, Heather. FRIEND 1 God, no one cares. You’re still a freak. Heather and her two friends stop walking. HEATHER (Whispering) Look girls, it’s the neighborhood drunk. Heather points towards Victoria’s house where Mr. Haven is standing outside. MR. HAVEN (Inebriated) Victoria! Getcha’ butt in her’ now! Heather and her two friends laugh and continue walking away. Victoria speed-walks up to the door. Mr. Haven pushes her into the house. Mrs. Haven stands in the house hallway cleaning. MRS. HAVEN Hi honey, how was your day?
Victoria ignores Mrs. Haven and walks down the hallway. MRS. HAVEN (cont’d) Victoria! What did you do this time? Mr. Haven comes into the house MR. HAVEN (slurred speech) Don-chu’ yell a’ me woman. I ain’t do notin to that girl. MRS. HAVEN Oh god, you’re drunk again. Last time you… Fighting fades in the background. Focus goes to Victoria, who runs into the bathroom. VICTORIA (Crying) God, I can’t take them anymore. Victoria looks into the mirror above the sink. VICTORIA (cont’d) It’s just not worth it anymore. The yelling, the hurt that everyone pushes on me, it’s just not fair. I’m done. Victoria opens the mirror cabinet and grabs a pill bottle. She pours a bunch of the pills into her hand and swallows them. She looks back into the mirror. VICTORIA (cont’d) (Crying) Hopefully there’s something for me on the other side. Victoria slowly falls to the ground unconscious. Lights dim. Victoria is the only one on stage lying on the ground. Mysterious man walks on to the scene. Man kneels over Victoria. DEATH Such a shame when one feels the need to take her own life; especially someone so young and beautiful. Death touches Victoria’s arm to wake her. VICTORIA (Disoriented) Where am I? Who are you? Victoria scoots away from Death frightened. DEATH Please do not be afraid. I am only here to help you. VICTORIA Who are you? DEATH I am known by many names. Most of which I wish I had never been known. You could call me the taker of souls, perhaps go shorter and call me the Reaper. But all in fun you could call me… VICTORIA Death? You’re really death. That means… Death walks over to Victoria and holds out his hand to her. DEATH I am afraid so. You passed from those pills you took. I can’t imagine what would possess such a beautiful girl to take her own life. Victoria grabs Death’s hand and is helped to her feet. VICTORIA Beautiful? Well thank you, but I’d say the rest of the world would disagree. Have you never been to that side? DEATH No. I have spent eternity bringing souls from there to the world of the dead. I get so many people now a days taking their own lives. It’s quite sad. Victoria looks away with her head down in shame. VICTORIA Y-you said eternity, yet you look so young. How is that? DEATH I have no specific age. I just simply exist, Victoria. VICTORIA You know my name? DEATH Well of course. I know everything that was, is, and that will be. I know everything that has ever happened to you. I am very sorry. VICTORIA If you knew, why did you ask? DEATH I thought it would make you feel better to get out those feelings. That and usually by now I’ve taken the soul away to the next side. I couldn’t help but to talk to you just a bit longer. Death walks up close to Victoria. He takes her hand and kisses it gently. Victoria smiles brightly. VICTORIA Well thank you. You’re very sweet. Victoria starts to become dizzy She backs away from Death, who stands calmly in one place. VICTORIA (Gasping slightly) What’s happening? DEATH You’re being saved. Just lie down and take deep breaths Death helps Victoria to the ground. Death slowly backs off the stage. Victoria puts her head down. Lights go off. Mrs. Haven comes back on stage. Lights come back on just as Mrs. Haven is trying to resuscitate Victoria. MRS. HAVEN (Crying) Please not today V, please not today. Come back to me. Victoria wakes up coughing. Mrs. Haven grabs Victoria for a big hug. MRS. HAVEN (cont’d) Oh, thank god. Never do that again Victoria. I don’t know what I’d do without you. Scene closes and lights go off. Scene
2: Open up to a high school classroom. Students are listening to their teacher talk. Victoria sits at her desk drawing. The bell rings to end class. Students start packing up and leaving. Heather comes up behind Victoria and takes her drawing. VICTORIA Hey! Give that back Heather! HEATHER Ooh, what’s this Vicky? Looks like someone’s been drawing herself a boyfriend. Heather shows the drawing to her friends, revealing a picture a shadowed man. Heather’s friends laugh. VICTORIA (Crying) Just leave me alone Heather. Why can’t you see that I don’t need doing this to me? I never did anything to you. HEATHER True, but that doesn’t mean I can’t have a little fun. Heather’s friends laugh at Victoria. Teacher walks up behind them. TEACHER Ms. Jones. I’m sure Ms. Haven would like it if you’d politely give her back her paper and go to your next class. HEATHER Oh we were just trying to have a little fun with Vicky. I’m sure she didn’t mind too much. Right? Victoria stares angrily at Heather, as Heather puts the drawing back on the desk. Heather and her friends leave and make mocking remarks at Victoria. TEACHER Victoria, you really need to stand up for yourself better. It isn’t fair that they treat you like that and I know that you are a lot stronger than you show yourself to be. VICTORIA Thanks, but I don’t need your sympathy. I can handle it on my own. Victoria starts packing up and ignores her teacher. Teacher sees the drawing and reaches for it. TEACHER (cont’) This is a really nice drawing Victoria. Who is…? Victoria snatched the drawing away and leaves the classroom. Teacher sighs in frustration. Scene closes and lights go off. Scene
3: Lights come on and reveal Victoria standing in her house bathroom. Victoria stands looking in front of her mirror, speaking to herself. VICTORIA He’s always in my head. What is it about him that just makes me feel…? I don’t know. What if I was imagining the whole thing? I mean Death? You couldn’t have really met Death, Victoria. The world just doesn’t work that way. But what if it was real? It certainly feels real. The thought of him and his wonderful smile makes me feel happy. Something I haven’t felt in so long. I mean I could just take some more pills and end it, but… What about my mom? I could never leave her here with that awful man. But if I go, maybe she’ll finally have the strength to just leave him. God, I wish I could just see him again, just to be sure that he is real. To make sure that everything will be ok if I go. Or maybe I just need some rest. Yeah, just some rest and I’ll think about it tomorrow. Victoria leaves the bathroom and goes into her room. She climbs into bed and falls asleep. Lights dim. Death appears on stage and walks over to Victoria sleeping. DEATH Just as pure as when I last saw you, yet your face shows even sorrow than before. Oh, Victoria, what have I done to you? Death touches Victoria’s arm to wake her. VICTORIA It’s you. I mean it is you right? DEATH Of course. I couldn’t help but to see you again. Ever since the last time I saw you I have thought of nothing else. VICTORIA But how are you here? Am I dead? DEATH (Laughs) No. You are just asleep. Essentially you are in an in between. Just like the last place we met. In between life and death. You are just in between awake and asleep. Don’t let it confuse you. All that matters is that we are together now. Death takes Victoria’s hand and kisses it, while kneeling. He stands back up and comes up close to Victoria. VICTORIA You’re right. And I don’t want to have this end at all. I want to be with you forever, for an eternity. DEATH You know, there’s a difference between being together for forever and being together for an eternity. VICTORIA What do you mean? DEATH Have ever you see an old couple holding hands down the street? You may say they’ll be together forever. But to the couple, they’ll be together for eternity.
Death puts his hand over his heart. DEATH (cont’d) If you’re the one who feels that strong beating in your chest, then you’re the one who will want nothing more than an eternity of that feeling. I never understood that until I met you. Then again I don’t think I ever had a heart beat until I met you. VICTORIA Then take me. Just take me to the other side so we can be together for that eternity. I know I’m ready. DEATH Victoria, I would love to be with you but… I cannot take you before it is your time. VICTORIA Why not? DEATH You would become a lost soul; forever in pain from not finishing your time. VICTORIA But it’s not fair. There is nothing for me on that side. If anything it would be better if I left. My mom could leave that monster. I could find some kind of true happiness. I don’t want to live without you. DEATH (Laughs) Living life with death. Who would have ever guessed? I would love to have you with me. But it isn’t your time. I’m sorry. VICTORIA Fine. But promise me you’ll visit me in my dreams every night. And promise me you’ll be there when it is my time. DEATH I promise. Death takes Victoria in his arms for a hug. Victoria starts to tear up and sniffles in Deaths arms. Victoria starts becoming dizzy and Death lets go of her. VICTORIA No. Not now. I don’t want to go back now. Death looks up as if listening to something. His eyes widen just a bit and he looks back at Victoria. DEATH No, that can’t be. It isn’t the right time. I didn’t mean for this to happen. Just let it be a it longer, please. VICTORIA (Dizzily) What can’t be? DEATH Don’t worry about it, Victoria. Just lie down and I’ll see you again. I promise. Death helps Victoria back to her bed. Lights go off and come back on. Death is gone and fighting is heard in the background. Mr. and Mrs. Haven walk on stage yelling at one another. They stop in the hallway, right next to Victoria’s bedroom door. MRS. HAVEN God, you are disgusting. You show up barely able to stand and reeking of alcohol. I’m surprised you can even form a complete sentence properly. MR. HAVEN Woman you shut your mouth. I’m the man of the house and I’ll do what I want. Victoria gets out of bed and walks out to where Mr. and Mrs. Haven are fighting. VICTORIA Both of you just shut up. I was having the best dream ever and of course you had to ruin it. Just like you guys ruin everything with your constant fighting! MR. HAVEN How dare you, you ungrateful little child. Open your mouth again and I’ll teach you a lesson you’ll pray you’ll forget. MRS. HAVEN Don’t you dare touch my daughter! Mrs. Haven pushes Mr. Haven slightly. MR. HAVEN You miserable, piece of … Mr. Haven goes to slap Mrs. Haven, when Victoria throws a picture frame, on a cabinet in the hallway, at him. VICTORIA Get away from her!
Mr. Haven recovers from the blow and punches Victoria in the head. The blow knocks Victoria onto the ground. MRS. HAVEN WHAT DID YOU DO! Victoria loses consciousness on her mother’s screams for help. Lights dim and the noise from Mr. and Mrs. Haven stop. The two freeze in the background. Death walks on stage and puts his hand on Victoria to wake her. DEATH My love, are you all right? VICTORIA What happened? DEATH You died, Victoria. I’m so sorry; I didn’t know it was going to happen until just before and I didn’t have time to warn you. VICTORIA I thought you said I needed to go until it was my time? If my end was just minutes after, why couldn’t you just let me go with you? DEATH That wasn’t your original time. You were meant to live for much longer, but you and I meeting. It changed the course of your life. I am afraid it was my fault for putting you so close to your end. Victoria closes her eyes, takes a deep breath and slowly opens her eyes again VICTORIA Please do not regret anything, for I don’t. I had nothing there I was just wandering through that life as if a nightmare. I am glad you came to change my life. I am glad I get to be with you. I am ready to live my life with death for eternity. Death helps Victoria onto her feet and stands close to her. They stare into each other’s eyes. © 2013 tbone78flagAuthor's Note
StatsAuthor![]() tbone78flagForest hill, LAAboutWriting is more than ideas. My candles burn too bright and much is missed speed by. I am looking for someone willing to believe in my work. more..Writing