![]() Vita InconsccioA Poem by tbone78flag![]() It's sad when a person dreads their desires, because they desire what others may dread.![]() Vita Inconscio Act I With eyes closed And lands shut out Her mind finds new life From a dull day She opens her eyes to her favorite fake Her heart beats faster with excitement As her mind wonders of the games she’ll play The air smells of agony Of medium rare screams The clouds are dark and ominous And the sky a blue of almost black Cars overturned and on fire Limbs still a flame She can only image the beauty of the horror she’d missed Mountains of dying life Each person trying hard to get to the top To not be buried by the corpses She chuckles Human life seemed amusing But the end of any story is still the best part Her hands are warm and sticky Her eyes look closer to see the wine of all creation Dripping through her fingers But without a care She focuses on another sense Through burning hell she smells meat Slowly rotting She knows she must not wait too long She turns to see the decaying carcass She knew who had harmed this fellow creature And she was proud The face she’d seen But didn’t care She didn’t feel like naming her meal Her knees hit the ground Sticky from the red pools Oozing off the mountains But her eyes stayed focused On the red meat Hanging from the cage holding life’s robot Her mouth watered Thinking of the raw entrée Covered in the sauce of veins residents She lowered her head slowly Wanting to savor every minute The first bite was an organism of delights She titled her head back Letting the blood run down her throat Coating the outside of her chin and mouth The meat was tender As she slowly devoured it Her eyes grew wide The food was a drug She shut her eyes To allow a moan to creep through her body Just before her body could start aching With the yearning of another bite But this was wrong She hated the pleasure she felt She closed her eyes To see another fake One where dread and desire were not allies Act II She slowly opened her eyes Awakened by the smell of past rain This world was as dark as the first She looked to either side Bricks as cold as the air stood Cemented together Her gaze walked down the alley Till it hit a dark mass The male version of her species Dressed in black and very handsome The figure crept slowly towards her She stood strong As though she knew him And she’d felt it The lust in the air Lust so strong Fear stood in its place Anyone would have run Would have screamed But death doesn’t like to be cheated She didn’t want to be taken for weak If he wanted to take her To take her to the other side She was going out on her own terms Her blood ran cold As he touched her cheek She closed her eyes slowly Letting out a sigh that Barely left her lips She could feel his breath Probing her neck Going slowly up Until the warmth stopped Near her tingling lips Trembling from desire She opened her eyes To see black holes within sockets Of sorrow and lost dreams Goosebumps slowly coated her arms As an icy shiver Ran up her spine She bit her lip So soft her lips She pictured her blood was trickling off But no drops spilled He was only a head taller The mask barely seen He kissed her forehead So gentle and so light She wanted him To stay in death's comfort The ones used To take so many away But what person Had even fallen for death Let him hold them forever She let a tear run down her cheek As she closed her eyes in farewell To see another fake One where life was not with death Act III The sound of wind Howling through the trees But that wasn’t what She focused on She could hear the sound Of leaves and branches breaking Someone was running Away from her She turned to her left To see the frightened female She could hear her cry Crying for mercy This only fueled her hunger She took off after the girl The game played for centuries Still she’d never seen The prey outrun the predator The girl ran into an open field Trying to scramble towards the cabin Perched on the hill But this mouse couldn’t hide Not from the cat She loved this game She wanted to enjoy the moment Hiding in the trees She watched the mouse Run inside its safe place Or so it thought She slowly walked towards the house She couldn't hear a noise She knew this showed nothing Nothing except fear Walking to the door She slowly opened it She wanted the girl to be afraid The more she played The better the meal She saw the girl Curled up in the corner She slowly trudged towards the girl She kneeled down The girl stared up They looked into each other’s eyes The girl pleaded for life She was too hungry to listen She slowly grabbed the girl’s arm Almost in peace She raised the flesh to her mouth Quick as the silent night She ripped the meat off the bone The girl’s of screams were music Entertainment for the feast She knew her excitement was wrong So again she shut out the pleasure To find another fake world One where pain was not a game Act IV She opened her eyes Her first notice were pools Pools of beautiful blue They were eyes The host smiled His smile unforgettable She couldn’t help but smile back He was handsome The jet-black ending above his eyes Pale and Muscular She could see little light shinning Through the shades on the window She wiggled her head For comfort on the pillow She could feel the silk Of the night gown Wrapped around her The sheets were just the same She could see his bare chest With his legs above the blanket She could see his gray sweats Yet the comfort was not with The materials warmth The warmth of him near Was almost the sun’s fire She looked back The feeling produced Was stronger Than two swans entwined necks She could tell he’d been awake Watching her sweetly He lifted his hand Up to her face She closed her eyes When skin touched skin Taking in a deep breath She let a sigh soar out Same as she felt When she opened her eyes She saw him still Looking and smiling She got closer She went to rest her hand On his beating chest She grew surprised When her hand went through His eyes grew sad And she then knew He was only an apparition A love she could never feel He tried to smile To calm her down But her thoughts kept wondering She would never get him Not like others get their love He had her close her eyes He wiped away her tears He put his arm around her And she drifted back to the real The one where she’d never be happy Act V She opened her eyes Tears flowing immediately She saw only the real world No creative land That lay in the back of her mind The pain The agonizing pain Not something that could be explained Such a horrible pain The only cure Was to numb it She felt the tears Created by years Not so much from hurt But from trying Struggling to make them Comfortable Trying to make them Love her She wasn’t right She wasn’t like them She knew that The knowledge of that Is what hurt She changed for them Pushing beautiful lands To the back of her mind The pain of a million worlds On her shoulders Alone They have no idea How much she hurts Just so they Will love her Will be comfortable around her The tears she felt Running down her face Was her only comfort To tell these stories Not of physical life The stories she sees Would only put them in awe She smiled To think of the beauty The mystery The horror Such interesting tales Yet they were scared Scared of the unknown The different The changed She had to suit them Still the pain Pain from changing herself Her only salvation When she was alone To go to those lands Though every land She feels ashamed Not even her happy places Were happy again She spent her time Going through those lands Trying to find a happy place She knows others would like Would find normal Yet again She only saw her own Her own happy places Lands she loved And again She was ashamed If only they knew How hard she worked How much she yearned To fit in To be loved Like the others The others who were Normal The word that carried So much weight The word that rang through her mind But she could never understand This word alone Has changed her Once a bubbly, young girl Now a monster Containing unimaginable Pain Losing her everything © 2013 tbone78flagAuthor's Note
Author![]() tbone78flagForest hill, LAAboutWriting is more than ideas. My candles burn too bright and much is missed speed by. I am looking for someone willing to believe in my work. more..Writing