![]() Such is LifeA Chapter by tayzer--
Chapter Ten
“Thank you so much for dinner, Mr. and Mrs. D,” I say, smiling thankfully at them. Margaret gives me a look, good-naturedly narrowing her eyes at me.
“It’s Margaret, dear.” She tells me and I nod my head: got it.
Mr. Davenport turns to me then as we all walk out to the parking lot of the restaurant. “Mr. Davenport is my father,” he says, smiling. “Call me Erik.”
I nod again, taking note. “Well, Margaret and Erik, thank you very much for dinner. I apologize for stuffing my face.” I say, hiding a smile. Mr. Davenp—Erik and Margaret burst out laughing, as do Logan and Elena. Brody is hanging back again, brooding. Chase is distracted by something—I can tell somehow—and his eyes are distant. We reach the parking lot, standing around in the dark where everyone has parked. “We’ll see you at home,” Margaret says, smiling at me and Chase before getting into her and Erik’s car. Brody, still not looking at me or Chase, climbs into his own car and speeds away without a word to anyone. I try not to feel offended and fail.
I bite my lip, looking at Logan. “Is he mad at me?” I ask quietly. Logan looks puzzled for a minute, like he doesn’t know how to answer me.
“Not at all,” he says finally and I frown, nodding slightly. He squeezes my arm and gets into the car with his parents. They drive away, pulling out of the parking lot much slower than Brody had. Chase looks at me, his eyes focused now, smiling. His smile abruptly fades when his eyes land on someone. Without turning, I take a wild guess to who it is.
I’ll take Demetri for three hundred dollars?
Ew, not literally. I was just talking like in a game show…you know, with the bidding, and um. Never mind.
I squeeze Chase’s hand gently, looking up at him. “Let’s just go.” I say, trying to tug him over to where he parked his car, but it’s like trying to move a statue.
I turn around, glaring at Demetri. Elena gives me a little wave, smiling sweetly. “Sorry,” she mouths and then glares at her brother. Demetri, as far as I can tell, isn’t doing anything. He’s standing there, his close cropped white-blond hair unmoving in the breeze. But he’s not doing anything.
I look at Chase again—the clenched jaw, the angry eyes, the fists, tensed muscles. “What’s going on? I ask him, eyebrows raised questioningly. I mean, I know I’m not observant, but come on. I’ve got to be missing something.
Chase shakes his head, as if there’s something he doesn’t want to see, and glares forebodingly at Demetri. I whirl around, stalking up to Demetri. Chase grabs my hand, keeping me away from Demetri. “Skye, please get in the car,” he says, his eyes darkening as he shakes his head again, as if forcing something from his mind. I fold my arms, shaking my own head, staying at Chase’s side.
“Get in the car.” Chase says, his voice firm. I panic, knowing something is wrong.
I look at Demetri and the corners of his mouth turn up in a smile. Chase closes his eyes, bends his head back and takes a deep breath. When he opens his eyes and they focus on Demetri, there is hate so evident in his eyes that for a second I pity Demetri.
Demetri’s smile falters, and he takes a step back before narrowing his eyes and Chase and focusing again.
I step away from Chase, walking quickly up to Demetri and looking up at him, glaring. “What is going on?” I ask him, hatred pure in my voice. Demetri looks me up and down, licks his lips obnoxiously and then raises an eyebrow at Chase.
Before I can get an answer Chase grabs my arm and pulls me away from Demetri. “In the car, Skye.” He says, his voice low. He closes his eyes for a moment, clenching his jaw.
I finally nod and Chase presses his car keys into my hand. I look at them questioningly. “You’re coming too,” I say, almost as a question. Chase shakes his head, turning his head marginally to look at Elena. “Take Elena with you and go home.” He tells me, his voice urgent. I shake my head, frowning.
“Why? Why can’t you come home too?” I ask him, panic rising in my voice. I shove it down, feeling the weight of the keys in my hand.
“Skye, please just do this for me, okay? Please. I need you to do this.” He says, and his eyes soften slightly. He leans down and kisses me softly and his eyes are dark and hooded when he pulls away. I turn, keys in hand, to get in his car but Chase catches my wrist and I look back questioningly. “I love you.” Chase says to me, his eyes burning. I bite my lip, worried. “I love you too.” I tell him, meaning it. “Don’t be long.” I tell him, thinking that he has to work something out with Demetri and that he’ll be home later. A flicker of pain flashes over Chase’s face but it’s gone so quickly that I begin to wonder if it was there to begin with.
“Elena,” I call over my shoulder, opening the driver’s side door to Chase’s Porsche. I slip into the sleek car and wait a minute for Elena to get in. When she does, I start the car wearily before pulling out of the parking lot.
Elena and I drive in silence, our minds wandering. I have to wonder what’s going on with Demetri—I mean, the guy is pure evil. There isn’t one ounce of good in him. So why would I leave Chase alone with him? Not that Chase can’t take care of himself—I know he can—but if Demetri’s up to something, isn’t there strength in numbers? My mind races, thoughts flying here and there at seemingly no pattern.
We’re about halfway home when I slam on the breaks, cussing loudly.
Elena looks at me, concerned. “What’s wrong?” She asks me, frowning. I’m breathing heavily, gripping the steering wheel tightly as we sit on the edge of the road unmoving.
“Cell phone,” I say shakily, groping around Chase’s car for my phone. Elena finds my cell phone before I do, and she hands it to me, her face worried.
I punch in Chase’s cell phone number—the numbers as familiar to me as my own birth date—and wait impatiently to the ringing.
It rings, and rings, and rings some more before it goes to voicemail, Chase’s warm voice washing over me. I feel my stomach drop.
I cuss again and Elena looks at me, her face lined with concerned. I can’t put my screaming thoughts into words just yet though, and though I feel bad for ignoring Elena, I dial another number: Brody’s.
He picks up on the second ring. “Hey, Skye.” He greets me breezily. My hands are shaking horribly and I almost drop the phone.
“They have him,” I say, not fully forming a sentence. I can feel tears welling up in my eyes and I breathe heavily, trying not to start bawling.
“Skye? Who do they have? What’s going on?” Brody asks me and his voice is calm. I struggle to take a breath.
“The Company. They have Chase.” I say, closing my eyes. I hear Brody curse softly before he answers me.
“Are you safe?” He asks me. I open my eyes, taking a deep breath.
“It doesn’t matter if I’m safe!” I yell, unfairly letting my frustration out on Brody.
It’s silent for a minute and I close my eyes again, leaning my head back. “I’m sorry.” I whisper into the phone. “Yes, I’m safe. Elena is with me.”
I hear a sigh of relief. “Come home right now.” Brody tells me and I open my eyes, trying to steady my hands. “But you’re not driving, let Elena.”
I narrow my eyes and then sigh, realizing he’s right. With my shaky hands I’d probably crash us into a tree or something equally dangerous. So not what we need right now.
“Fine. We’ll be there in fifteen.” I say quietly, hanging up the phone. I turn to Elena, and she gives me a slight smile.
“Surrender the keys…” she says and I attempt a smile, climbing out of the Porsche, walking around to the passenger’s side. I wait for Elena to get in the driver’s seat, and when she does she brings the car to life, pulling onto the road swiftly.
I look out the window, my stomach in knots. Why didn’t I realize in the parking lot what was going on? Demetri was taking Chase to the Company—of course he was. He’s a bad guy and I knew that. But I left anyway.
Of course Chase would make me leave. He probably knew that if I found out what was going on I would’ve refused to let him go. I would’ve done something had I known. I wouldn’t have just left.
“He’ll be okay,” Elena says to me as she drives to the Davenport house. I shake my head to myself, appreciating the comment but hating it nonetheless. She doesn’t know what its like at the Company—what they do to you.
They made me see the people I love die. They made me watch as they screamed for their life. They locked me in a room with no food and water, no light, no anything, and refused to give me anything unless I told them where the Davenports were. They took blood from me; they took my DNA and then altered it. They ruined my life. There is no way in hell that Chase will be okay.
“No he won’t,” I say quietly, mostly to myself. Elena frowns, biting her lip.
“Skye, I’m sure that you of all people know how strong he is…” Elena says, groping for some way to comfort me. I sigh.
“It doesn’t matter how much he can bench press.” I say, my voice calmer than I feel. “It doesn’t matter that he could take any of them on in a fight. One person can’t fight the Company.”
And then, an idea starts forming in my head. “But maybe six people could.” I say.
Elena pulls into the Davenports driveway, puts Chase’s car in park and looks at me calmly. “Chase would walk through hell to keep you safe, Skye. In fact, I think he’s pretty much done just that. If you try to fight the Company and die then everything Chase has done will have been in vain.”
I sigh, getting out of the car. “I can’t leave him there. I won’t.” I tell her, walking into the Davenport house.
I open the front door and it shuts closed behind me loudly. Brody walks down a hallway hurriedly, rushing over to me. “Are you okay?” he asks me, frowning. I feel unjust anger rising in my chest and I shut it out.
“I’m fine. It’s not me I’m worried about.” I say, trying not to start crying. I mean, my boyfriend is being held captive by the very people that killed my parents and tried to ruin my life. Excuse me if I get a little emotional.
Like, a lot emotional.
“He’s going to be okay.” Brody assures me, his eyes showing concern for me.
“I wish everybody would stop freaking saying that!” I snap, my eyes panicked. Brody looks slightly offended and I sigh, grabbing his hand. I mean the gesture to be friendly but the look in Brody’s eyes makes me drop his hand. “Look, I’m sorry I keep snapping at you. I’m just…we need to get Chase out of there.” I say, biting my lip in thought.
“Its fine, Skye.” Brody says and his voice is smooth and forgiving. I smile gratefully at him and nod toward the kitchen, where I can hear voices.
“Is everyone in there?” I ask and when Brody nods we walk to the kitchen, joining everybody (minus Demetri and Chase).
Mr. Davenport—Erik, sorry—looks at me and his eyes are calculating. Margaret’s are the complete opposite—open, worried, panicked. A lot like mine, actually.
“Hi,” I say and I receive weak smiles back at me. Maggie, who I haven’t seen much of lately, looks miserable.
Which, on the topic of Maggie, there is something I need to mention. Maggie and Chase, Logan and Brody aren’t siblings. But I totally understand if you thought they were. Cause, like, Erik is they’re dad…but no. No, he’s not. Confused? Well, yes. Such is life.
Anyway! Remember Bruce Matthews? The guy that worked for the Company, a fellow Extinguisher, and blahblahblah. Well, when Erik (since he’s an Adapter) took Bruce Matthews form, since Bruce was killed by the Company and all, he also kind of took over his life. Which isn’t as bad as it sounds. So Erik is kind of Maggie’s godfather of sorts. If that makes sense. Or, he’s her adopted father. That’s better.
I look at Logan but he’s gazing out the window, a faraway look on his face.
“How do you know that the Company has him?” Margaret asks me, panic in her voice. I take a shaky breath.
“When Chase brought me the antidote I…noticed a necklace around his neck. When I asked him about it he told me that he wears it because the Company owns him. I didn’t understand how they could own him, so Chase told me that he made a deal in order to get the antidote for me. The Company could have him if Rueben would give up the antidote.” I take a deep breath, tears invading my eyes. “I’m so sorry.” I say quietly, wiping at my tears. “This is all my fault.” I press my lips together, looking down.
“Skye, don’t say that. This isn’t your fault. It’s Rueben’s fault.” Logan says, his eyes angry. “And we’ll make him pay for what he’s done to this family.”
I feel momentarily happy, liking the sound of that. But then Erik interjects.
“Logan, calm down please. We need to think about this.” He says, voice domineering. I sigh. Oh great, someone who thinks things through. “We can’t just barge in there and demand Chase back.”
There’s a slight pause and then, “well, why not?” I ask, frowning.
Erik sighs heavily, and Margaret answers for him. “Because they’d either kill us or enslave us.”
I pause, thinking about this. “Not if we all went. Not with all our Talents.” I say confidently. Erik shakes his head sadly.
“You don’t understand. If they get a Neutralizer within ten feet of us, none of our Talents will help.” He explains, and I finally do understand.
“Well then what do you suggest we do?” I ask him, not giving up. Like hell I’ll leave Chase at the Company.
“I suggest we take them by surprise.” Erik says, starling me. I thought he was anti-attack. But thank God I was wrong.
“That sounds more like it,” Brody says with a grin. I glance at him and his eyes lock with mine. I quickly look away, my attention back on Erik.
“How?” I ask, narrowing my eyes in thought. We could do things black belt style and go Tae-jitsu on their asses.
“Well, once we get to the Company we’ll need Skye to Persuade whoever she can that we’re there to pick up something. If all goes well, they won’t question it. Brody, you’ll be Protecting us the entire time, we’ll need you to put a shield over all of us for as long as you can manage. Logan, as soon as Skye finished Persuading a person, we’ll need you to Remove their memory of ever seeing us. Elena, you’ll need to create the Illusion that we’re all Company members, and if need by I can Adapt into Rueben or some other staff member. Margaret, if worst comes to worst; we’ll need you to Heal us in the event of a fight.” Erik takes a breath, watching us all carefully. The only person he hasn’t addressed in the room is Maggie and we all grow awkwardly aware of it.
“What about me?” Maggie asks, her eyes red-rimmed. I try to smile reassuringly at her but she’s not looking my way.
“You’re not going.” Erik tells her, parental authority in his voice. Maggie frowns, her face lighting up with disagreement.
“If everybody else is going than so am I.” She tries, but Erik just shakes his head.
“Maggie, you’re not a Talent. I’m only taking everybody else because they are Talents, and I need them to help break Chase out.” Erik says, and Maggie flushes.
“I realize that I’m not a Talent, but I can still help when—“
“Maggie, enough. You are not going, now drop it.” Erik says sternly. Maggie closes her mouth audibly, and blinks slowly before turning on her heel and leaving the room. Erik sighs, rubbing his face with his hands. “We’ll need to leave tonight.” He tells us.
Quietly, we all nod, our faces somber. We know what we’re getting into. If one thing goes wrong, we could all end up dead.
This will either be a rescue mission or a suicide mission.
“We’ll meet out front of the house at eight. It’ll be dark enough to provide some cover if we end up needing it.” Erik tells us, and I clear my throat quietly.
“I know you guys would never admit to it, but this is all my fault. And I’m sorry. Truly.” I say, blinking wearily.
Brody cracks his knuckles loudly. “Skye, enough. Stop saying that.”
“But it’s all my—“ I start to protest.
“Enough!” He snarls, his eyes hooded. I blink, hurt, and then close my mouth.
“Eight o’clock then.” I say, my voice without emotion. Margaret smiles weakly at me.
“Yes, dear.” She says and I nod curtly, leaving the room. I’m about halfway to my room when I start to cry. Full-body cries, complete with shaking hands and shudders.
I lean against the wall in the empty hallway, sliding down it until I’m sitting on the floor. Then, I bury my head in my hands and let myself cry. I cry for Chase, and for the Davenports, for Elena who has been so kind, and for Maggie who feels left out.
I don’t stop crying when I hear footsteps on the hard-wood floors, and I don’t stop crying when I feel a body sit next to me against the wall.
“Hey,” a voice says softly, tugging on my arm gently. I look up through my tears and see Brody, his eyes neutral.
“Hi,” I say, sniffing loudly. I notice how Brody won’t sit close to me on the floor. “Why are y-you mad at me?” I ask him, wiping away tears. Brody sighs, shaking his head at himself.
“I’m not,” Brody says, a hint of protest in his voice. I look up, tears blurring my vision.
“Oh, really? Because you won’t sit near me, you won’t look at me, you barely talk to me anymore, and you—“
“Skye, please. Just…I’m not mad at you, okay?” Brody says, and the neutral look leaves his eyes, replaced momentarily with a look of pain. I frown, feeling tears fall from my face. Brody grinds his teeth together and looks away from me.
“See!” I say, crying. “You won’t even look at me!”
Brody turns to me then, his eyes locked very intently on mine. “If I could use my Talent to Shield you from all the pain that you’re feeling, I would.” Brody tells me, his eyes still on mine. I blink, my tears stopping momentarily.
“Thanks, Brody.” I say quietly, look down at my hands. I sigh. “We’re going to get Chase back, right?”
Brody clenches his jaw, looking away from me again. “Yeah,” he answers, before getting up from the floor. He looks down at me, his jaw still clenched. “I’ll see you at eight.”
I nod, smiling softly and watch as Brody walks down the dim hallway, away from me. I don’t care what he says, something is definitely up. And I’m going to find out what it is if it’s the last thing I do.
I get up from the floor with a sigh, walking towards my room. I see that my sheets have been changed on my bed and that a fresh pile of laundry sits on my bed. Not to self: thank Margaret about eight times.
Looking at the clock and noting that it’s only seven, I spend the next hour laying on my bed listening to music. My eyes grow weary from staring at the clock, but when it finally turns eight I put on my game face and get off my bed. I turn around at the door, looking around my room, noticing the pictures of Chase and I that line my walls.
This plan, whatever it is that we’re doing here, is going to work. It has too. Because even if it doesn’t, I’m not going to stop trying until something does. I know what they do to people in the Company, and there is no way I’m going to let Chase go through that.
Closing the door to my room, I wander down hallways, through the kitchen and foyer, and out the front door to where Brody, Elena and Logan wait outside, by their cars. I give everyone a smile, but Brody avoids my eyes. Surprise.
“You ready?” Logan asks me.
“Damn Skippy.” I reply, sauntering down the steps toward them. “Where are your parents?” I ask Logan and he shrugs, squinting at the house as if he sees something. I follow his gaze and watch in confusion as Margaret races down the steps, her make up smudged.
“Maggie is gone,” she says, her voice stressed. A minute later, Erik steps out of the house, locking the door behind him.
“Where could she have gone?” I ask out loud, mostly asking myself in search for an answer.
“The Company,” Erik answers me, walking down the steps with a solemn face. “She left a note.” He sighs, rubbing his face with his hands. “She said she is tired of being the only Non-Talent, so she’s going to Rueben to ask for a Talent.”
I can hear the worry in Erik’s voice and I feel my mouth drop open in surprise.
“Then we better get moving,” Elena says, her voice concerned. Erik nods and we all get into one car, not talking.
If this plan goes awry we could all die. Chase could be captive in the Company forever, and the rest of us could too. If we don’t die, that is.
Stepping down on the gas, Erik races the car forward.
Well. No way can we let this plan fail. Cause if we do…we’re all screwed.
© 2009 tayzer-- |
1 Review Added on October 2, 2009 Author![]() tayzer--AboutMy name is Taylor, and I love to write. But so does everyone on here, right? So maybe I should stick to the really random stuff, that isn't common knowledge. I have a huge addiction to bubblegum. And.. more..Writing