wen i usually sit n think, they're only women in my mind... be it mom,sis or the grl, wit whom i love to dine... there is this somtin bout women, which makes them simply devine..! they're not just beautiful, but ppl who noe u fine... they're the ppl who treasure ur love, keep it safe,search n mine...! they are the ppl who give u life, make u grow up like the pine... but wat do we give them? make them hungry for love, make them stand in line!! we flush them into drains, float them in coastal ravine.. everyone loves to have a gf, or wife wit beauty prime...! but y hate to have a daughter? y abort them frm reachin sunshine??!!
Great poem, simple, but conveys a strong message. I like that. The only thing I can think that would improve your writing is if you worked on your technical skills, like apostrophes, capitalization, and other grammatical things.