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Compartment 114
Compartment 114
Frying pan -> Fire

Frying pan -> Fire

A Chapter by Stephen

  What i saw in front of me scared me, there was a good few hundred dead heads running around. they are about a hundred yards off the cap to the gas station tank. once i get there i look up, i'll have about a minute, i grab my knife and cut the first packet of fuel stabilizer open, and pour it in, it is taking too long. i look up to see how kyle's doing. he is loading the first gas can into his cart. i whistle and point to the horde. his eyes open wide, george runns up behind me and starts using a hunting rifle to pick some off. about 3 packets in i just start stabbing the packaging and dropping it package and all in there. i look up, the dead are about 25 feet away. i quickly kick the cover back over the tank, and i hop in my vehicle. 
  "George, fall beck here to kyle, we will cover him."
  "That is our way out."
  "Back yards, we can always go four wheeling." he runs over to kyle
  "Time to f**k these b******s up." there are many cars on the road, but the parking lot is empty. I take a U turn and head about a hundred feet perpendicular to where the zombies are coming in to the parking lot. then as the zombies come into the open area I rev the Gas a few times to get their attention. As i do this i get their attention and the start towards me. i reach into my back pack and get out a pack of smokes. i select the one that is in the middle of the front row. i put it to my lips, and light it. by this time there is a good twenty or thirty through this opening. i put it into first gear, and let out the clutch, i get into high RPM's and then i shift into second, about fifty feet from the dead i take it out of gear, take a drag, and have enough time to look over to Kyle. The look on his face is something i will never forget, it is something between amazement and horror. I hit like a bowling ball into a brick wall. while i ran over a good many of the one's in the parking lot, i'm now going to slow to mow down the rest in front of me. i hit the clasp holding the mesh over the open windshield and i draw my 1911. before the mesh has time to settle i'm lighting off rounds, and zombies are falling. i line up a shot on the one to my left and i just start shooting from left to right, mowing them down as i go, reloading when i run out. 
After what felt like an eternity, but was only probably 5 or 6 minutes, i hear the other carts rev up.  i run to the front on the shop, where i pick up kayla. We then head behind the shop into the grassy rocky area to get away. we turn right once we get behind the shop and we start to parallel the road, but the terrain keeps us from going fast. but we are moving, and that is what matters. After what felt like is an hour, we come across a dirt back road and we are able to start racing away, getting some distance between us and the horde. we are on this road for a few hundred feet before we take a right, if we went strait, then we would have ended up in the Alantic.
we race down back roads untill my cart begins to sputter. i then drop my cart a gear and get ahead of kyle and slow him down.
"Runnin out?"
"ya, and the sun is starting to set." i point west
we shut down out machines and refuel mine and his. we then decide to push them backwards down a slight hill where we make a little blind, where natural cover and the blind itself will keep these from being seen by the casual observer. we then hike down the road a little ways untill we see a nice little raised ranch house on a bit of a hill, set back from the road. The house is a brownish tan with a long windy drive way.
"Damn, should have brought the carts." Kyle remarks
We walk into the house from a side door. I have my cross bow out, Kyle has his silenced 9mm out, and George has a base ball bat. we walk through the door, and into the kitchen. we can see down a hall way and clear through to the other side of the house.  after about ten feet there is a half wall that looks like it leads to a dining room, and fifteen feet from the door we just walked through there was an other door. then 5 feet after that door, the house opens up. we start to walk down the hall way, i'm in the lead, Kyle behind me, and then Kayla, and finally George. once we get to the door way to our right, i immediately turn. it is a grizzle sight. there is a small child, no more the 4 years old, hanging from a ceiling fan. Zombified. there were blood splatter all over the walls, and the ceiling. 
"Clear" Yells kyle
"Clear" George dittos
"Clear" Kayla says
"What the f**k" i whisper under my breath, and around the cigarette between my teeth i take a few more steps into the room. the cigarette falls. there are the parents, holding onto a double barrel shot gun.
"holy shi..." Kayla is cut off by the stomach emptying it's contents all over the floor, Kyle is right there to hold back her hair.
"Get her out of here." i tell Kyle, it comes out as a squeak, but he understands. He even closes the door for me. he knows what i has to be done' and i understand that i must do it, Kyle could never hurt a child, no matter what, and i remember George saying the he had children. i put another cigarette in my mouth. i take a drag, and i raise up my cross bow. This boy never got to enjoy life.
"God forgive us." i pulled the trigger. i sent a bolt strait through the child's head, dead instantly. i walk over to the parents, and i grab the shotgun, and the box of ammo next to them. i walk out of the room. dizzy. Kayla's vomit on the vinyl floor makes me slip. falling, then a thud is the last thing i remember.

© 2012 Stephen

Author's Note

Chill with the Capitalization and the choppy word flow, one of these days i'm going to go through it and polish it.

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Added on March 29, 2012
Last Updated on May 16, 2012



Hopkington, RI

I live in a small town in southern Rhode Island, not much happens, two cars going down the road count as a trafic jam more..

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