

A Chapter by Stephen

  "Where the f**k have you been?"

  "Well school is in about this time so i thought it was safe to say there."

  "Your teacher called, you ignored school policy of getting on the bus, and got in your truck insted."

  "Yup that sums it up."

  "Good boy." Connor looks completely lost

  "He told me to ignore policy and get my truck here at any cost, cuz my truck is a beast, and the most reliable vehicle we have."

  "Oh." he fallows me into my garage and up into my house. Where i see my mom cooking lunch for us all.

  "Already ate."

  "Too bad, school food is barely food, home cooking is full of love."

  "should have told me we'd have one extra."

  "Long story i'll tell you later." I walk into the livingroom and point down the hall,

  "First door on you left is the bathroom, the door acrost from that is my room, i'll bull out a cot for you in a few, make yourself at home." Connor nods and thanks me.

  "what is the story with hime, he isn't his usual Ghettoness."

  "His parents aren't alive from what we know. so i grabbed his dads guns. If they are alive they will know where to find them."

  "Good, I'll leave those guns in you control for now."

  "Ok. So what is our plan, Mr.Stevens told me that your plan was to hold up here."

  "yup, we can get water easy, we just have to hook up the hand pump, easy to defend, we can go hunting out back. Perfection."

  "Ok, we are going to have to adopt connor atleast for the time being. already thought that out. He has a strong back and a good head, i got no problem."

  " Where is Jake?" My brother is usualy at colege but you never know.

  " The terrorist attacked the colege... My guess is walking around..." He starts to cry, they never really got along that well, but my dad loves my brother

  "I'm going to set connor up' I walk into my room and pull the cot out from under my desk, and set it up next to my bed. Connor is in my room and lays down.

  " I'm gonna take a nap."

  "See you later, i'm going to run out really quick, i have to go check on some of my other friends."

  "Have fun." i walk out into the living room, my dad is watching T.V.

  "I'm gonna run over to Kyle and Brittneys."

  "If you ain't back in thirty minutes to an hour I'll be fallowing you, bring your bow.

  "O.K." i walk down stairs and angle left and grab my hunting bow and a quiver of hunting arrows. then i walk out the basement door and around my house to my truck, half way there i see some one, i nock an arrow and pull back, aim at them.

  "Get on outta hear" in my swamp yankee voice that i use when yelling at dogs because they tend to listen better. The figure turns to me moans and starts my way, about 5 feet out of the wood line i let the arrow fly strait into it's head, it falls. by dad is out about a minute later.

  "Nice shot" he says

  "And i can reuse the arrow" i say as i walk over, put my boot on it's face and the arrow a yank, i need to wash this. My father walks over and grabs it and walks back into the house, i continue on my path to my truck get in start it up and then start the hell of getting to my friends house.

  Getting off my road was nothing, no cars, easy. but on the main road cars were in my way and horns were beeping. i drive in the grassy area next to the road again and now i have to cross the road, no one will let me go untill i just start being an a*****e and pulling into the void area left when one car pulls up.

a man gets out of his car, walks up to my truck and brings his hand behind his back, i see that the man is very angery so i reach for the colt, he brings his have up revealing a pistol, but he isn't aiming it at me so i look to where he is pointing it, i see an infected lumbering his way up to my truck so i roll down my window and pull the trigger, sending a bullet right into it's head, and sending brain matter into that area behind it. Then i step on the gas and ram an abandoned car out of my way, not worrying because my truck push bar took the hit. then i'm off and flying down the very familiar back road. About five minutes later i pull into the drive way of a 200 year old victorian style house, there is a truck in the driveway but Britney must be at work. i walk into the house with my bow and my gun, i think and tuck the gun into my belt, and walk in. i take an immediate right and knock on kyles room door.

  "Any one home."

  "Depends on who is asking, if it is that a*****e Stephen than no."

  "Ok, I'll See you later" as i finish kyle opens the door. damn, i think you keep getting shorter and shorter, kyle is 5'9" and "Stunningly good looking" say many of the women he meets, we walk into his room and i wip out my pack and give him one, and take one for myself.

  "So what is your plan man, with all these s**t-heads running around?"

  "No clue, last i know britney was on her way home. she drive her mothers car today, her car is at my shop."

  "S**t, as i was comming here i rammed a car out of my way that could have been her mothers, but it was abandoned on the side of the road."

  "Did it have a dead-head sticker on it?"


  "That would be her mothers." There was a knock at the door, we look out the window and we see Britney...but not the way we wanted to see her.

© 2011 Stephen

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Added on November 18, 2011
Last Updated on November 22, 2011



Hopkington, RI

I live in a small town in southern Rhode Island, not much happens, two cars going down the road count as a trafic jam more..

D-Day D-Day

A Chapter by Stephen