4000 Pounds Of Love

4000 Pounds Of Love

A Chapter by Stephen

The flight from the school to home.


  After a few minutes the police swept the school and then teachers began to usher us to the busses. But as we passed the branch of a hallway, i saw Mr Conroy walking towards us. so my group and i break off of the line of people heading to the busses, and a police officer took notice.

  "Where are you going son?"

  "to my last class, i left my stuff there, ask my teacher."

  "Nah i trust you, but go back to your bus once you get your stuff."

  "Thank you."

  We then walk down the hallway, and turn down the new hallway. once we get out of the school we angle right, and walked by the Career and Technical Center. then we have to walk to a field and we'd be home free. Once we get into the senior parkinglot there is an officer who ambushes us.

  "When are you going?"

  "Home" says Connor

  "Busses are the other way"

  "My truck is over here." i say

  "Well i can't let you."

  "You don't have to let us, but where are we gonna go?"

  "The busses."

  I turn around and point to the now empty bus loops

  "You see busses, i don't." The officer asked about what they should do over the radio, the responce was to drive us home. When i heard this i took off running for my truck. The officer just stood still

  "I was gonna let you go anyways." I don't trust him though i keep running and throw my stuff in my truck, and start it, connor and nick get in the cab with me, leaving trisha and johnny in the bed. i get blasted by the country music i was listening to on the ride to school. i pull out of my spot and head off the the right. Towards home. Now i reach down and grab my pack of smokes.

  "Yo beer me one" Connor asks. i whip out a cigarette and hand it to him. he produces a lighter from his pants pocket. and i roll my window down, taking a long drag off it. Then look at the state of the roads.

  "S**t..." bumper to bumper trafic, busses stuck on the roads and cars fighting to get around, then i notice it is a mix of teachers and parents who tried to pick up their kids. Before the guy behind me has time to think i drop it into reverse and get back on the road that leads away from the parkinglot.

  "buckle up" now i've taken my truck fourwheeling before, and this truck is you stock two wheel drive, automatic ford. But this truck can take a pounding, Connor calls it the beast because we rode some trails where he lives and we crawled up a fourty degree incline like nothing. on the way down i smashed a rock against the twin I beam suspensions and nothing happened to the truck. The rock cracked in two.

  I now take a different approch to getting home. Back trails and fields. We take off acrost the turf field, recent rain has made it muddy and i start throwing up fish tails of mud and grass. i take another drag off my smoke and all i hear is sweet home alabama and connor and nick hooting an hollerin'. when we get to the farside of the field, i found out that the trafic was heaviest on the side of school i first triend.

  "want to try the other side or keep off roading." i mannage to yell over them, and it was decided to take the road, much quicker and less stressful. so i get back on the roads and take an immediate left, then fallow it for 5 or so miles, then take a right onto our road, and first stop be connors house, i wait in the driveway, wanting to finish my smoke but connor comes out 

"there is a message on the answering machine that every one needs to hear" so i stomp my smoke out and walk in

  What's up?"Connor is almost in tears which is rare for the little ghetto kid.

  "Listen" we start to listen to the recording

  "Honey if you hear this then you can't come looking for us, some people broke into the office building where i work and they are attacking poeple, we ar on the highest floor trying to...S**t there is another one RUN." we hear running  then the phone falls and we begin to hear screaming and connor shuts it off.

  "They work in the building that the protestor were infront of my mom and dad work for the same walstreet investor..." he trails off, i take out my smokes and give one to him and light it.

  "Damn, this s**t is happening every where." i walk over and turn on the T.V. All of a suddon there is a reagonal alert telling everyone to go home and stay indoors, do't open the doors for anyone, not even your best friend, it says that terrorist have attacked us with some nerve agent that "Zombifies" people and makes them attack people.

  When it returns to regular news it is reports of people getting attacked, building being attacked, they interview a man who got away from a bunch of attackers. the man said

  "They are easy to get away from, the walk slowly, but they come in groups, don't try to fight them, they feel no pain, and bullets to the chest don't hurt them..." the man goes on but i stand up and go into connor's parents room. His dad and I were hunting buddiers, he never told me the combo to the gun case but i watched him enought to see it and i know what is it. i punch in the numbers and grab all three of his guns. A Colt .45 pistol. A .22 Rifle we called "The Squirel Popper" we call it that because it is scoped in perfectly and we love to hunt squirel, great tasting meat. and his AR-15. this gun has a red DOT sight and a flash light on the bottom. i put the guns in their cases and i grab most of the ammo. He always told me that if i even tought that something happened to him get the guns to my house where they'd be safe. He'd always known that i knew the code for the safe. i walk out to my truck and load it all in, then i walk back.

  "Let's go." No one hears me, they are stairing at the screen. It is now showing national footage. The Commander is saying that the attacks have happened all over the country, starting in eastford where the protestors where. i walk over and shut off the T.V. Let's go. we walk out into the cool november air. No one asks me what the gun cases were from.

  the radio is the same on every station, they aren't playing music and they are talking about the riots and the terrorist attacks, so I plug in my ipod into my truck and start playing some music. it is a silent 2 mile drive from connors house to Nicks. when we get there his parents are there ready to do to their aunt's house out in the middle of nowhere. their cars are packed with items, food, sentamental items, stuff like that.

  Before we leave we decide to put the guns in the bed, and crush in up front. As we move the guns into the bed i grab the Colt and a few clips. Better to be safe than sorry. we then hop in the truck and drive for a minute or two down the road and we start to see it. Everybody is leaving. I see one of my dad friends driving down the road with his wife and baby.

  "Where you going?"

  " Goin' west, suppose to be bettah"

  " do you know what my dad is planning?"

  "What da ya think?"

  "hold up somewhere 'round here."

  "Ye, i'd bettah be goin' we'll be back afta it all blows ovah."

  "See you then."

  We pull away and pull down Johnny's mile long driveway, hitting every bump on the way. when we get herei see john's dad shooting some infected, john and trisha jump out and tell us to go, i throw it into reverse and back out of the drive way as fast as my truck will take me. when i get to the road there are cars backed up in each direction. Most empty. I take my truck down the side of the road where there are no trees but no black top. about 3 minutes later we turn down my road, only a few cars on the road, going up and down, two minutes i get home, i pull into my parking spot and get out, grabbing the guns and Connor Grabbing the ammo. Then My dad starts this way with his arm cocked back like the say i started a fight in school...My jaw hurts just thinking about it.

© 2011 Stephen

Author's Note

Rough draft, tell me if you see any issues and i will fix them.

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Added on November 16, 2011
Last Updated on November 18, 2011



Hopkington, RI

I live in a small town in southern Rhode Island, not much happens, two cars going down the road count as a trafic jam more..

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