work in progress

work in progress

A Poem by Fire&Ice

A boy with all his warmth to give,
followed a cold, slicing wind. 
An olive green glance he gave, 
with a face that begged to be a man. 
A girl who seemed to have her eyes closed, 
Saw something glow inside this boy.

She crawled in close,
He slowly took her in, 
and they they both let it begin. 

A thunder-storm of intimacy began,
raining down on what they thought they knew. 

Days swam by,
Hours flew,
But there was always a lingering of one of the two. 

One day, he carried the girl's seal
 to the bed she had made.
Ivory legs looped over an arm,
And golden locks drooped down his side.
With a soft kiss to the neck she awoke,
And with her blue eyes, she cried. 

© 2011 Fire&Ice

My Review

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I saw you had a work in progress and while I figured I was quasi binge-ing on poetry ready I had to look at this. FINISH THIS POEM! I love your first paragraph. While I see now this poem was started on along time ago, this is a good start and shows or showed (depending on you) major promise.

Posted 8 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on October 11, 2011
Last Updated on November 25, 2011




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