Chapter???—  What a surprise…sarcasm or not to sarcasm?

Chapter???— What a surprise…sarcasm or not to sarcasm?

A Chapter by Taychan

It's the wondrous day of Ran's birthday. Everything is set and ready until.....that one call was made.


“You think this will work?” Shinichi adjusted his shirt, as he looked in the mirror, grinning, happy to be in his teenage body. Maya placed the child-sized clothes away in one of the drawers. I sighed heavily looking in the container holding special, experimental candies after placing two of the BC gum sticks in his left pocket.

“Yea...It’s totally fool-proof if you just follow what I told you now hurry up. She’ll be here in less than thirty minutes and I haven’t finished cooking the birthday meal…” I then pushed him to the other room to finish the plan after closing the box and stuffing it in my jacket pocket. The door rang.

“Maya, could you get that while I help Shinichi with his present?”




“Ran…I hope you are having a happy birthday so far,” I said, leading her to the study. “Here’s is your present.”

Her eyes widened as she looked at the giant box wrapped in red with a big gold bow on top, located in the middle of the study. “Alex…you shouldn’t have…I didn’t even give you a wish list…”

A sheepish smile appeared on my face. “Yea, I know...I asked Miss Sonoko what you liked…” She gave a small laugh. I then gave a cough as I stood next to the box and gestured to it as the birthday girl looked. “In this box contains the things that you always wanted Miss Ran…I really hope you enjoy this gift as I know"” The timer rang in the kitchen. “Ah…Please excuse me as I finish the lunch. Can you wait a few minutes please? This shouldn’t take too long.” I saw the smaller box and handed it to her. “This is from Shinichi. He wanted you to open this first.”

“Ah, okay.” Her expression seemed disappointed in a way. Ran was just about to open it as she looked around as she blinked. “But where is Conan? I thought he was going to meet me us here for the party.”

“I’m having him help me out with the cooking…” I turned to the kitchen. “Right, Conan?”

“Yep~!” the voice replied as a shadow of a child with glasses showed down the hall. “Um…Alex…I don’t think I am doing this part right…Do I mix the flour with the"” A clash sounded. All of us jumped as the shadow disappeared. “Alex! I need help now! The bowel fell!”

I sighed. “I’ll go and help him clean up and finish up.”

“Won’t you need help with anything?”

“No, I’m quite fine. It is your birthday and I don’t want you to do anything that is my responsibility. I’ll be right back, and then you can open gifts.”

Giving a small smile, I headed to the kitchen where Maya and Sherry were picking up the shards of the spare medium sized glass bowel that was scattered about the floor.

Sherry pulled looked up at me as she was wearing the Conan disguise. “Well…it seems like it worked out alright,” she said as I assisted in getting a wet towel and wiped up the last of the small shards.

Maya nodded as he placed the larger pieces in the trash can. “It’s only a matter of time for her to open the gift.”

“Yea…I mean…It’s something she wanted…and it wasn’t hard to get either or costly…” I chuckled a little, tossing the towel in a drawer containing a few other dirty towels. “Now then…let’s make my specialty lightly fried fish with avocado and lemon slices on the side….Along with Maya’s stir fry.” With a quick wash of the hands, we all gathered the items to make the meal when a silence filled the house. Then, a rustle and a soft sound in the other room. A gasp was made. We then listened as two voices speak in the study.

It was Ran and Shinichi. I guess she was too anxious to find out what the gift was. Either that or Shinichi was too cramped and popped out. Anyways, over the next hour, they talked about how they were what they were going to do for the day and the time he was staying.

“It seems like they could talk forever if nobody stops them…” Maya said as I dipped the fish fillets in the dry batter before placing them on a plate.

I nodded in agreement, as the small girl beside me said nothing, reaching up to get the plates. She seemed less emotional than she usually is. I shrugged to myself. I cannot do much to help if she doesn’t want to open up and tell someone what’s wrong. However, I think she likes the great detective as well. It is only just a hunch.

“Open the box,” Shinichi said. It was still quiet on our end to continue the eavesdropping while getting the silver wear.

“But, didn’t Alex say to"“

“He won’t mind…it’s just one gift what harm will that do?” there was a silence and then Ran then began to speak.

Soon the fish were in the pan, sizzling with the butter creating a nice aroma from the batter mix. This now was making it a little complicated for the eavesdropping complicated. I didn’t mind though. They needed time for themselves anyways. The drinks were then prepared and set on the table in the dining room along with the plates Shiho retrieved [it was only kool-aide mixed with Sierra Mist and Mountain Dew soda, it is quite good] as my cell vibrated. I asked Maya to take over finishing the table while I headed to the stairs to my room.


“Good afternoon my future prince~” was the reply. All I could do was to groan in my head, biting my cheek hard, not saying anything rash. It was ‘Princess’ Kyoko. This teen girl is heck a lot worse than Sonoko.

“Ah…Miss Kyoko, I am busy right now and"“

“Even for me?” She asked as she gave that spoiled attitude. I could even hear a pout in on her end. “The one that I love and adore is unable to come to my house?”

I twitched as I kept a pillow in one hand, tightly holding it as the grip on the cell increased. Why me and why now? Everything was going fine until I answered her call. “Miss Kyoko I really"” Once again she stopped me from finishing.

“Now now. Stop playing hard to get. You know you like me, just like most if not all the boys at school, and want all the things that me and my money can get you…I sent my butler over already…he will be there within thirty minutes and I want you ready to be picked up, you can’t refuse this offer,” she paused for a second. The opened door allowed me to hear everyone starting to eat. “Oh, and don’t tell you friends okay? I don’t want them to know. It’s to be a little secret between you and me. Love you and see you soon~” The girl hung up after making a kissy sound.  I stared at the phone, blinking, an occasional twitch and shiver joined in the few moments.

Okay. What just happened here? A crazy rich girl who acts like Princess in the Power Puff Girl show threatens me and a butler is coming in less than a half an hour. I am to leave the house and see her and I fear what is on that girl’s mind. Great. Keeping composure, I grabbed a slip of paper, wrote something, a riddle, and folded it before heading downstairs, handing ‘Conan’ the note. “Here ya go kiddo.” I said with a false grin then looked at the rest of the group, which was everyone before hand as well as Uncle Agasa and Sonoko who just came over. “How are the food and the present Miss Ran?”

Ran looked at Shinichi and then me with a happy smile that was grateful. “I love the gift. Thank you Alex.” She said. “And the food is absolutely wonderful. How did you make this…?”

Uncle nodded. “It’s very good Alexander. Maybe you should major in the culinary arts when you go back to the states…”

“It was pretty easy and simply truth be told. Maya can tell you how to make it.” I looked at him and scratched the back of my head. “Maybe...but I have a year to think that over still…” I looked at the clock. I have some time to sit and eat before discussing the issue with Kyoko’s butler. I hope that he will understand.

Maya came back from the kitchen with my plate. “Here you go, Alex. I saved your plate in the microwave for when you got back from the call.”

“Thanks, Maya...” I said as the aroma roamed with the other scents. In so, for the next fifteen minutes, we chatted on various things like school, projects, inventions, and Ran’s birthday weekend.

The clock chimed the half hour. Only less than five minutes left.

Last thing I need is Ran and the others wondering why a limo is up front or believing it to be part of the surprises. Besides, this is something that I must handle on my own but the note is just in case. You never know, with this ‘Princess,’ anything could happen. “Ah. Almost forgot. There was something that I had to take care of…I will be back as soon as I can…Sorry about this you guys.”

Quickly I left kitchen, without another word, and headed to the front door, taking my jacket and keys placing them in my pockets, closing the door behind me just as the black sleek vehicle came into view. I left the house premises as I waved for the limousine to stop at a previous street. A man came out. He seemed about his mid forties.

Hair was a light brown, trimmed and pulled back to a small, low, barely noticeable ponytail. His eyes were a dull green color. I looked at him as he gave a slight bow. “The princess is awaiting your arrival young master. Moreover, she has brought some Swiss chocolates for you ride over.” He pulled out the small box from the car and showed them to me. “Would you like some now or later?”

Did he say Swiss chocolates? I love those but I shouldn’t fall for the temptation. I’m not even going to ask on how she knew my candies so well.

“Um, Sir,” I started, rising my hands to him. “I really don’t want to go to her home and see her.” He closed the box and held it to his side, the face held an emotionless expression. “I honestly do not like her the way she thinks I do. So, if you don’t mind I have to cater to a party.” I turned around and headed to the house.

I was heading back to the gate as I heard footsteps steadily getting closer behind me. Moving to the side, I saw that it was the butler, trying to grab my arm. “What are you doing? Didn’t you hear me the first time?” I jumped again as he tried to snatch me.

“I am sorry young master,” He said solemnly. “But she specifically told me to bring you to her. She won’t take no as an answer…” He lunged at me as I jumped up, grabbing the top of the brick wall and pulled myself up.

 “Sorry sir, but I can’t and the answer will stay as a no.” I looked down at him as he then closed the limo door and headed to the wall I was standing on.

The butler gave an eerie like smile. “The princess allowed me to bring you back awake or not…she wants you to stay with her…” Next thing I knew, I was running down the wall to the edge and jumped off turning a corner. Looking back, I saw him right behind me. Why do I suffer with the strange? Why can’t my life be a normal one?

“You are a pretty good runner for a forty year old, sir.” I shouted to him, as he was getting closer.

“Forty-seven to be exact and thank you for the comment. I have to keep in shape to well assist the princess...,” he said as he then grabbed a poll and gripped it. Quickly turning to the left, I saw a thick tree branch and jumped up a few seconds before he turned the same way to see nobody. Thank you mom and dad for making me do gymnastics and track. He looked around and headed forward while I hid in the tree, keeping silent until he was far enough away.

I heaved a sigh as I then slid down the tree and made my tracks to the house to finish the party. Thoughts ran through my head, taking a different path back. “Is that guy like her ninja guy or something? He acts a bit more than a simple butler….” Okay, this is just what I need, another two people to be wary of, Princess and the ninja butler that will be Jenkins until further notice. I went down the alley that was between Shinichi’s house and the one next to it, the mind upset, frustrated and somewhat worried I asked aloud, “When will she just give up?!”

A strong grip was on my shoulder, my bad one unfortunately [still suffering from a different incident]. A deep intake of breath entered my lungs from the pain in the shoulder just as a towel covered my mouth and nose. My voice muffled as I inhaled a substance. The world started spinning as a toy globe found only in a classroom. All attempts to get the hand and towel away from me failed. My body became heavy, mind slowly allowing the darkness in. As the arms held my body, I just managed to hear the butler’s voice. “She isn’t the type to give up….nor am I...”

And through all of this, as I felt a leathery material carry me, while the door shut and the car started off, One thought came to mind. This had nothing to do on regret on answering the cell going out or trying to avoid the old butler or even wondering if Shiho and Shinichi knew that I was just taken under their nose [sort of].

It was this: He is defiantly her hired ninja.




Groaning, the vision was slowly returning to a nice pale cream-colored canopy. “My head…” A hand placed itself gently on my head it felt nice and cool. “Where…where am I?” I grumbled to the blur figure.

It"she giggled. “You are at my home, my palace…my prince.”

My eyes widened as I looked at her, then the room. Immediately I tried to sit up but, “Why can’t I move?” my eyes wandered about the room and saw Jenkins standing at the door, a smirk appeared on his face before it changed to a solemn expression as Kyoko looked at him.

“It seems that Jenkins accidently messed with one of your nerves while taking you in. I told him to be careful but what’s done is done.” Jenkins? Man, I was just guessing that name. Unless this girl is reading my mind or something [I really hope not…]. She sat next to me and stoked my hair as if I was her pet cat. “You will be able to move soon…for now just relax and enjoy your new home.” She leaned over and kissed my cheek. She was lucky, very lucky for me to be paralyzed, I would push her off right there and most likely something else.

“My…new home?” My dear mind was stuck on those words. There was no way that I am staying here. I even twitched a few times at the horrid thought. “Kyoko,” I said, skipping all honorifics. “You can’t just keep me here. That is abduction and you and Jenkins wil"”

A red handprint burned on the side of my face. Her gentle look was now of a spoiled brat who wasn’t getting her way. She won’t get her way with me if I have anything to say about it. “My dear prince, you have forgotten that I am rich. That means that I can do whatever I want. Sure, I could let you go freely right now...Even watch you escape back to Shinichi’s home...If you can get out alive that is. However, did you forget that I could ruin your life with only a few calls and a simple rumor?” She sneered as she stood and walked around the bed. “You have no idea as to whom you are dealing with…”

I gave no reply as my dear mind began to go haywire for a few minutes during her ranting speech. She is totally insane! Is she bi-polar or something?! Saying that she likes someone and then keeping him with threats and who-knows-what is in this house. Suddenly, she smiled again, caressing the side of my face gently.

“I apologize. I think I was a bit, mm, harsh. It’s a girl’s time of the month and all.” She waved her hand. “But you wouldn’t understand this…” she stoked my chest as she stood. “I suppose I will let you adjust to this new life I am giving you…” she stopped and turned to the door. “I hope you come to like it, my prince…” she blew a kiss and left with Jenkins behind her.

© 2011 Taychan

Author's Note

Author’s tip1: This involves Detective Conan [Case Closed in almost everywhere other than Japan]. This is all inspired by a glorious thee week dream that followed me for days and nights [Ah, the wonders of the raining season mixed with fall….]

Author’s tip2: The writing in quotes and italics will be in the English language so to separate ease up the confusion if there is any. ^^

Author's Tip 3: I would like to make sure you know that this was made on my second year in high school up to my fourth. I have only now revived and edited some, so I have no idea as of problems that I may have missed. Please tell me where they may be so I may fix it as of any part that might confuse you.

Author's Tip 4: This chapter actually came back to me in a dream last semester in college. I woke up two seconds after the dream and quickly typed it down when the comp was in my room. So please bare with the chapter.
I still am trying to remember what happened between this chapter and the second which still isn't done >.>"

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Added on May 20, 2011
Last Updated on May 20, 2011



Bakersfield, CA

There is not much to know about me. I am a second year in college, i and still practicing on my writings. Though I am just starting to like it, I she still have problems as to making it reason able, .. more..

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A Chapter by Taychan