Chapter Nine

Chapter Nine

A Chapter by tashavoase

A relatively short chapter in which it is announced that there is to be a ball


By the time I’ve made my way down onto the landing, I can hear the sounds of cutlery against china floating up from the dining hall below. My stomach gives an almighty rumble and I hurry down to the entrance hall, slipping silently through the large doors and making my way swiftly towards where Eddie’s sitting. A few people glance up as I hurry past the tables but, I ignore them, keeping my eyes on the back of Eddie’s slightly coppery head. I glance up at the high table and see Chares staring at me intently. I look away, determined to reach my destination without being asked where I’ve been. However, as soon as I slide into a spare seat next to Matt, I’m hit by a thousand questions.

“Where have you been?” Poppy demands.

“What did Charles want?” asks Scarlett.

“Why are you so late?” Eddie questions.

“You hungry?” Matt asks, pushing a plate of chicken pie towards me. I nod gratefully, shovelling the piping hot pie down my throat as quickly as possible, aware that everyone is looking at me expectantly, waiting for me to finish and explain myself. As soon as I allow my knife and fork to clatter onto the plate, Poppy pounces.

“So,” She demands, leaning forwards, “What did the gorgeous Charles want?”

For some reason, I don’t think that I should tell her what Charles said so I do what I do best. I lie. “He wanted to congratulate me on my fighting skills.” I lie smoothly and Poppy accepts it without question. Scarlett, however, narrows her eyes and scrutinises my face which I fight to keep nonchalant.

“Did he?” She asks, raising her eyebrows, “And what did he say exactly?”

“Only that I should consider practising boxing during lunch hour.”

“That’s nice.”

I can tell from her tone that Scarlett’s not entirely convinced but, despite the fact that she doesn’t like me, she doesn’t strike me as the type to gossip unnecessarily. She’s a useful, if not prickly ally to have.

Before Scarlett can question me further, the savoury plates are removed and replaced with a glorious-looking chocolate cake. Matt, Pete, Jack and Eddie grin at each other before cutting themselves mammoth-sized portions. Scarlett rolls her eyes and takes a sliver. Once everyone’s finished demolishing the chocolate cake, the man in the suit stands up. Instantly, everyone falls silent.

“Now,” He says, clearing his throat, “I am aware that you have all been working very hard.” He gazes around the hall, glancing at everyone’s expectant faces before continuing, “And I am also aware that it has been quite some time since we’ve held a ball.”

Several girls shriek with excitement before falling into shrill peals of laughter. Several of the boys look at the man as though he’s dealt them an unjust blow. The man glares at the girls and eventually, their laughter subsides and he continues.

“Therefore, next week, we shall host a ball on Friday from eight until midnight.” He clears his throat again, “Your lessons and activities will be suspended for the afternoon so that you are able to get ready.” Several of the boys raise their eyebrows at this but the girls, particularly those who giggled, look delighted. “You will also be expected to bring a date.” The man says before sitting leading everyone out.

“Poppydoyouwannagototheballwithme?” Pete asks in one breath, fiddling nervously with his hands.

Poppy rewards his ‘bravery’ with a glowing smile. “Of course I do.”

Pete grins and Scarlett rolls her eyes. I see her sneak a glance at Matt who nods. Poppy talks excitedly about the ball as we make our way out of the hall and up to the common room. She babbles on about what she’s going to wear and exactly how she’s going to style her hair for what seems like eternity until we finally reach the common room and she perches herself on Pete’s lap and begins to kiss him in a somewhat nauseating manner.

“So, Elizabeth,” Eddie says, sidling over to the bar where I’m locating drinks for everyone, “Who’re you going to go with?”

“I’m not sure,” I say nonchalantly, hunting down a bag of crisps and pouring them into a large bowl, “I haven’t really been here for long enough.

“Well, you can always go with me.” He says, grinning at me nervously.

I look at his expectant little boys face. I sigh inwardly. “I’d love to.” I say. Eddie grins widely and I can’t help but feel sorry for him. She may be terrifying but I can’t help but think that he’s be better off with Isla than with me.

Eddie practically bounces away and I follow, carrying several cans and the bowl of crisps.

“So now, we just need to find dates for Matt, Scarlett and Jack.” Eddie’s saying.

“Why, who are you going with, Eddie?” Scarlett asks although I can tell from the way that she glances at me that she already knows the answer.

“Well,” Says Eddie, grinning like a little boy who is doing something which he is not supposed to be doing, “Elizabeth just said that she’d go with me.”

“Did she now?” Scarlett says, turning her head towards me. Poppy looks amazed. Scarlett, meanwhile, looks amused.

“Yes, I did.” I say proudly. “Although I have absolutely no clue what I’m going to wear.” I add, looking pointedly at Poppy. I don’t really care what I wear but, judging by the way Poppy squeals and claps her small hands together, she does.

“It’s ok, we get given credits for good performance to spend at the shop.” She says excitedly, “I’ll help you pick something out, if you like.”

“Will I have any credits?” I ask.

“I don’t know,” Poppy says, biting her lip, “You’d have to ask Charles.”

“Ok,” I say, getting to my feet, “Where’ll I find him?”

“The gallery above the dining hall. Second door on your left.” Scarlett tells me.

I can feel Scarlett’s eyes burning a hole in my back as I stand up and remove myself from the common room. The strange thing about Scarlett is that, although she might not have that many ‘people’ skills, she seems to be able to see right through me.

I meander down the array of corridors. I’m not sure exactly how many people live here; the hall always seems to be packed but, the corridors always seem to be empty. At last, I reach the landing and I locate the second door to the left. I knock, hear someone within murmur something about ‘entering’ and push the door open. Charles looks up from the papers which he is working on. He looks nothing short of alarmed. He leaps to his feet, scattering papers over the floor.

“How can I help you?” He asks once he’s managed to control himself.

“I was told that I would need credits to buy a dress for the ball?” I say, hoping that he doesn’t ask who I’m going with.

“I see Eddie managed to pluck up the courage to ask you then.”


“Well, due to your special situation, I have been told to give you unlimited credits.” He says, plucking a card from the pile of papers.

“Special situation?”

“Yes, you, unlike your beloved Eddie, will be going out on a mission.” He says before adding, “In short, you are not disposable so therefore we must make sure that you work hard.”

“That was the ethos I used to have with my horses.”

“Well, here’s your card.” He says, handing me the platinum card, “Get something nice for Eddie.” He adds scathingly. I raise my eyebrows and walk out of the door.


© 2014 tashavoase

Author's Note

Do you have any suggestions or alterations? Criticism not only welcome but encouraged.

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Added on July 20, 2014
Last Updated on July 20, 2014
Tags: fiction, future, fantasy, chapter nine, novel, romance, friends, ball, party



Hampshire, United Kingdom

I've always loved writing and, right now, I work as a freelance journalist as well as ploughing my way through the novel which I am currently writing. My father was in the army so, as I was growing u.. more..

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A Chapter by tashavoase

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