Kingdom of The Dinosaurs

Kingdom of The Dinosaurs

A Story by Travis Archer

A cave girl enters into a wormhole and has to fight a tyrannosaurus rex for his tooth as she helps a triceratops, a pterodactyl, and a brachiosaurs to win the war against the meat eating dinosaurs!


Kingdom of The Dinosaurs

                                     By Travis Archer


In the prehistoric landscapes of The Stone Age, a teenage Neanderthal cave girl named Zuma carries a huge rock-like bolder and places it in front of the mountain for her brother, Jocnuc, who is building a fort with heavy stones for protection against the predators.


“Jocnuc,” says Zuma, “Do you ever thought of doing something new and exciting other than building forts?”


“Hmmm,” Jocnuc utters, “nope. Just doing the same thing over and over. No changes.”


“We’ve been building forts out of rocks for days!”




“Could we do something a little different?”


“Zuma, look, you are me little sister and it’s me job from parents to keep you safe.”


“But me can take care of me self, Jocnuc!”


“Oh really?”




“You think you strong enough to defend, huh?”




Jocnuc laughs hysterically and Zuma gets annoyed with him. “A small scrawny little weak-ling like you!” Jocnuc laughs.


 Zuma grabs a club and bangs it on a tall giant stone.


“ME…CAN…PROVE IT!!!!!” Zuma exclaims as she destroys the giant stone with her club and tumbles into pieces.


“Is that so, little sister?”


“Yes! Me can protect this family! And me can to protect you!”


“Hmmm, okay, me give you deal. Go find large predator, conquer it, and bring back its tooth.”


“Its whole tooth?”


“One sharp long tooth.”


“So me can prove you wrong?”


“Well if you want it that mu…”


“Deal! Bye!”


Zuma runs towards the cave towards the jungle with her spear, leaving Jocnuc with a stone in his hand.


“Me and my stupid fat mouth!” says Jocnuc.


Meanwhile in the jungle, Zuma runs through the bushes and suddenly finds a dark cave on the other side of her.


“Woah.” Said Zuma as she approaches the cave as she holds her spear with a firm grip.


The young Neanderthal enters deep within the dark and mysterious cave, filled with heavy stones and boulders until she sees bioluminescent light on the other side of her, glowing in the distance. She walks towards the light at the edge of a steep cliff and sees a giant bioluminescent wormhole.


“Woah.” Says Zuma, with surprise. “Pretty.”


Zuma leans towards the edge of the cliff until she falls right into the wormhole from 100,000 feet from the cliff. The young Neanderthal grabs a vine and swings herself on the ground on her two feet.


 She walks through the jungle, climbs up a giant tree and stares at a valley filled with Plant-eating Dinosaurs. The giant beasts moan and groan as they all roam in different herds and flocks. The flying reptiles and pterosaurs fill up the sky and the long neck sauropods swim through the river with their necks and backs appearing out of the water. The herbivores of each kind from the ankylosaurus to the parasaurolophus to the stegosaurus roam and graze through the valley. 


“Woah. What is this place?” She asked with curiosity, “What are those strange looking lizards? Me never see place like this. Ok, Plain and simple. Find predator, defeat it, and get its tooth. Peace of cake. Now where can me find such beast?”


Suddenly, Zuma hears a series of disturbing growling and hissing noises while also hearing something knocking on the tree trunk. The female Neanderthal slowly turns her head and sees pack of Velociraptors lurking out of the branches and walking on the tree trunk towards her.


Zuma stares at the velociraptors and said nervously, “What are you?”


The lead velociraptor named Vincent pounces towards Zuma off the tree and scrapes her with his claws. Zuma pushes Vincent off of her body and knocks him over with her spear while all the other raptors jumps out of the bushes and attacks her. Zuma swings and spins her spear hitting one raptor after the other. One of the raptors jumps on her back and the Neanderthal punches it in the nose. Zuma continues to fight off the raptors with her spear by swinging it side to side and stab them with it until Vincent pounces on her chest as she lies on the grassy ground.


“Stand down, stranger!” Vincent exclaimed, “by order of King Rexington!”


“King?” asked Zuma.


One of the raptors gasps, “He’s coming!”


“Move quickly!” the second raptor exclaimed.


“Make way for the king!” the third raptor shouted.


Another raptor replied “Make way for his majesty!”


The raptors move aside as a thunder of giant footsteps comes closer to the valley. Zuma still lies on the grass on her back and tries to crawl away from the booming noise.


A shadow silhouette of a creature pushes down the trees with its feet and reveals to be a giant male Tyrannosaurus Rex named King Rexington, roaring loudly and furiously with his jaws wide open and his massive teeth showing. Zuma screams horrifyingly and Rexington steps on her chest with his giant foot.


King Rexington laughs manically and sinisterly and said with an intimidating baritone voice, “Well, well, well. What do we have here?”


“A scrawny little two legged is more like it, your majesty,” Vincent replied. 


“I call dibs on her leg!” the second raptor added. 


“Silence!” King Rexington roared, “We shall all take turns on which part of her that we want.”  


“Uh, excuse me, giant lizard with big teeth.” Zuma said, calling his attention. The tyrannosaur looks down at her while his muzzle is up to her face.


“That’s King Rexington to you, miss!”


“You certainly do have a lot of teeth.”


“Well, yes of course I-


“And a very bad breath!”




Three of the raptors giggled and chuckled with their hands on their muzzle until Vincent punches them in their shoulders.


“How dare you defy me in my own kingdom, you strange looking temptress! Although,” the T-Rex laughs, “You are the easiest pray to catch and eat.” Zuma gasps horrifyingly. “Any last words, two legged peasant?!!”


“Yes, me want you to come closer.” Rexington leans his head close to her face. “Closer.” Rexington leans his head further. “A little closer than that.” Zuma punches Rexington in the nose and stabs his foot with her spear, which causes him to lift it up and roar. Rexington chomps his jaws at her as Zuma swipes her spear at him with force and vigor. The tyrannosaurus tries to step on her with his giant feet until she stabs his other foot. Rexington swipes her away with his tail as she hits into another tree behind her. 


King Rexington charges at Zuma as he opens his jaws widely. Zuma grabs a vine from a tree and swings herself around the entire area of the valley and kicks him in the eye. Vincent and the velociraptors charges towards Zuma and grabs her by the skirt, pulling her down from the air. Zuma continues fighting off the raptors with her spear, knocking one raptor after the other. Rexington comes in and charges at her until she swipes her spear at him again and jumps on the side of his neck, trying to stab him. The T-rex rolls his giant body to get her off his neck and chomps his jaws at her again. Zuma jumps up to the dinosaur king’s face and punches him in the nostril. Rexington continues to chomp his jaws and knocking her away with his muzzle.


And then, the Neanderthal tries to get herself up until Rexington opens his jaws and catches her in his mouth. As the T- rex lifts up his upper body, Zuma puts the tip of her spear on the top part of the inside of his mouth while sitting on his tongue.


“Had enough, yet, lizard?” asked Zuma 


“I am just getting started, peasant!” Rexington replied with his mouthful and tries to swallow her until a male Triceratops named Towda charges towards Rexington with his horns. The three-horned beast pushed him down on the ground as the t-rex spits her out from his mouth.


 Towda roars at Rexington and pushes his neck on the ground repeatedly with his front feet until Rexington knocks him off his body and bites his horn. The triceratops swipes the horn away from of his mouth and hits him in the bottom jaw with his other horn. The two dinosaurs continue to fight each other vigorously and violently with one jumping on top of the other, knocking their heads and tails as Rexington bites at Towda. Towda swipes the T-rex in the air with his horns, which causes him to fall on his raptors. The triceratops roars at him again and turns his head to Zuma.


“Are you ok, kid?” asked Towda.


“Yeah, me think so.” Zuma answered.


Rexington and his raptors slowly rise from the ground. 


“Welp, that’s our cue. Come on kid, climb on my back!”


Zuma climbs to the top of Towda’s back and the triceratops runs through the valley. Rexington and his raptor army charges towards Towda as he heads to the valley, causing all the other plant-eating dinosaurs to stampede rapidly. Zuma quickly turns her head and sees Rexington charging at her while roaring loudly and chomping his jaws.  Zuma grabs a vine from a tree and swings herself towards the T- rex.


“Hey Kid! What are you doing?!!!” Towda exclaims.


“Getting his tooth!” Zuma answers.


“What?!!!” Towda turns his body around runs towards Zuma. The cave girl jumps towards Rexington until Towda pushes him away from her with his horns and Zuma lands on his back as he runs forward into the valley. “Kid, what the hell do you want that tooth for?”


“So me can prove to brother that me can take care of me self!” 


“Not in this place your not!” Towda continues running up a steep hill on the mountain and throws a few boulders at Rexington and the raptors with his horns. “Okay, that’ll hold them off, for now.” Towda walks away from the edge and walks into a dark cave on the other side of the hill. “Alrighty, we should be safe here, for now.” Zuma jumps off of his back and starts making a campfire by rubbing and scraping two rocks together until it sparks into a flame. The triceratops lies on his belly in front of her. “Wow. I have never in my life see another creature doing anything like that before. Where have you learned that?”


“Me brother taught me that. Me getting hang of it though.”


“Hmm, interesting. So are you…a two legged?”


“Well, to put that way, me is human. Me build, me hunt, me survive, me do lots of things that animals can’t.”


“mm-hm, now tell me…what name do they call you at birth, strange two legged human?”


“Me Zuma.”


“Zuma! Well, much better than my name, I suppose.”


“What do they call you, strange funny-looking giant lizard with horns?”


“Okay, first, I’m not a lizard. I am a Triceratops. That means I have three horns. Second, my name is Towda and I’m the captain of the Dino-guard. And third, what the heck are you even doing out here?”


“Me needs to find large predator, beat it up, and bring back its tooth so me can go back to the top and -


“Whoah, whoah, whoah, wait a minute, you came from the surface world?”


“Yes, me dropped in from cliff. Through mysterious hole.”


“The wormhole?! Oh that is not good.”


“Why say that?”


“The wormhole only exists on every tenth year of the decade. If someone from another world comes in here and would not go back by the second sunset, then that person will be stuck here, forever.”


“And ever and ever?!”


“For all eternity. And if you don’t come back to your home world, then it will destroy itself for as long as you stay here.”


“Well me don’t want that!”


“Exactly. Which is why as the captain of the royal Dino-guard, I have to get you back to the wormhole before the Great War begins.”




“At dawn.”


“Me cannot go back to wormhole without tooth from large predator.”


“Large predator? Wait, are you talking about Rexington?!! The Carnivore King?!! Kid, Do you even see that guy? He’s ten times the size that you are! He’s like a giant killing machine that can never ever be beaten! He will crush, bite, and kill you if he even has the chance to win. On top of that, HE HAS AN ARMY OF RAPTORS!!! And getting that tooth from that monster would be entering into his mouth… and get swallowed right after. So I’m telling you, once you get there, there’s no turning back. Ever!”


Zuma is now startled by his words until she closes her eyes and breathes in. “Whatever it takes, whether war or no war, fight or no fight, kill or no kill, me must bring tooth to show brother that me can take care of me self.”


“Kid, your very strong and you do have good intentions. But this is a war that no animal of your species can fight. Nor even survive. This war is going to turn this place very messy and those carnivores will chew up your butt for real. Besides, a tooth from a predator cannot define you of your bravery as long as you have the strength and courage to do what you think is right.”


“Ok, well, how about this. If me can help you and all of your strange lizard friends to fight off the sharp-tooth lizards, then me can get tooth from giant lizard and get back to surface world right after.”


“You know kid, with that positive attitude and your distracting dumbed-down dialogue, you make it sound so easy that I don’t even know whether or not it might possibly fail. But still, it’s the only option I ever have left. Okay, Zuma, you got yourself a deal.”


“Great! So where can we start?”


“Right now!” Towda rears up and puts out the fire with his large front feet. The triceratops runs out of the cave and Zuma jumps on his back on the way out. Zuma and Towda heads straight into another luscious valley filled with plant eating dinosaurs, grassy meadows, exotic plant-life, mountain ranges, hilltops, and waterfalls called Herbavoria. Towda continues to walk through the valley on his four legs with Zuma on his back as the triceratops walks pass the other dinosaurs. “Welcome to Herbavoria, the kingdom of the dinosaurs.” 


“Is that what you lizards are called? Dinosaurs?”


“We’re all dinosaurs here, every single one of us. We’re all different breeds of dinosaurs, in fact. That one there is a ankylosaurus, this one is a stegosaurus, those two are gallamimuses, and hey look there’s a pterodactyl.” Towda looks behind him and sees that Zuma has disappeared from his back. “Zuma?” Towda looks around as he sways his head side to side. “Zuma? Kid? Where are ya?” Towda turns his head to the left side and gasps, “HEY!” Zuma stretches out her hand towards a giant Venus flytrap plant as it opens its jaws and leans towards her. Towda comes in and pushes her away from the plant, which snaps at her. 


“What kind of dinosaur was that?”


“That’s not a dinosaur, that’s a snapping plant, and trust me you do not want to go anywhere near it. So stick with me, kid,” The triceratops helps her on his back with his horns, “this valley may look peaceful but it’s very dangerous.” A herd of pachycephalosauruses runs pass Towda in front of him. One of the pachycephalosaurus hits him on his side with his egghead as he runs past him.


“Look where your going, three-horns!” the pachycephalosaurus shouted.


“Hey I’m walking here, egghead!” Towda shouted back and then turns his head to Zuma, “You see what I mean, kid? I’m tellen ya, psyhcos.”


A female Pterodactyl named Ptera flies out of the trees with a loveable smile on her face as she flaps her wings and said with a cheerful voice, “Hi Towda!”


“Speaking of pshycos.”


“Hello.” Zuma added.


Ptera gasps with surprise and exclaims with excitement, “TOWDAAA!!!” The pterodactyl swoops towards Zuma and gives her a big hug while hopping on his back. “Oh my god-oh my god-oh my god! What is this strange cute looking animal you have on your back?!! It looks so weird that it’s adorable!! Oh how I just want to hug and squeeze you tight!” Ptera continues to hug and squeeze Zuma with her wing-like arms.


“Cute? Adorable?”


“Don’t get mixed up with her definition of adorable, kid.” Towda replies, “That flying reptile will like anything.”


Ptera sees a dragonfly flying past her and said, “Aww, what a cute little dragonfly. Too bad I’m going to eat it though.” Ptera catches the dragonfly in her mouth and swallows it. “But I wouldn’t eat you though.”


“Oh, good,” Zuma replies. “Anyway, me Zuma and me is human.”


“Well, me Ptera and me is Pterodactyl,” Ptera opens her wings widely.


“Whoah, cool.”


“Yeah, cool. Actually, this is how I spell my name.” Ptera takes a stick from a tree and writes her name on the dirt with her feet.


“Why do you have P in front of T?”


“Oh, that reminds me I got to go pee.” Ptera dives inside the bushes with her wings and urinates in it without making a sound.


“Uh, why can’t I hear your pee?”


“Because the P in Pterodactyl is silent.”


Towda laughs hysterically, “Pterodactyl joke.”


“Uhhh,” Zuma utters, “me do not get joke.”


“Really?” Ptera asked, “not even alittle chuckle? Huh, no wonder you’re not from around here. Wait! Are you from Carnivoria?”


“No, me came from surface world. And what is Carnivoria?”


“Carnivoria,” Towda answered, “is the kingdom of the meat eating dinosaurs. It’s a place of ruin and despair ruled by an evil Tyrannosaurus who almost swallowed you.”


“The giant lizard with big teeth lives over there?” Zuma points her finger at a shadowed graveyard of dinosaur bones in the distance.


“Yup, that’s the place.”


“And not a very good one either.” Ptera remarked. “But either way, our good friend, King Broco will know what to do?”


“Wait,” Zuma added, “You have another dinosaur king?”


Suddenly, the parasaurolophuses makes a sound siren wave on their crest on their heads to get all the dinosaurs attention by the lake. One of the parasaurolophuses exclaimed to the herds, “Presenting, his royal majesty, King Broco!”


A giant male Brachiosaurus named King Broco slowly rises from the lake, rearing his upper body upward, and makes loud bellow-like roar. After he comes down on all fours with a booming noise with his feet, the gentle giant long neck strolls his way out of the lake and all the dinosaurs of the valley kneels down and bows to him in respect. 


“Towda,” Zuma whispers, “Is that your king?”


“Yes Zuma.” Towda answers with a whisper, “more than that, he was our best friend growing up and he’s been hanging out with me and Ptera for 20 years straight.”


“Wow. That long, huh.”


“And the best part,” Ptera added, “He appointed me as his squire and he appointed Towda as the captain of the Dino-guard.”


“Whoah, what a great honor.”


Towda gasps, “He’s coming this way! Quick, bow before him!”


King Broco approaches to his best friends, Towda and Ptera as the two dinosaurs bow their heads down towards him. Towda hits Zuma with his front foot, the cave girl quickly looks at the brachiosaur and bows her upper body down on the ground with her arms forward and with her face on the ground. King Broco notices Zuma and gently puts his front foot on her shoulder. The brachiosaurus stretches his neck down towards her and said with a deep yet soft tone of voice, “Rise, young one.” Zuma gasps and picks up her head as she rises from the ground. Broco smiles at her lovingly, “Hello, sweetheart, what’s your name?”


Zuma begins to stutter, “Me, uh-uh, me…me…uh-uh, me-uh.”


“Its all right little one. I won’t rush you.”




“Take your time.”


Zuma closes her eyes and breathes in and out relief “Me is Zuma and me is human from the land above.”


“The land above. How long have you stayed here?”


“Since today, your majesty.” Towda added, “and she needs to do some training exercises right now.”


“Now just a minute captain, she just got here, perhaps we can give her tour of this kingdom.”


“Your majesty, with all do respect, this place is lurking with dangerous animals that will kill her and crush her at any moment.”


“Don’t think too much about the negatives, captain.”


“Its not safe for her to be in this world, my lord. She will risk her life in the war.”


“Captain, no risk is too great to save this kingdom.”


“But sire, you don’t even know her!”


While Broco and Towda talks to each other indistinctively, Ptera catches her attention. “Psst,” the pterodactyl whispers, “Zuma, come with me.”


Zuma leaves the two dinosaurs and fallows Ptera to the tall grass.


“You know, Broco is right. We could give you a tour of this place and see what’s made of. I would.”




“I mean, its not like you’ve seen the entire place before. Just look.” Ptera shows Zuma the entire valley of the dinosaurs on the edge of the tall cliff. 


“Oh god,” Zuma says in disbelief.


“Wanna fly through this valley.”


“Me guess so.”


Zuma jumps on Ptera’s back and wraps her arms around her neck. Ptera takes five steps back. “Hold on tight!” said Ptera. The pterodactyl runs five steps forward and jumps from the edge of the cliff, diving towards the bottom with the wind blowing through her wings. Zuma screams hysterically as she dives further and further into the ground until she flies up in the air and through the entire valley. Zuma opens her eyes and sees looks at the bottom while riding on Ptera. 


The flying reptile flies up in air, flipping her body up and down repeatedly and soars towards the cliff of Herbavoria. The female pterodactyl zooms past Towda and Broco. The two dinosaurs look at them with surprise. 


“Is that who I think it is?” asked Towda.


“I think it really is,” Broco answered.


“Oh, she shouldn’t be riding on her,” Towda tries to catch up to her until Broco puts his front foot on his knee.


“At ease, captain. Let her have a little fun.”


“How do you know you can trust her?”


“Because I see the good in all living things and so should you. Just give her chance.”


“Well,” Towda sighs, “I’ll try.”


“I know you’ll try, you’ll always try, because you’re a Try-ceratops.”


“Oh ha-ha, very funny long neck.”


Broco laughs, “see what I did there?”


“Yeah I did.”


Meanwhile on the other side of the valley, Ptera continues to soar through the sky with Zuma on her back. She sways her body side to side and glides through the lake with her left wing touching the lake. Ptera continues soaring through the other dinosaurs and glides through the jungle, the rivers and the mountain ranges of the valley. 


The pterodactyl soars up to the clouds with Zuma on her back. The Neanderthal stands on her back as Ptera glides through the clouds. And then, after she flies up to the atmosphere, the pterodactyl flips her body up and down and spins her body around with her wings opened as she makes her way down to the valley. Ptera and Zuma continue to glide through the entire valley of Herbavoria and zooms straight to the jungle. While in the jungle, Zuma jumps from Ptera’s back and surfs on a long horizontal tree trunk with her feet and then swings a vine to a roller coaster-like tree trunk as she goes up, down, sideways, and loop de loops through the jungle until she grabs another vine and swings it towards Ptera. 


The cave girl flips her body up and down and lands on Ptera’s back as she soars through the giant waterfalls. The pterodactyl glides down the waterfall, until they see Towda jumping from the waterfall to the ground. The triceratops lands on the ground and Zuma jumps on Towda’s back as he runs and leaps through the erupting geysers towards Broco who stretches his neck towards him. Zuma jumps towards his head and climbs on his neck as the brachiosaurus dives into the lake while Zuma holds her breath. Broco swims through the water with Zuma on his neck, swimming past the fishes, the sea turtles, the crocodiles, the tylosauruses, the thalassomedons, the shastasauruses, and all the other sea dinosaurs until he swims up to the surface. 


Broco walks in the lake on all fours with his neck and upper body appearing out of the water while Zuma is still on the top part of his neck. “Wow!” Zuma says in awe as she sees a herd of brachiosaurs walking to the same direction as Broco. Zuma then sees Ptera flying toward her and jumps towards her back while passing Broco. Ptera flies towards the peak of a steep hill and lands on it safely.  “That was…Fun!”


“I know, right?!!” Ptera exclaimed, “Much better than going on foot, I’ll tell you that!”


“Me guess there is beauty in dinosaur realm.”


“Yeah, its nice to have a day where nothing bad or horrible happens whatsoeve-


Suddenly, Ptera moves the giant leaves aside and sees a dead female brachiosaurus named Queen Brachia lying next to a giant wall-like rock with blood pouring out of her waste. The scratch and bite marks are all over her and she have a large bite mark from a T-rex on her chest. Ptera becomes devastated as her eyes started to water.


“Oh no.” Ptera said as she begins to cry, “what have they done to her?”


“Ptera, who is that?”


“That’s Queen Brachia. She was Broco’s wife and lover. She was the queen of the dinosaurs and the nicest, sweetest saurapod around. Before this happened.”

Ptera drops herself on her knees and cries hysterically with her hands on her eyes. Zuma puts her hand on Ptera’s shoulder.


Towda walks up the hill behind Zuma and Ptera and gasps with devastation. He calls out his name, “Broco! Broco! Your not gonna like this.”


Broco walks up to where Towda is and sees the corpse of his wife. The brachiosaurs’ eyes begin to water and exclaim, “Brachia! NO! My love! My hearts true desire!” He rushes towards her body nudges her with his muzzle, trying to get her to move, but she isn’t moving. Broco begins to cry and roars with anger and frustration as he rears up and knocks the boulders behind him with his front feet. The brachiosaurus roars loudly and knocks the other boulders with his neck. Zuma, Towda, and Ptera backs away from the falling boulders and Broco continues to roar furiously as he bangs on the giant wall-like rock with his two front feet until pants heavily, trying to calm himself down.


Broco turns over to Brachia and continues to cry. Towda’s eyes begin to water and sniffs depressingly. The triceratops walks next to Broco and puts his front foot on his shoulder. Towda asks, “Now do you see what we’re dealing with?!!!”


“Yes Towda,” Broco answers, “All this time I thought I would see the beauty of it all, but it was just my stupid optimism getting in the way of my awareness of reality. You were right, captain. You were right all along. The dinosaur realm is not a safe place anymore. I should have taken everything you said seriously. But now we’re no longer safe.”


“Your highness, you do know what this means, don’t you?”


“Yes captain.” Broco turns body towards Towda, Zuma, and Ptera with a determined look on his face. “We must declare war on the carnivores tomorrow.”


“Tomorrow?!!! But sir, we don’t have that much time to prepare us for battle!”


“Waging war against Rexington and his predator army would be suicide!” said Ptera.


“I’m telling you, this is like the war that we had last year all over again! We’ve got nothing prepared!”


“We’re just gonna loose again like we did last time!”


“Well Ptera,” Broco replied, “What other choice do I have?!!”


While the three dinosaurs are arguing indistinctively, Zuma touches Brachia’s blood and begins to do a cave painting on the wall from top to bottom with the blood on her fingertips. 


“If Rexington succeeds,” Ptera exclaimed, “There won’t be any of us left!”


“I’m telling you, Broco,” Towda adds, “We’ve got no new strategy to defeat these monsters! The battle will take weeks to prepare!”


Ptera turns her head to the other side with a surprised look on her face, “I don’t think it would take weeks to prepare anymore.”


“What?!! Ptera, what are you talking abo-


Ptera touches Towda’s bottom jaw and turns his head towards Zuma, drawing and painting on the wall. Broco turns his head and looks at Zuma with surprise. The three dinosaurs are staring at her in awe as she continues painting on the wall. Her paintings reveal a series of new strategies for all the herbivores to defeat the carnivores one by one. The three dinosaurs are amazed by what they see from those paintings and instructions. 


“This is incredible.” Broco said with an awestruck emotion.


“You sure all of this would work in just one day, kid?” asked Towda.


“Trust me,” Zuma answers, “If all of us fallow instructions from wall, then we have better shot at defeating sharp-tooth lizards. Zuma mean, dinosaurs.”


“I like where this is heading!” Ptera exclaimed with excitement.


“Great! Now bring in all the other plant eating dinosaur lizards over here, me want all of them to see this. Me not done with painting yet.”


“As you wish, Zuma.” Broco replies, “Ptera, you gather the flying dinosaurs, Towda, you gather your troops and the land dinosaurs, and I’m going to gather the sauropods.”


“Me not know what they are, but please do.”

As soon as Zuma continues painting on the wall with blood, the three dinosaurs split up into different areas of the valley. Ptera recruits the flying dinosaurs of the mountain; Towda recruits all of his triceratops troops and the land dinosaurs of the grassy meadows, and King Broco recruits all the long neck sauropods of the lake. King Broco, Towda, and Ptera bring every dinosaur of the valley to the peak of the hill where Zuma is as she continues painting on the wall with her fingertips.


Later that evening, the dinosaurs prepare themselves for battle as they are all dressed in dinosaur bones and tree barks as protective armor. Zuma, Towda, Ptera, and Broco leads all the dinosaurs through the jungle with Broco walking ahead of them, Ptera flying right next to Broco, and Towda leading the way while Zuma rides on his back. Zuma and the three dinosaurs wear the dinosaur bone armor on their bodies. The Neanderthal has her spear on one hand and has a tree bark shield on the other.


“You really look good in that armor, kid.” Said Towda. “It suits you.”


“Really?” Zuma asked.


“Yeah, you should wear it more often.”


“Thank you.”


The dinosaur herd stops walking as Towda walks up the slope of the grassy hills. Zuma stands on her two feet and sees the sun beginning to rise. 


“Is the sun rising yet?” Broco asked.


“Almost. And…” Zuma sees the glowing bright sun rising into the sky. “NOW!” Towda roars loudly and runs a wide-open field while all the dinosaurs follows him.


“I can’t believe it!” Ptera exclaimed, “For the first time ever, we’re actually going to win!”


“Ha-ho yeah baby!” Towda responds, “They’ll be talking about this fight for years!”


 As soon as they make their way into the field, Zuma stretches out her hand behind her and in front of the dinosaurs, warning them to stop. Then they hear thunderous footsteps coming closer and closer. Zuma looks at the pond and sees it jumping as the sound of the footsteps gets bigger and bigger. “Someone’s coming.” Said Zuma, pointing out her spear towards the field until they see King Rexington in the distance, wearing a Triceratops’ skull with feathers on its edges as his helmet/headdress and has body-armor made of dinosaur bones. “The giant lizard!”


“Its Rexington!” Towda said.


King Rexington makes a ferociously loud roar with his eyes closed and his jaws open as a pack of a thousand velociraptors comes up to where he is, joining him. 


“And he’s not alone!” said Ptera.


Rexington continues to roar as he summons a pack of other carnivorous dinosaurs such as the spinosauruses, the allosauruses, the carnotauruses, the dilophosauruses the baryonyxs, the albertosauruses, the machimosauruses, and the flying predators to join him by his side. Roaring at their enemies and wearing the same body armor as the herbivores.


“So many sharp tooth lizards!” said Zuma, nervously.


“Well, that’s what happens when you’re in a dinosaur war, kid.” Towda remarks.


Broco turns his head to the crowd and says, “Prepare to fight everyone. If we die, we die with honor.”


“Ready Zuma?” Towda asked.


“Ready Towda!” Zuma answers as she points her spear at the carnivores, “CHARGE!!!” Towda roars loudly and violently as him and all the other herbivore dinosaur army charge towards the carnivores. Rexington roars violently and him and his carnivorous dinosaur army charges towards the herbivores. “Ptera, NOW!!”


“I’m on it!” Ptera responds as she turns over to the other flying dinosaurs and makes a loud shrieking noise, ordering them to take the large boulders from the mountain and drop them on all the carnivorous dinosaurs. The boulders demolished some of the carnivores as they run side to side to avoid getting crushed. Afterwards, Ptera nods her head, ordering all the Apatosauruses from the mountain on the left and right side to drop the logs and tree trunks on the carnivores with their necks and tails. The five stegosauruses on the mountain throws the boulders and rocks at the carnivores as they still continue to charge. 


The herbivores continues to charge as Zuma points her spear towards the predators and most of the carnivores survived from the falling tree trunks and boulders and continues to charge. As the dinosaurs from two sides charges closer and closer to each other, Towda jumps towards Rexington and pushes him down on the ground with his horns. All the herbivores and carnivores begins to fight each other with their teeth, horns, clubs, spikes, feet, neck, heads, and tails once they collide to each other. 


The triceratops hits Rexington on both sides of his face repeatedly with his horns until he throws Towda off of his body and charges at him with his teeth. Towda and Rexington fight each other, vigorously and violently until Zuma throws a large rock into Rexington’s eye. The T-Rex chomps his jaws at Zuma as she runs through the fighting dinosaurs until she runs up a tree, swings a vine, and kicks him in his other eye. Rexington jumps towards Zuma and drags her down on the ground with his teeth. 


Towda pushes Rexington away with his horns and Zuma fights off the velociraptors with her spear and shield. Afterwards, she grabs on to Ptera’s feet and knocks all the velociraptors with her feet until the female pterodactyl carries her to King Broco’s back. While Zuma is standing on King Broco’s back and fighting off the velociraptors that are pouncing at her, the brachiosaurus fights off a giant spinosaurus with his feet, neck, and tail. Vincent, the lead velociraptor, charges at her and knocks her off his back until Ptera comes in carries her up to the sky and gives her a lift on her back as she soars through the field.  A carnotaurus jumps towards Ptera and the pterodactyl pushes him away with her feet. 


While other carnivores are attacking, Ptera grabs a rock from the mountain, crunches it in her mouth, and shoots the pieces of the rock at the carnivores from her beak. Rexington charges towards Broco on his belly and bites at him until he knocks him off his body. 


“I’ve watched you burn!” Rexington exclaimed as Broco hits him with his neck.


“It will take more than lava to kill me!” Broco responds angrily.


The brachiosaur rears up and hits him on the face repeatedly with his giant feet and knocks him over with his tail. Rexington bites his tail with his large razor teeth until he swipes it away from him and the two dinosaurs continues to fight each other.   


Ptera flies up to the sky and sees a giant male quetzalcoatlus appearing out of the clouds and flaps his wings. A trio of other quetzalcoatlus appears out of the clouds and approaches Ptera and Zuma from all four sides. 


“Oh no,” said Ptera, “Not these guys again.”


“What are they?” Zuma asked.


“It’s a pack of Quetzalcoatluses. And they are not friendly!”


One of the quetzalcoatluses dives down towards Ptera and the pterodactyl flies away from him. The quetzalcoatluses chases her all over the clouds and into the valley until they hit into the edge of a steep mountain. 


Meanwhile at the battlefield, Towda and Vincent circles around each other while their walking.


“Just like old times, ay Vincent?” Towda remarks.


“Shut it, three horns.” Vincent responds. 


Towda charges towards Vincent and the velociraptor pounces on his back, biting the frill on his head until he knocks him off his head and crushes him with his feet. A few more raptors charges at Towda and attacks him while Towda knocks the raptors with his horns. Rexington grabs Towda by the tail and throws him up in the air.


“TOWDA!!!” Zuma screams while she rides on Ptera’s back. The pterodactyl flies towards Towda until Rexington charges at them with his mouth open. Broco comes in and knocks Rexington into the ground with his neck. 


The brachiosaurus stomps on his belly and neck with his front feet and says to Zuma, “I’ll hold him off! You go get Towda!” 


“But Broco, what about you?”


“I’ll be fine! I can handle it! Just…GO!”


“Yes, your majesty.” Ptera responds, “Hang on, sweetie.” Ptera quickly soars through the fighting dinosaurs and follows Towda to the volcanoes and lava geysers. Towda lands on the on the ground next the geyser, which pushes him to the left side of the ground. He hears a loud flapping sound and a loud shriek. The triceratops looks up at the sky and sees a silhouette of a pterodactyl through the geysers until that silhouette reveals to be Ptera flying towards him.


“Wait,” said Towda, “What the-


“Hang on, Towda!” Zuma exclaims as she jumps off of Ptera, “We’re here to rescue you.” Ptera and Zuma help Towda up on his four feet. 


“But I don’t understand, kid, what about the tooth?”


“You said so yourself, Towda, me do not need tooth to prove that me is brave.”


Towda begins to smile at Zuma, “A two legged human after my own heart.” Towda and Zuma hug each other lovingly. Ptera begins to cry with a smile on her face.


“Ok,” said Ptera, “Lets get you back to the battlefield before I want to watch more of this.”


Suddenly, Zuma, Ptera, and Towda stands close to each other and looks around the entire area as they hear a series of growling noises that surrounds them.


“Guys.” They see another pond shaking as they also hear giant footsteps coming near them. “We are not alone!”


Vincent pounces through the geysers and attacks Zuma while she knocks him away with his spear. A few other raptors charges towards Ptera while the pterodactyl scrape them with her claws and throws into the lava geysers and lava pits. After Zuma stabs the raptors with her spear, Rexington appears through the geysers and opens his jaws towards Zuma until Towda hits him with his horns again. Ptera comes in, swooping herself towards Rexington, and hits him with her beak. The pterodactyl continues to fly around Rexington while she hits him with her feet and beak. The T-Rex chomps his jaws at her again until Towda comes in and roars at him. Rexington roars at him back and knocks him over to another geyser with his muzzle. 


“You will not interfere again!” Rexington exclaims as he approaches to Towda.


“Oh I’m just getting started, you overgrown lizard!” Towda remarks as he stomps on the ground, causing the geyser to erupt in front of Rexington, knocking him away on his back. “RUN!” Zuma, Towda, and Ptera run through the lava geysers as the heat gets hotter and hotter. 


“Towda, Ptera, go back to battlefield!” Zuma exclaims, “Its me he wants! Me hold him off while you go!”


“What?! Are out you out of your mind, kid?!! Your lucky to be alive!”


“Towda!” Zuma gently holds his nose horn as they stopped running, “Me got this. Just trust me.”


“Go knock him dead, kid!”


“Good luck, sweetie,” said Ptera as her and Towda heads toward the exit, leaving Zuma alone in the lava and geyser field. The ground shakes as the footsteps comes closer and closer to Zuma. The sound of his roar grows louder and louder.


 “Come at me, giant lizard!” Zuma yells, waiting for Rexington to come until he appears through the geysers on the other side and chomps his jaws at her. The Neanderthal hits him with her tree bark shield and stabs his leg with her spear. The T-Rex tosses her aside with his tail and continues to charge at her until Zuma jumps up him and scratches eye with her spear. Rexington tries to step on her with his feet but she moves around very quickly as she continues to fight him off with her spear. 


The Tyrannosaurus tosses Zuma to the edge of the lava river with his snout. The Neanderthal jumps to the other side of the lava river and Rexington jumps to where she is as she leaps towards the edge of a stone mountain. Rexington runs up the mountain and chases her up the mountain as they go higher and higher. The monstrous dinosaur king chomps his jaws at her and Zuma swings her spear at the creature as she runs backwards on the mountain. Zuma grabs a vine from the mountain and kicks Rexington in the snout. The cave girl runs up the mountain and runs on a long ledge until she is at the edge of the cliff where an enormous lava pit is 5 feet below her. 


Rexington jumps on the peak of the mountain and roars with the lightning bolt crackling in the sky. Zuma breathes in, lends out her hand, and bending her fingertips, motioning him to come where she is. Rexington charges towards Zuma and the cave girl knock him over with her spear. The T-Rex chomps his jaws at her again and almost steps on her until she stabs it with her spear. Rexington knocks her over the edge of the ledge with his snout. She grabs another vine from the ledge, swings it and kicks Rexington in the face. Zuma lands on the ground and Rexington opens his jaws to her until she holds his upper and lower jaws with her hands. While Zuma holds his two jaws, Rexington walks towards the edge of the cliff until she knocks him into the ground with her hands. Zuma grabs her spear, jumps towards the T-Rex, and Rexington knocks her to edge of the cliff with his tail. Zuma’s spear drops off the edge until Zuma catches it in her hand. The Neanderthal turns her body over and Rexington puts his giant foot on her belly by the edge of the cliff.


“End of the line, peasant!” Rexington roars, “You may be a new species but I am the real ruler of the dinosaur realm, and you have no place in it. Neither do your herbivore friends.”


“Me not peasant! Me have great herbivore friends! And they do have place in dinosaur realm! Just as me would!” 


“Then I guess you’ll have to suffer the same fate as your reptilian compatriots, won’t you.”


Zuma smiles deceivingly, “You sure you can eat me?”


“Of course I am, I’m a tyrannosaurus!”


“If you really want to eat me, then prove it!”


“Alright, I will!” 


Rexington opens his jaws and charges towards Zuma until she punches his tooth out of his mouth and stabs his foot with his spear. The female Neanderthal jumps up in the air, grabs the tooth, and flips her body to the other side of the ledge behind Rexington. Zuma runs away from him with the tooth in her hand and Rexington charges towards Zuma as the ledge behind the T-Rex begins to crumble into the lava pit. Rexington roars at her again and Zuma looks back at the crumbling ledge, beginning to fall apart.


Zuma shouted, “Hey! Look behind you!”


Rexington raises his eyebrow and turns his head behind him, seeing the ledge crumbling behind him as he runs. He turns back to Zuma who smiles at him with her eyebrows meeting in the middle. 


Rexington growls, “If you think-


Rexington falls down into the lava pit and Zuma falls down along with him. As she falls closer and closer into the lava pit, Zuma screams loudly and hysterically until Ptera flies in and gives her a ride on her back. Rexington falls into the lava pit and the lava grows bigger and bigger as Ptera soars out of the volcano with Zuma on her back.


“Ptera! You saved my life! Thank you!”


“Aww,” Ptera responds, “your welcome, sweetie. It was no big deal.”


The pterodactyl escapes the volcano and geyser territory until a giant volcano bursts into an explosive eruption causing all the dinosaurs to look at it and see the meteor showers from the volcano shooting at carnivorous dinosaurs while the herbivores moves away from the shower. 


Ptera soars through the jungle and the mountain ranges as she flies side to side to avoid getting crushed. Zuma then sees Towda jumping from the bushes and Zuma jumps right onto Towda’s back. Zuma and the two dinosaurs heads straight towards the battlefield while the carnivores are hit by the meteor showers. After the volcano stops erupting, Towda stops running as Zuma jumps off his back.


“Is everyone okay?” Towda asks.


“Yeah, it looks like everyone’s fine.” Ptera responds. “I mean, many of them are completely dead, but outside of that, everybody else is fine.”


Suddenly, they hear and see Vincent growling at them and approaching to them. The velociraptor growls, “You murdered our king! Now you must di-


Towda swipes Vincent into the air with his horns, causing all the other raptors to run away from them in fear. The triceratops and the pterodactyl roar at them furiously and Towda hits Zuma on her arm. Zuma roars along with Towda and Ptera while she raises her spear in the air with her fist. 


“Oh Towda,” said Zuma, “Look what me got.” Zuma brings out the tooth from her pocket.


“Wha-, you- I don’t believe it.” Towda said, “You got the tooth?”

“Is that what this all about?” Ptera asks with curiosity, “I got a whole beak of them.”


Zuma, Towda, and Ptera laughs until they see Broco lying on ground with a large mountain-like rock on top of him with eyes closed. The three of them gasps with devastation and said, “BROCO!!”


Towda gathers all of his triceratops troops where he is as they put the tip of their horns on the left side of the rock. “Alright men,” the triceratops said, “On three! Ready? One, two, three, and-


The triceratopses lifts the giant rock off of him with their horns and all the dinosaurs of the valley gathers around the brachiosauruses body. “Back up everybody!” the triceratops exclaimed, “back up! Give him some air! Back up!”


Ptera flies to his face and said, “Broco? Can you hear me? Broco? Open one eye if you can hear me.” Broco doesn’t open his eyes. “Open two eyes if you can hear me.” Broco eyes remain shut and Ptera starts to cry. “Oh no! Not this again! Not like Queen Brachia!” Ptera hugs his face and starts to cry.


“Oh,” said Towda with deep emotional empathy, “There goes another one. Just like Queen Brachia.” Towda hugs his head with his face as a large tear rolls down his face.


Zuma begins to cry and said, “King Broco was best friend!” The Neanderthal hugs on the left side of his face and cries. 


King Broco slowly opens his eyes and looks at Zuma, crying on his face. “Why so sad, young one?” Broco asked with soft tone on his voice as the Neanderthal gasps and backs away from his face while she stops crying. Towda and Ptera backs away from his face as he slowly rises on his four feet.


“Broco! Your alive!”


“Indeed I am.”


“Are you all right, your majesty?” asked Towda.


“Did we win?” asked Ptera 


The brachiosaurus lifts up his head with his long neck and looks at all the carnivores being destroyed by the meteor showers, boulders, tree trunks, and giant rocks. He also sees the carnivores running and cowering in the distance. King Broco smiles with tears in his eyes and answers, “Yes… Yes! We’ve won! We did it! We won the war! For the first time in five years, we actually won the war!”


All the plant-eating dinosaurs cheer with excitement and make loud noises for their victory. Zuma, Towda, Ptera, cheers with exhilaration as they move excitingly and hug each other. The brachiosaurus roars with his with his head up in the air to get all the dinosaurs attention.


“Zuma of the surface world,” King Broco declared, “we cannot begin to express our gratitude and our many thanks to you, for helping us winning the war with your new set of strategies.”


“Your very welcome, strange long neck lizard,” The Neanderthal responds, “Zuma mean, your majesty.” Zuma bows before him while she curtseys towards him with her skirt.


“Welp, its almost sunset,” said Towda, “a deal’s a deal. Come on kid, let’s get you back home.”


“Now just one final moment, captain.” Broco added, “I would like to make this official before she leaves, forever.”


“As you wish, your highness.”


“Ptera, the leaf badge.”


“With pleasure, your majesty!” Ptera responds as she takes a leaf from a tree and folds it into a badge. Afterwards, she places it on her shirt-like cloth and gives her a big hug. “Oh I’m so proud of you, Zuma!”


“Zuma, kneel on your on your one knee if you please.” Zuma kneels on her one knee and bows her head. Broco takes a long branch from the tree, points it on both side of her shoulder, and said with his mouthful, “I knight thee, Zuma the courageous, knight of Herbavoria.” The dinosaurs of the valley cheer and make loud roaring noises for her success. Zuma rises from the ground and smiles at the king. “Just remember young one, once a knight of the dinosaurs, always a knight.”


“Thank you, your majesty.” Zuma responds, “And me sorry that you lost your wife.”


“Well, it’s gonna hurt a lot but, I’ll get over it.”


“Yoo-hoo!” says a female brachiosaurus named Brachelle smiling and flapping her eyelashes at Broco and kissing at him. “Hi cutie!”


“I guess I don’t have to be lonely anymore.” Broco walks towards Brachelle and nudges her in the muzzle. The two brachiosaurs rubs their two muzzles together.


“Awww,” said Ptera, “they’re gonna have beautiful babies!”


Towda responds sarcastically, “Ew.”


Afterwards, Broco stretches his neck down towards Zuma and the Neanderthal gives him a big hug on his muzzle. “Goodbye Broco,” said Zuma with a soft voice, “Me never forget you.”


“And nigh you, Zuma.” Broco responds, “God speed.” Zuma kisses him on his muzzle and backs away from him, smiling and waving goodbye with her right hand. Broco nods his head and happily walks away with Brachelle walking beside him.


“Come on kid,” said Towda, “Its almost sun down, time to go.” Zuma jumps on his back and Towda runs to the other side of the valley. “Ptera, come with us!”


“Ookie dookie.” Ptera responds while she flies along with them. Towda and Ptera head to the front of the jungle. “Is this where you found her?”


“Yup, this is the place. And you know what Zuma, I gotta stop calling you ‘kid’, cause you’re a knight now. And that’s a big responsibility, kid. Oops, I did it again.”


Zuma laughs, “that’s okay, Towda. Me would have nicknamed you three-horns.”


“Actually, Towda would be nice.”


Ptera flies on Towda’s back and stands in front of Zuma, “Me will miss you, Ptera!” Zuma hugs Ptera and the pterodactyl squeezes her with her wing-like arms.


“Oh Zuma!” Ptera exclaims with her eyes watering, “I’ll think about you all the time!”

Ptera kisses her on the cheek and Zuma jumps off of Towda’s back and walks towards the triceratops’ face. She gently touches his nose horn and says, “Towda, thank you so much for everything.”


“Hey, I’m the captain of the guard,” Towda remarks, “Its what I do.”


Zuma leans her head on his nose horn and looks at him with a loving smile on her face. “Me will miss you most of all.” Zuma kisses his nose horn and gives him a large hug. Towda hugs her back with his front foot.


Ptera comes in and hugs Towda on his left side. “Group hug!” Ptera exclaims as she kisses Towda on the cheek with her beak. The triceratops begins to blush with his cheeks turning red and his eyes start to water. “Ok,” said Towda as he cries happy tears from his eyes, “Now your getting all soft on me.”


“Ready Zuma?” Ptera asks.


“Ready Ptera!” Zuma answers.


Ptera grabs Zuma’s arms and soars up to the surface until she throws her up to the wormhole with her feet. The Neanderthal appears out of the wormhole and lands back into the Stone Age. The ground starts to shake as she looks up and sees the rocks falling from the ceiling. Zuma rushes out of the cave as the giant boulders and rocks crushes the wormhole and escapes out of the cave in with the tyrannosaur’s tooth in her hand. 


The cave girl rushes through the jungle and sees Jocnuc sleeping next to the fort made of stone. “Hey Jocnuc!” Zuma exclaims, making her way to the forts. “Wake up!”


Jocnuc wakes up from his nap and sees Zuma running towards him. “ZUMA!!” Jocnuc exclaims as he runs to her and gives her a hug. “Me was so worried about you! You’ve gone for two days! What happened?!”


“Its like this, me went to wormhole and saw big strange lizards called dinosaurs. Me go face to face with large sharp-tooth lizard called Tyrannosaurus, and then me befriends with three horn lizard called Triceratops, a flying lizard called Pterodactyl, and long neck lizard called Brachiosaurus. And me help strange lizards fight off sharp tooth lizards and…


“Whoah, whoah, whoah, Zuma slow down! Strange lizards? Wormhole? Triceratops? What are you trying to tell me?”


“Me got tooth from giant lizard!” Zuma brings out the tyrannosaurus’ tooth from her pocket and shows it to Jocnuc, who is now surprised. 


“Wow, that is the biggest longest tooth me ever seen. Me guess you do look out for yourself and family after all.” Zuma and Jocnuc hug each other.  “Come, little sister, let us tell the others, hunt us some good food and find you a mate. You’ve earned it.” Zuma and Jocnuc walk with their spears and clubs into the sunset. 

© 2021 Travis Archer

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Added on January 30, 2021
Last Updated on March 16, 2021
Tags: Cave girl, tyrannosaurus rex, velociraptor, triceratops, pterodactyl, brachiosaurus, war, dinosaurs, prehistoric adventure, lava, volcano, stone age, dinosaur age


Travis Archer
Travis Archer

Yonkers, NY

As much as I have a strong fondness for writing my own fictional short stories, I also have a strong passion for wild exotic animals, prehistoric animals and mythical creatures and I love to write the.. more..
