I thought about leaving the highlights in one of mine, as they're kind of interesting but then I didn't.
The way you've stretched out sentences, changing them into intense couplets, works really well - particularly for a piece entitled 'evil mind', because I always associate this kind of writing with a sinister-sounding voice.
Of course, maybe I missed the point, as your narrator is hardly 'evil', merely indulging in something that she feels is wrong.
I liked these two stanzas especially, although i don't know why; maybe because they're direct and vague simultaneously:
"Yes, I do
...love your company
As I am sure
...you love my delusion
The affair
...we indulge ourselves
...I forget everything
This place
...it doesn't exist
And you
...you're not here"
Overall, good work. Thanks for [re]posting it.
"Do things
...other's fear" (= others - just a plural, no apostrophe?)
You've got a great philosophical flow going on here, but the frequent '...' really made me lose interest. It stretches the poem, making it look longer and therefore unbearable to some. And because your reader would be cut off constantly with the '...', it would bring about a kind of suffocating feel. I believe that this poem would have a much greater effect if you put it all in one paragraph, the kind where there are hardly any stops...just one big batch of raw emotions. (For an example, check out my 'On Questioning' piece).
I thought about leaving the highlights in one of mine, as they're kind of interesting but then I didn't.
The way you've stretched out sentences, changing them into intense couplets, works really well - particularly for a piece entitled 'evil mind', because I always associate this kind of writing with a sinister-sounding voice.
Of course, maybe I missed the point, as your narrator is hardly 'evil', merely indulging in something that she feels is wrong.
I liked these two stanzas especially, although i don't know why; maybe because they're direct and vague simultaneously:
"Yes, I do
...love your company
As I am sure
...you love my delusion
The affair
...we indulge ourselves
...I forget everything
This place
...it doesn't exist
And you
...you're not here"
Overall, good work. Thanks for [re]posting it.
"Do things
...other's fear" (= others - just a plural, no apostrophe?)