![]() The endA Chapter by Tamara Quinones![]() An interpersonal view.![]() She lies there. Face toward the wall. Distraught. She knows he’ll come back, but when? One time Peyton and Kyle got into an argument, he left. For
2 years. But, he proposed to her this time, so it’s different. Right? She gets up and gracefully strips herself from her clothes.
She knows he’ll come back, and she will be there waiting. She lies back down
and listens. The wind from the fan, blowing cold air on her exposed body.
The ruffle of the leaves in the late night from a cool breeze. The muffle of
laughter downstairs. A tear falls. How could she do this? Will this go on forever? Will they
ever learn if they marry? Or will this be her last chance to make things right
again? Her mind takes over. That sound. She quickly wipes her eyes and shuts them tight as if she
were sleep. A faint smile drew across her lips. Has she won? The key pulls out the lock and the door creaks open. There
is a faint huff and he walks in. He walks over to her, smooths her hair down,
and kisses her head. She is so excited, but she doesn’t make a move. She knows he
will eventually come and lie with her. So, she just lies there and listens. The splash of water, the pulling off of his shirt, the heavy
breathing. Anxiety. She loves these moments. It’s like their love is renewed. Footsteps toward the bed. And he sits. Still listening. Just breathing. This is different. She becomes numb. Different scares her. It’s been the same
routine every time. She slowly yawns and opens her eyes. Stretches her arms and
rolls over. He’s looking at the ground. No expression. Peyton knows
what’s wrong, but should she be the one to console him right now? Should she be
the one to remind him what their love consist of? But, he came back. Not only
did he come back, he acknowledged her as soon as he walked in the room. So,
that means something. At least to her it does. She sits up and leans over toward him. She cuffs his face in
her hand and makes him look at her. “I love you too, Kyle.” She kisses him. He kisses back. And in this moment she knew everything was okay. Back to
what they called “normal”. He leaned in toward her making her lie down on the bed. The
kiss was hesitant at first, but slowly became forceful. He wants this. He wants
her. He grabs her by the waist and pushes his body on her. The touch of their
bare skin together excited Peyton and she lets out a small moan. This arouses
him. This is what it should be like. He stops and looks at her. Her hair wild
and pupils wide. “I’m going to make love to you,” he said. Heavy breathing, passionate kissing. Biting his neck and
pulling her hair. They became one again. Slow and powerful thrusting. Peyton
can’t hold her moans back. This is what she wants. She was right. Nothing has
changed. He is still here, loving her. Making love to her. - The night moves along. The smell of sex and sweat on the air.
He is fast asleep and she lies there, staring at her dearest. His soft, sandy blonde hair, drying from the events just
taken place. Underneath those sleepy eyelids rest beautiful hazel eyes. His
perfect almond skin, dewy. And his blonde stubble from the beard he’s been
growing out since middle school. There is no other guy that makes her feel the way she does.
The lust for him will be endless and their love is like no other. She is amazed
at how good life is going for them. At peace she lays her head on his chest and
drifts off to the sound of his heartbeat. - She wakes up to silence. No breathing coming from anyone but
herself. She turns over just to see the rays of the sunlight shining on an
empty pillow. Was that goodbye? © 2015 Tamara QuinonesAuthor's Note
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