Befriending the Malicious Side

Befriending the Malicious Side

A Story by Natalya

Here is where it all began. I am Wendy Cornell and you discover how I became the demon that I am.

Multiple people ranging from the ages of four to eighteen prattle on about such irritating discussions. I, Wendy Cornell, ride upon this long yellow tin can to school every morning and night. I sit alone all the way the back�'doesn't bother me though. I've always been an outcast since I could remember. A shadow is what I am. Nothing more than an object that can easily be unseen. It's the same at home too. My mother doesn't acknowledge the fact that I exist, my father says I'm the "trouble" child, my elder brother by two years bullies me in school and at home along with pretending that we are not related, and my own little sister is influenced my our brother's words so she, of course, does not care for me.

A sudden presence lurks beside me and I slightly turn to see the person casting a shadow on me. It was a girl, but I could not see her face due to her long hair and her hood raised over her head. For once in my life, a person talks to me as she asks politely, "May I sit here?" I nodded. The girl didn't hesitate to sit beside me.

Even though my gaze continued looking out the window as houses and trees pass by in a blur, I could feel a strong gaze staring right at me. Without a doubt, it must be the strange girl next to me. Getting annoyed after a few minutes of continuous silence and avoided eye contact, I look at her with annoyance.

"May I help you?" I said in an unpleasant tone.

The person beside me smiled, "I can't help but feel like that we would make great friends. Almost as if we were just alike."

I raised a brow at her response. Such a strange girl indeed that I have encountered on a random whim. I turned my head so that we could meet face to face. Observing from what I can see now, what she said had some truth. She dressed like me, voice was quite similar to mine, and from what features I can see at the moment, similar physical features. My attention is hooked onto this stranger, and we began to chat.

I do say to my surprise that I enjoy her accompany. She is an outcast like me in both social and family life. I even shared how my life goes, and ended with this morning. It started off with my dear mother. She made breakfast for her children, three she has, but only two plates laid out�'one for big brother and one for little sister. It has always been this way. Then my elder brother tripped me on my way to the fridge. Little sister followed in his footsteps and flung scrambled eggs at me. Mother didn't say a thing as big brother high fived our little sister. Father then came in and yelled at me about the mess of scrambled eggs on the floor, and he screamed with a rage, "You are a worthless child! You are the embarrassment of this family! Why can't you be like your brother and sister?"

I sighed and my new friend spoke up, "Wow, your father says that when your brother can barely pass when you are a straight A student?" I shrugged my shoulders. I can only accept it all until I can leave and never see my family from hell ever again.

Arriving at the school, we said our goodbyes and went off to class. As I sat in my first class, I thought to myself, "I never asked for her name."

My day went by the same as any other one. People would take a glance at me, whisper to their "friends", and giggle to themselves. No matter where I went, there was always someone talking s**t about me. But why should I care? They don't affect me, or I think so. I never really thought about what they say about me so I never actually thought about the bad sides of me that nobody likes. I guess I just ignore it all so I love myself.

I sat in my usually spot and I anxiously await for my friend to enter the bus, but she never came. Yes, I was disappointed, but there was surely a reason. She might only ride in the morning, had somewhere to be, or perhaps work? It was a mystery but I would surely find out tomorrow morning.

I was finally dropped off a block from my house along with a few children. I slowly made my way to my home. About half way there I felt dizzy. Something wasn't right and before I could reach out to grab an object to stabilize my body, I had already collapsed unconscious.

I am not sure how long I was out. Maybe an hour or two, but it is not like anyone would notice that I am missing. My eyes fluttered open and I gradually began to stand where I had lost consciousness. I noticed that my bag was missing. I figured that my brother was walking around and took it while I laid motionless. Always attacked at my weakest moments. I continued my walk till I reached my front door. I raised a brow of suspicion as I questioned the situation before me. The front door is unlocked and cracked open. That is quite strange for my mother always fears of someone trying to break into the house.

I pushed the door open as it creaked. Silence. So deadly and unknown that it sends a back chilling fear, and that is what I felt. The ticking of the clocks, the television, and even the slightest footsteps have vanished. I tip toed my way into the silence as my head peered through the edges of the walls. No one was in sight. My heart thumped loudly as the adrenaline in my body rises. I make it to the hallway where all of the bedrooms were.

While my eyes were in a different direction, my foot had stepped into a wet substance. I slowly look down and my eyes widen. My foot landed into a crimson puddle that led to my elder brother's bedroom. I screech, falling to the ground, and scrambling backwards till I bump into something. No, it was a someone. I jump in surprise and turn to face the stranger, but only to meet someone I knew. It was my friend that I had met this morning.

Still, I could not see her face as it was covered in a dark shadow and long hair. Her clothing was drenched in crimson along with her hair, shoes, and hands. It was as if she just bathed in a puddle of blood.

My body shook, paralyzed with fear. My voice was trapped by the dread that has conquered my body. As soon as my "friend" took one step forward, my body reacted as it sprinted like a rabbit dashing from a hungry wolf. I went to the last bedroom, my parents, and slammed the door. I backed up as I watched the door, but stepped on something. I had a thought in mind, and it was correct. On the floor laid the lifeless body of my father, and then my eyes searched for my mother. Her body laid against a wall as a trail of blood slid down to her sitting position. It was obvious she back against the wall, shot in the head, and the body slid down. I shriek as the sudden of a gun went off. I turn back to the door where the doorknob was shot off. Tears began rolling down my face.

The door creaked open as the girl stood there, a gun at hand, but not just any gun. It was my parent's gun that they kept hidden within the hallway closet. She lunged at me and I dodged her. When she came at me again, I grabbed the closest thing, which was a lamp, and hit her on the head. I did not dare stay a second. Never looked back, and ran to the next room�'my sister's.

But when I enter, I could only witness a gruesome scene. My sister's body was beaten into practically mush. The weapon that was used was clearly a bloody Barbie doll house as it laid beside the crumpled body of a poor little girl. I went to my brother's, hoping he could possibly be alive, but what a useless thought that was. He was bashed in the head by the baseball bat next to his body, a puddle of blood drained from his head that made its way to the crack of the bottom of the doorway. It was the same puddle as the one I stepped in.

I went to run down the hall and out of the house that has been stained by my family's blood. But because of my cursed life, the killer was waiting for me at the end of the hallway. I retreated to my room and slammed the door then locked it. I fell back as the door was being banged on. I crawled onto my bed and into the corner as I curl up into a ball and weep. Was this the end?

The bangs went on and on for the longest time. Probably at least a half an hour till it stopped. After an hour that the banging started I left the bed and stood. My heart raced, tears stained my cheek, and my mind wandered. I franticly tried to think of an escape route. I paced back and forth across the floor. I couldn't think straight, but I had to do something soon or else the killer would get me. I can't hide in here forever. That's when I stopped and looked into the mirror to look at my disgraceful self.

My body froze in place. Was I losing my mind? Am I dreaming? Is this for real? In the mirror was the killer. My reflection was nowhere to be seen.

I finally gathered the courage and spoke up, "What did you do? Why!?"

I could see the smile creep onto her face as she replied to my desperate questions that required answers, "Because you were pain. Your heart could take no more. That's why I destroyed the source�'your family. I made my way to your parent's bedroom. Father stood from his bed demanding me to leave because he did not want me in his presence. I shot him about three times. Mother of course shrieked and went against the wall. What a foolish choice. I shot her perfectly in the head. Bang! Suddenly, there was a pain. Little sister hit me across the head with a lamp and ran to her room. She thought hiding underneath the bed could save her. I dragged her out, told her that she was a bad girl, and smashed with the stupid doll house. I saved the best for last too. Once I entered brother's room, I was greeted with a scorn and hate. He stood to confront me but I quickly grabbed his baseball bat and smashed him in the head. The puddle of blood began to pour."

I couldn't believe it, but something was odd. She talked as if they were her family. Why?

"Why?" she began, "because that's what you did."

"What? No, I did not! You did! Monster!" I screamed in anger.

She laughed and said to me a whisper, "Silly girl, it was you," She put the hood down and I was shocked, "Don't you see? Now do you get it?"

No, it could not be. I look at myself in my blood drenched clothes. Everything on me was crimson. I look back to the mirror to face myself. The girl in front of me mimicked my every move that I made. She continued to smile with delight and took out her gun. My heart skipped a beat.

It points to its target�'me. With a single "bang", I fall to the ground as blood pours out of me, but I cannot see the wound. It was almost like blood was appearing out of nowhere. My eyes feel heavy and the room seems to be darkening. How can this be? I am dying, and now I know the truth. I am the good that kept me safe, but befriended the bad that now will conquer the shell, my body. Now the sanity that once was held has been lost. I have no place in the insanity. The dark has conquered, and I will be locked away till the shell is broken and my friend is sent to Hell.

My shell hears the sirens of police cars along with the ambulance. Blue and red lights flicker through the crack of the curtains decorating the bedroom window. The sound of the front door is kicked down. Many pairs of feet scramble amongst the ground and throughout the Cornell household.

Like a seizure, the shell begins to twitched and shake rapidly as a dark mist enters it through the mouth, nose, and ears. It gasps for air, choking on the mist. Once it was all inside, the body calmed down and settled. The once bright eyes have grown dark as they face the door. When the wooden barrier was taken down by a single kick, the body was sent to sleep.

Many days passed and now I am in a world of white. No, heaven has not called for me. It shall never do so in this world that I have now entered. Insanity is what they say I am in. I've lost all morals to life. I am sheltered by these white walls and the jacket that restrains me from harming myself, but that was only once. It was just the former self finally dying by the bullet of fate. She tried so hard to live and save me from the dark, but my fate is sealed. A tragedy it is. No more good can come of me.

As I sit in the silence, blinded by the white walls, my friend has come back. Of course she would though. We are best friends forever. The only one who gave me what I wanted.

"So, are we going to finish what we started?" She asked and I raise a brow to which she answered my silent question, "Are we going to get rid of the rest who have brought you pain. You know, from school?"

I thought for a moment and thought carefully on the subject. I was going to answer, but the guard showed up and a mist started to vanish where my friend once was.

"Wendy Cornell," the guard says as the white door is unlocked and opened, "time for lunch, "It's time for dinner."

I am released from my restraint. The guard begins to guide be down the blank halls to where we, the "insane", eat. But on our way, this particular guard does what he does best�'insults.

He gave me a great push which almost led to me falling as he yelled, "Move faster, pathetic c**t!" He snarled and I didn't say a word so he continued, "You are one crazy son of a b***h. Yeah, I have heard about you. You're the one who killed your whole family. What? Did mommy and daddy not love you? Did your brother love your little sister more? Did your little sister become too girly for you?"

Usually he would have the insane patient thrash at him so he could have an excuse to use his weapons against him. Despite all that he said, I could only giggle. I stopped in my tracks and he passed me. He should have stayed behind.

"Why did you stop walking?" The guard asks.

I replied with a question, "Do you know who you remind me of?" The guard raises a brow in curiosity, "My brother." He grew suspicious and went for his gun, but it was gone. I pulled it out from behind my back.

"And you know what? I hate him!" Before he could scream, I shot him in the head.

Thankfully, we were far from others. I took the keys that were attached to the guard's belt and ran off. I used his identity card to scan through the security system to make my way through the thick metal doors and bars. I made it to the security office where I easily entered. No wonder the guards were not called. A beer bellied man sat in an office chair asleep with a bag of chips in his hand. Crumbs covered the front of his shirt.

"Pig," I muttered underneath my breath. I raise the gun in my hand and shot a bullet through his head. Blood and brains splatter against the equipment and dripped down to the concrete floor.

I carefully examine the screens. The normal scenes played amongst all the people locked away in this white prison cell. I had to get out, but how? That when a certain red switch caught my eye�'the fire alarm. My feet drag its way to the red object emphasizing the wall, and down the switch went. Loud sirens were here in every inch of the building. Everyone panics is starts to flee to the exits. Doctors try their best to lead the patients to safety. I, on the other hand, lead myself to safety.

I snuck my way through the emptied halls and found an exit near the back stairway that leads to the doctor's corridors. My hands push the door blocking my way to freedom. A bright light flashes in my eyes, and I squint to adjust my eye sight. Finally, my vision is clear and I am greeted by a scenery of grass and trees. And on the other side of the blockade of trees, was my home town. The very hell I was born and raised in.

So now I make my way through to finish what I started. To kill all of the pain in my heart. I want to see them cry and wither in pain as I tear their flesh. I will drain their blood while they lay awake no matter if it is the day or night. I will rip their spines to paralyze their movement so they cannot escape my wrath. I want them to beg for mercy, give them some sort of hope that their lives will be spared, but betray the words of promises and send them to the afterlife! They will feel what I feel, see what they looked like in my eyes, and end in tragedy. Now, I am on the hunt. No longer am I the rabbit, but mutated into a blood thirsty wolf. And you better hope that you are not it in this deadly game of tag, because the hunt will end when my shell is destroyed. And during the time I live, one of my victims might just be you!

© 2015 Natalya

Author's Note

Sorry if you see some issues or something strange. Its hard transfering my stories from wattpad to this website on my phone.

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This is a great story, and you have a knack for detail. The sentence structure feels like Sherlock Holmes is describing facts to me though. Relax, have fun with your writing.

Posted 9 Years Ago

Fantastic! 90/100 I rated. Way better in everyway than the first. Some points though: 1. It seems too unnatural/rare for the whole family to hate the main character. Still a tiny bit predictable. BUT the transitions were great, it was well timed. How the main character turned into the villain was very much belieavable due to your foundation at the beginning. I smell creepy pasta here!

Posted 9 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on October 7, 2015
Last Updated on October 7, 2015



Harrison, MI

Just a young teenage girl dreaming about becoming a future author. I hope to spread the word of all the stories that I write. One way I do it is by doing all my rough drafts on I am curren.. more..

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