Tags : vinyl

Injection Day

Injection Day

A Poem by Richard Williams

Waiting in the allergist's office.


A Poem by John Knowles

A poem about turntables.


A Poem by The Analog Kid

While trolling YouTube, I found an old favorite song playing on a turntable.
Nothing More

Nothing More

A Story by Josh

It wasn't that he had found what he was looking for. No, it was much simpler than that. It was the nights when silence was all that needed to be said...
~ I Could Hear Your Liquid Melody

~ I Could Hear Your Liquid Melody

A Poem by

If you listen you can hear, another half... in words, music, love, and distance.
anthology of useless junk

anthology of useless junk

A Poem by Dana Alsamsam

about the most intriguing person i've met in some time; tyler you are one strong human being.
Poem of Record

Poem of Record

A Poem by Burton VanGogh

Another one from a while back. I wrote this while listening to vinyl.
Wild Horses

Wild Horses

A Poem by Kelly Scheppers

...inspired by my favorite Stones song