Tags : vikings

ESSAY - CENTRISM - Caeser, Rome and the Vikings.

ESSAY - CENTRISM - Caeser, Rome and the Vikings.

A Story by MerinxD

Centrism Essay contrasting Caeser Rome and the Vikings.


A Poem by David Lewis Paget

I sit every day in an office, and play With a ledger that carries my name, And stare from the window, the clouds scudding grey On a s..
The weeping of mother North

The weeping of mother North

A Book by Hadewijch Lady of the Nor..

A Germanic girl is taken away from her tribe. Her fate is to sail among the vikings, to the north. Here she will find out what her fate will bring her..
Between the mountains

Between the mountains

A Chapter by Hadewijch Lady of the Nor..

The germanic girl Wytske from is taken away from her tribe. Now she must sail up north among the vikings. Here fate lies up north, but will it bring h..


A Book by Fargoer

Hear the call and join us as we travel to the far north. To a time and place that exists only in the depths of our ancient past. To the vast woodlands..
End of Innocence

End of Innocence

A Chapter by Fargoer

First chapter of Fargoer
Isobel the Brave

Isobel the Brave

A Story by Teelacatgirl

Isobel is a Viking girl. She wants to go on a raid, but no one thinks she's 'cut out'. But thats about to change...


A Story by Hawkmoth

A fairy tale retelling with a twist.
Steinbjorn son of Ornolf son of Arinbjorn

Steinbjorn son of Ornolf son of Arinbjorn

A Story by Seph North

Part of a series of character backgrounds I've written over the years for roleplaying games. This is a character for a Werewolf: The Apocalypse game s..
Teutonic Legend Comes Alive

Teutonic Legend Comes Alive

A Story by Astrid

With information and knowledge of Teutonic way of life, beliefs, and symbolism I decode the Teutonic creation legend and apply science to it. This is ..
The Battle of Stamford Bridge

The Battle of Stamford Bridge

A Poem by thundershine

The Battle of Stamford Bridge was an actual battle that took place on the 25th of September, 1066 A.D. The Kingdom of England, Kingdom of Norway, Earl..
Twilight of the Gods

Twilight of the Gods

A Poem by Christopher Hascall

Norse legend tells of the end of everything, Ragnarok, as being a great battle between the giants of Jotunheim and the gods of Asgard.
Valkyrie's Tear

Valkyrie's Tear

A Book by JD Hamilton

Two lives bound together by powerful magic, one ripped from her home, the other plunged into a world of dark magic and unforgiving gods.
Horns across the Vale

Horns across the Vale

A Poem by Oregon123

In the days of yore the lands were stricken by the raiders in their ships that ravaged and tore through the sea towns with no mercy.

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