Tags : trans%2A

Biology Isn't Destiny!

Biology Isn't Destiny!

A Poem by Jess_l_y

Thought this needed to be said! This was meant to be spoken outloud, and the things in parenthases were meant to be left unsaid. Just left them in the..
The Fire Within

The Fire Within

A Poem by Joshthewriter

this poem is about how I felt when I was kicked out of the male bathroom for being transgender


A Poem by Joshthewriter

this poem is about taking testosterone injections


A Poem by Joshthewriter

this poem is about the mental and emotional pain trans people go through during physicals
Top Surgery

Top Surgery

A Poem by Joshthewriter

After finding out I will most likely be having top surgery this summer, I wrote a poem to describe how I feel about it
We Are The People

We Are The People

A Poem by Sleepless Dreamer

It's 1AM and I am thinking about the issues in modern society.
Blood In Your Coffee

Blood In Your Coffee

A Poem by Indra's Child

Blood In Your Coffee