Tags : taken

We're Just Molecules

We're Just Molecules

A Poem by Rose Phoenix

This is my complicated relationship.
Chapter Two: Taken

Chapter Two: Taken

A Chapter by lostdiadem

Annabelle and Shayde discover who kidnapped Trevor. They set off to resccue him, but are stopped by a mysterious creature who captures Annabelle and t..
What Should I Do, Friend Or Boo?

What Should I Do, Friend Or Boo?

A Poem by EDRC

I realize, now, something I should have long ago. I assume this would be the same situation with you. My question is: what should I do, between me and..
Blood Stained On The Walls

Blood Stained On The Walls

A Book by ThoughtsFromInsanity

Raegan, an innocent girl in a not-so-innocent place, sees the darkness that lives in the corners and creases of the world.
Take Me Away

Take Me Away

A Poem by Wild Willow Blue

I understand what it means to be hungry..
My Heart

My Heart

A Poem by LetMeLoveYou

Cuz he has a little piece of my


A Chapter by W.V. Bard

Pacha is taken from her village.
Every Step Taken (Orig/Quote)

Every Step Taken (Orig/Quote)

A Poem by Damien Davison

Quote I made...
Heavy Quotes and Button Strings:The Words I Learned in College

Heavy Quotes and Button Strings:The Words I Learne..

A Poem by Arly Parent

It's been a rough semester. These are quotes of things I've heard throughout the past...5-6 months (with maybe a few outliers) from just...too many pe..
The Reaper and the Way

The Reaper and the Way

A Poem by Navara-Desen

Watching on the sidelines as friend's family is taken away. What thoughts go through ones head?
Outside Looking In

Outside Looking In

A Poem by Shawna

When she smiles, her eyes light up like the brightest sun. There are fine lines around them though her young life has just begun. She had to become ..
Winds of Death's Family

Winds of Death's Family

A Story by Navara-Desen

A week away from a fire. What more will Death's young girl watch be taken away.


A Book by Asilem

What will happen to me?
Part 1

Part 1

A Chapter by Asilem

Something was wrong. It was almost pitch black outside. Not that that was strange. It’s almost midnight. But the bluish-white glow from ..
Part 3

Part 3

A Chapter by Asilem

I did manage to relieve myself without making a mess, thank God. Once I was done I slid the door open, closing it behind me. “Ew,&rd..
Part 2

Part 2

A Chapter by Asilem

The first coherent thought that seeped through my cloudy mind was the memories. I remembered what had gone down at my house---the door open, ..
stolen souls

stolen souls

A Poem by marie

seeing all these writers fighting this epidemic of plagiarism has spurred me to join and add my own small word to this battle:)

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