Tags : symbiosis

Heart-Shaped Mirror

Heart-Shaped Mirror

A Book by LadyVoodoo

What is feeling if it can be smashed so easily? What is your world, your reality, if it can be smashed so easily.


A Poem by Psynexus

Once again, I find my heart ripped out by another fine girl I poured myself into. Here is the resulting word vomit with a little rhyme to make you hap..


A Poem by NoneOfYourBusiness akaKIT..

~painting poetry~
Desert Plume~

Desert Plume~

A Poem by NoneOfYourBusiness akaKIT..

geldings batter themselves against what they lost my two step across the sand only rubs the wound raw mares look through me wild eyes rolling th..
Verdant Life

Verdant Life

A Poem by Tristan Stuart

Worlds of green, Worlds of blue.Spirits of wood, Spirits of sea.Worlds of red, Worlds of black.Spirits of blood, Spirits of Soot.A body drowned and a ..
FB3-21 "Consumption"

FB3-21 "Consumption"

A Chapter by dw817

Finally when they came closer the captain asked his crew, "What's all the excitement here ?" "You killed it !" Hudson said eagerly. "Yahoo !" Then ..


A Poem by The Iron Horseman

The story of a day spent in the company of a dragonfly...