Tags : stargazing

Light Pollution

Light Pollution

A Story by Elle Thompson

this is a "flash fiction" piece i wrote for my creative writing class, i am refraining from making major changes right now because it is exactly 300 w..


A Poem by Ripped Denim 💜

Spirited away,ocean of stars for my bed.A roof for my soul.
Stargazing Poet

Stargazing Poet

A Poem by Frieda P

taste of salt air and nectar'd apricot brandymusky scent of silken satin sheet'd sinlips bruised of unfurled ecstasycoral fire in the loins ignited ra..
A conversation with Mother Nature and you

A conversation with Mother Nature and you

A Poem by ashleyelisarey

Bring me your love 
Bring me your smile 
Bring me your body 
 And stay for awhile Bring me your eyes 
And look into mi..


A Poem by Jonathan Hewitt

An original I wrote, thank you for reading
Beneath the great unknown

Beneath the great unknown

A Poem by Alyana from Love Paper Pe..

This poem was inspired by a night full of stars.
Beyond The Street Lights' End

Beyond The Street Lights' End

A Story by Calvin Gripley

Follow the escapist journey of a broken man determined to rekindle the wonder of his youth. Seeking refuge from bright city lights, he drives into the..


A Poem by Satish Verma

The cult moves in circle. Stargazing


A Poem by Satish Verma

Stargazing will not stop. The will to find the answer,


A Poem by Audrey

haiku (2)
In Ecstasy And Pain

In Ecstasy And Pain

A Poem by Satish Verma

Stargazing under a new sky.


A Poem by R.J Calzonetti (SinisterP..

9 part poem. Get ready to dig your feet in for this one. I used to hate this poem. I see its beauty now. And I'm proud.
Star Gazing

Star Gazing

A Story by Anusha Motamarri

This short tale is about how grandpa introduces nidhi and Subbu to the wonders of the universe.
#24 Beautiful Moon

#24 Beautiful Moon

A Poem by Atlas Jones

A wistful poem about stargazing. Moongazing? Who knows.


A Poem by Addict With a Pen

Shakespearean sonnet
Stargazing Calms My Soul

Stargazing Calms My Soul

A Poem by Amy R

Stargazing Calms my Soul.Every night I find myself staring atthe sky,Whispers of constellations dancingupsohigh.The silver moon hangs low, shinylike a..