Tags : splendour

The Voice of God

The Voice of God

A Poem by Dancing Butterfly

This is a poem of how beautiful God is in his splendour majesty and power.
What is Love

What is Love

A Poem by Gerry Legister

All about the concept of love and the interpretation it conveys


A Poem by Ken Simm.



A Poem by Neha Reddy

Today I saw a butterfly, as it floated in the air; Its wings were spread in splendor, Unaware that I was there. It was such a thing of beauty,..
Let It Out

Let It Out

A Poem by Uche Paul

Its anything that gears you to do something worth doing.
Human Splendour

Human Splendour

A Poem by R.J Calzonetti (SinisterP..

First attempt at sestina. I like to go all out with my first attempts, so this one's very wild, and long. If you want a short poem, this is several pa..