Tags : sneaking

Playing Games

Playing Games

A Poem by Linzey

Something that I don't always understand. If only I could figure this out. Maybe then my mind will stop playing these games with me...
#1 Consecutive Try For A Pie

#1 Consecutive Try For A Pie

A Chapter by tynamite

Amy loves strudles!!!!!!!! xxxxx means I've lost the text because my little brother tore it out of spite years ago at the time.
Chapter 11: Outside the Mansion

Chapter 11: Outside the Mansion

A Chapter by Mathew Nicolson

They had returned to the overgrown and rarely used road leading to Paul’s Mum’s house. “We last saw the Knight here, though t..


A Poem by Debby Pillitteri

A poem of realization of love.


A Story by Nathan Challis

Two orphaned children discover something horrific.
Adventures of Childhood

Adventures of Childhood

A Poem by Bright Ocean Star

True story of a circumstance that happened to my daughter when she was about four years old.
Chapter 1

Chapter 1

A Chapter by thegirlthatwrites

People who say art is dead clearly have not been exposed to the art of sneaking out of a fourth floor apartment building at 1 AM. The trick is to m..