Tags : sewing

Tailor Made

Tailor Made

A Poem by sirsaff

Poem about women.


A Chapter by Brutis140

Tirtiri is invaded by demonic creatures.
Invading Thoughts

Invading Thoughts

A Poem by JuniperPearl

Just something I jotted down really quickly. I sew as well as write and my the two always compete for brain time and focus.
poem: Letter to a Soul Sister, April 16, 2013

poem: Letter to a Soul Sister, April 16, 2013

A Chapter by Marie Anzalone

for EBNo, I told the economist who asked, I do not think making my jewelry is going to solve world hunger.Nor, I thought, will my poetic ramblingspen..
"Neoblast x" - Chapter 10: Hope

"Neoblast x" - Chapter 10: Hope

A Chapter by Jason Bubbleo

A final conclusion for the tale of Neoblast X.


A Story by MelissaAndres

This is a short children's story that describes how angels really do exist!


A Chapter by JAW

A thread and a needle can always come in handy with stitching up past mistakes.
Mama Sews

Mama Sews

A Poem by Debbie Barry

A new nursery rhyme, which popped into my head in the night.
Everything Is Better

Everything Is Better

A Poem by Dominik D. Rites

Through the mind of someone who has lost their love.
A Woolly Tale

A Woolly Tale

A Poem by Debbie Barry

A nursery rhyme that worked itself out in my head while I was in the shower. I doubt that's actually relevant.
Balls and Belles

Balls and Belles

A Poem by Andrew John

Sewing Machine

Sewing Machine

A Poem by Scarlet Letter

Used a writing prompt where you're supposed to write a poem about an every day object