Tags : sasquatch

A Night's Unworldy Brawl

A Night's Unworldy Brawl

A Story by Eric Darsie

Big Foot was being double-teamed by two aliens, so I helped him out.


A Poem by Rita L. Sev

He exists...
AAACTIVE Contests!!

AAACTIVE Contests!!

A Story by Tobias H. Reese

A list of contests I presently have running.


A Story by dugle

A man tells his daughter a story.
The forest was alive

The forest was alive

A Story by Mr. Revan

Check reviewer note for link to first in series.
The Beast Of Buck Mountain

The Beast Of Buck Mountain

A Story by Chris

When I got out of the shower I toweled off and looked in the mirror again. A big grin spread across my face. "Well played sir. Well...played. I should..
Tongue Mountain Trek

Tongue Mountain Trek

A Story by Chris

Story about a long hike my friends and I do annually. Some bad language


A Story by MrBaskerville

Vivienne gives a lecture in the field of Sasquatch science as things takes a turn for the worse. Partly based on a real lecture.
The Woods

The Woods

A Story by Samuel H. Ludke

Are we alone out there in the woods? Find out!